MWF pinning but feel unstable Sunday/Monday

Hi Guys hope you all had a nice Xmas and New Years

I have been injecting 25mg of Test cyp MWF(75mg). The first week I thought I had won the lottery. Sex drive was great(still is)transient feelings of euphoria and a strong sense of virility. I have gained 8 pounds of weight. And a good strength gain from just 1 home gym session per week. Was very impressed with the speed this happened, my body just seemed to swell up overnight.

At around 4 weeks in things started to fade. Occasionally during the week I am awoken with itchy heavy feet that felt somewhat pressurised, an elevated heartbeat, and upon inspection in the mirror, bloodshot eyes. Upon waking again in the morning the whites of my eyes are clear again.

Sundays and Mondays is when I feel a noticable shift in things. Bouts of mood imbalance, fatigue, achiness, slight anxiety and poor sleep. Things tend to come right by Tuesday again.

Overall positives from TRT so far are decent sex drive(before TRT my interest spiked maybe once per week). Infact I think if it were any higher it may bother me and especially the wife ha. Improved digestion, anxiety overall has lessoned. And energy levels for the mist part are better. I also feel more open to opening up to the wife

Does all this sound like a somewhat normal TRT start up right of passage, that one must adhere to for a few months? Or based on my testimony, is a tweak to this protocol necessary?

With My limited knowledge my thoughts were to possibly look at daily shots to combat the slump.

Thanks JayD 45

#Will be getting bloods this week then post once results are in
I'm doing the same dose and schedule after months of 100 mg IM every 5 days. Suggestion; take the Friday injection either mid-day(noon to 1 p.m. if schedule permits) or, if not, late afternoon/early evening.
Hi Guys hope you all had a nice Xmas and New Years

I have been injecting 25mg of Test cyp MWF(75mg). The first week I thought I had won the lottery. Sex drive was great(still is)transient feelings of euphoria and a strong sense of virility. I have gained 8 pounds of weight. And a good strength gain from just 1 home gym session per week. Was very impressed with the speed this happened, my body just seemed to swell up overnight.

At around 4 weeks in things started to fade. Occasionally during the week I am awoken with itchy heavy feet that felt somewhat pressurised, an elevated heartbeat, and upon inspection in the mirror, bloodshot eyes. Upon waking again in the morning the whites of my eyes are clear again.

Sundays and Mondays is when I feel a noticable shift in things. Bouts of mood imbalance, fatigue, achiness, slight anxiety and poor sleep. Things tend to come right by Tuesday again.

Overall positives from TRT so far are decent sex drive(before TRT my interest spiked maybe once per week). Infact I think if it were any higher it may bother me and especially the wife ha. Improved digestion, anxiety overall has lessoned. And energy levels for the mist part are better. I also feel more open to opening up to the wife

Does all this sound like a somewhat normal TRT start up right of passage, that one must adhere to for a few months? Or based on my testimony, is a tweak to this protocol necessary?

With My limited knowledge my thoughts were to possibly look at daily shots to combat the slump.

Thanks JayD 45

#Will be getting bloods this week then post once results are in
Get labs again to see if converting. In addition, give blood every 90 days. Also... do you snore? If so, get a sleep test for sleep apnea
Has anyone here experienced a tan after starting TRT? My wife, family, work colleagues have commented, I look like I've been getting lots of sun lately?
Increased estrogen from TRT causing slight glow and darker skin tone. If you’ve ever taken an AI or DHT derivative, you will see your skin get paler. If you let your estrogen climb, you will see your skin become more supple. There are many estrogen receptors in the dermis.

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Get labs again to see if converting. In addition, give blood every 90 days. Also... do you snore? If so, get a sleep test for sleep apnea
Donating blood isn't an absolute unless hematocrit/hemoglobin are significantly elevated. For me, both have been fine in 9 years of test injections. A full thyroid panel(free T3/free T4) including antibodies would be in order. As I wrote, taking the Friday injection in the middle of the day or early evening might keep his level up until Monday.
Donating blood isn't an absolute unless hematocrit/hemoglobin are significantly elevated.
My endocrinologist and hematologist told me I don’t have to get phlebotomies even though my hemoglobin is 18.4 (13.5-17.5) and hematocrit 53% (41-51%). Blood pressure is 110/64 and heart rate 64 bpm.

I can tell me endocrinologist is still nervous about it, but the hematologist has the last word on the matter.
My endocrinologist and hematologist told me I don’t have to get phlebotomies even though my hemoglobin is 18.4 (13.5-17.5) and hematocrit 53% (41-51%). Blood pressure is 110/64 and heart rate 64 bpm.

I can tell me endocrinologist is still nervous about it, but the hematologist has the last word on the matter.
Yes. Even on 30 mg daily, neither went high. Since it's never been an issue for me, I've not researched it. Even with taking B12 shots, I've had no increase.

Understand some doctors panic when numbers go one point above the lab ranges. I totally trust my urologist and if he were to say he was concerned about my Hct/Hgb, I'd take it seriously.
Increased estrogen from TRT causing slight glow and darker skin tone. If you’ve ever taken an AI or DHT derivative, you will see your skin get paler. If you let your estrogen climb, you will see your skin become more supple. There are many estrogen receptors in the dermis.

Hmm interesting... I wonder if Estrogen is causing me other sides aswell... Now I really want to do dailies
I have been injecting testosterone daily for eight months and like it because it keeps my estrogen down.
What is the general consensus regarding dosage when administering daily shots these days?

Some say take your dose and divide it by 7

Some say take your dose then drop 20% off
What is the general consensus regarding dosage when administering daily shots these days?

Some say take your dose and divide it by 7

Some say take your dose then drop 20% off
Some men take 10 mg daily, either subq or IM. Some 15 mg daily, which would be 105 mg for 7 days. Some 20, up to 30 mg daily. If you want to do a low and slow approach, start with 10 mg, daily. The downside is waiting 6 to 8 weeks to for labs and evaluating how you feel and function. The guys on here doing dailies are the real experts. I was just sharing my thoughts in a general manner.
Don't want to sound rude but think you're on the wrong forum George :)
No offence taken. The purpose of this forum is to help people who are just starting out and I wanted to let the person that started this thread know that daily injections can be a good alternative. My testosterone dosage is above average but not high for a nonresponder and nowhere near the starting dose of most bodybuilders. My doctor has worked on optimizing my dosage, not minimizing it. I take no estrogen blockers, blood pressure medications, or anything for blood sugar. I donated blood every eight weeks before starting TRT and continue to do so.
No offence taken. The purpose of this forum is to help people who are just starting out and I wanted to let the person that started this thread know that daily injections can be a good alternative. My testosterone dosage is above average but not high for a nonresponder and nowhere near the starting dose of most bodybuilders. My doctor has worked on optimizing my dosage, not minimizing it. I take no estrogen blockers, blood pressure medications, or anything for blood sugar. I donated blood every eight weeks before starting TRT and continue to do so.
Fair enough. If you would have read OPs posts you would see that he is most likely a super responder and barely can tolerate any testosterone. This forum is also to help people understand the potential health risks that come with taking testosterone. Most people never need 200mg/week dose and do just fine in therapeutical dose range 100-200mg, some even sub 100mg/week so when posting it pays to mention that you are an outlier. Blood donations is another topic on its own and they should be avoided as much as possible as well. I'm glad you are doing fine now, but it's better to be safe then sorry long-term, if you know what I mean. All the best.
Well things are really turning pear shaped. At the start I felt great after an injection, but now I can literally feel my blood pressure rise and anxiety wash over me. Terrible sleep last few nights borderline insomnia. Melatonin couldn't touch it. Will probably try a benzo tonight. Look like I've been to a tanning bed, Anxiety grows more by the Day, irritable, blood pressure has risen to 142/80. My Central nervous system feels shot. This is showing all the signs of my first failed attempt with daily TRT. Got bloods this morning so fingers crossed it's something fixable. The more I read online the more I feel this may be estrogen related, but most of the info I see says don't touch estrogen...
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