SubQ frequency downsides?


Theres certainly a wealth of discussion on here about subQ injections, but im having a hard time finding anything on potential cons of increased dosing (i.e. 3x weekly imstead of 2). My limited understanding from reading this forum is that it would just promote better feeling/perception/flow for some individuals…..womderimg what the “cons” are (would it probably increase hematocrit, etc?….albet it to a lesser degree than IM)

Anyone know?
I have heard some say that if you have a high body fat percentage, injecting SQ can cause an inflammatory response that many men blame of estrogen. This is what I believe happened to me because there's no way within a hour of injecting, I could be having elevated E2.

Another downside is nodules at the injection site.

Also some men see a significant reduction in hormone levels on SQ, lower or higher E2.
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“Inflammatory response”? Do you mean pain/redness/swelling at injection site?
No, I mean inflammatory response inside the body. I never had redness or swelling. It felt like I was smoking the strongest pot ever, together with a bottle of canadian whisky.

Even this combination falls short to accurately describe how I felt. I almost lost consciousness, so sleepy. This lasted for several hours, then I came out of it.
ive seen a multitude of your posts, and i think we are the same in that we react/metabsolize meds in a VERY atypical way…..which people (especially of the doctor persuasion) refuse to believe until everything goes spectacularly sideways….and even then, mebbe not *wry look* battling doctors disbelief has been a thorn in my side since childhood. Its difficult to completely fault them, as most people react in average/typical ways….sure is frustrating though!
Its difficult to completely fault them, as most people react in average/typical ways….sure is frustrating though!
My endo always says the majority of people in the beginning of sentences, never does he consider the outliers. The second some guy says he feels perfectly fine with lower than normal testosterone, it's an automatic everyone's different and is accepted at face value.
i think we are the same in that we react/metabsolize meds in a VERY atypical way
I can't even handle 200 IU vitamin D, it makes me feel so high, nauseated, popping, clicking joints and causes dehydration.
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systemlord, can you talk to me about typical pros and cons to once weekly subq vs more frequent dosing? Is it differentfrom IM because of how its absorbed? I saw a thread here claiming most men inject once weekly IM/SQ, and that most trt clinics recommend that, but i didnt see anything backing it up. Ithat thread also claimed the multiple weekly injections was something mostly seen on these forums

SQ once weekly seemed fine for me, when i increased the dose but split it into two inj. weekly is when i got cranky….after 4 weeks on the split dose,my free t had dropped from 136 to 99 and my total t had dropped from 592 to 546. A week and a half later my total t had risen to 562, dont know free t as it wasnt retested again. I understand this isnt terribly helpful because estradiol wasnt tested and i hadnt been on sq long enough….just looking for spit balling…prolly should have stuck with it more weeks and tested again
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systemlord, can you talk to me about typical pros and cons to once weekly subq vs more frequent dosing?
It depends on who we are talking about, that's what determines whether either weekly or daily dosing is best. It's what works best for you.

If guys are sensitive to hormonal swings, big peaks and valleys, weekly and in some cases twice weekly isn't going to cut it. You're the opposite, you're sensitive to more steady hormones.

SQ once weekly seemed fine for me, when i increased the dose but split it into two inj. weekly is when i got cranky…
You need the hormone levels to swing a bit, steady hormones aren't tolerated. Me to, I need big peaks and valleys but short half-lives. Steady hormones causes me nothing but problems, some life threatening!
I saw a thread here claiming most men inject once weekly IM/SQ, and that most trt clinics recommend that, but i didnt see anything backing it up.
That's because they can't back it up. Most men isn't everybody, this is a narrow-minded position to take.
I might be misunderstanding you. Are youmsaying based on the info i provided, I would respond better to one large weekly dose imstead of multiple,dosing through the week? Because that would make a lot of sense looking back at my experiences.
One week back in december, i tried 3x dosing (MWF) out of desperation, and it resulted (on 3rd shot) in unpleasant euphoria and rather severe anxiety for several hours…..further reinforcing your observation.
Read through the forum guides, and see SQ individual dosing recommended at max 0.5cc And this reflects what ive heard in the past.

Id like to reference these two articles from 2014 and 2019, which specify max volume at 1.5cc (one says up to 3cc in the abdomen).

my weekly inj would be over 0.5cc, so a single site injection is a possibility what happens in terms of pain/swelling

@Nelson Vergel perhaps you are or are not aware of this info? I am respectfully asking, as this forums resources are so vast…

i understand that the viscosity and chemical harshness of the specific ester will come into play here….the 2019 article mentions benzyl alcohol preservative being more tolerated
I have heard some say that if you have a high body fat percentage, injecting SQ can cause an inflammatory response that many men blame of estrogen. This is what I believe happened to me because there's no way within a hour of injecting, I could be having elevated E2.

Another downside is nodules at the injection site.

Also some men see a significant reduction in hormone levels on SQ, lower or higher E2.
@Systemlord are you saying injecting T sub-q regardless of frequency can cause this level of sleepiness if you have a high percentage of body fat? Or does the frequency have to do with it as well?

I saw your reply on my post about sleepiness with T cyp.

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