Subq doesn’t work. It’s a piss poor delivery method for injecting an oil based testosterone.
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Might want to rephrase that one!
Wrong forum to be spewing that bullS**T!
Your first post within minutes of joining the forum.
Not looking too good.
What was your protocol (dose T/injection frequency)?
TE/TC/TP (compounded/UGL/Big Pharma)?
Post screenshots of all your blood work (lab/assays used).
Some of my replies from previous threads regarding subcutaneous T injections:
Regarding the absorption/effectiveness of T should be no difference between sub-q vs IM mind you there are some men who do not feel well-injecting sub-q let alone claim they hit much lower numbers but I would be suspect in most cases unless they are :
*following the same protocol (dose T/injection frequency)
*staying consistent and waiting the full 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize
*getting blood work done at 6 weeks
*using the same lab, same assays (most accurate), and testing at the true trough.
Only when the above steps have been followed and labs from the sub-q and IM protocol can be fairly compared then one can truly state such!
This is far from common and even then unless those same individuals have kept everything consistent such as protocol (dose T/injection frequency), same ester, waiting the full 4-6 weeks for levels to stabilize, testing at the true trough, using the same lab, same assay (most accurate) when comparing lab results for TT/FT between sub-q vs IM than I would have my doubts.
Trust me when I tell you that some of these same individuals making such claims as poor absorption/lower T levels have slipped up on one of the points stated above.
For the majority, there should be no difference in the absorption let alone the effectiveness when injecting exogenous esterified testosterone subcutaneously.
Poor injection technique/procedure causing leakage.....doubtful unless it was happening frequently.
Would be rare that one would have excess leakage at the injection site frequently and in most cases anytime one experiences any leakage it is minimal.
If you are concerned that injecting sub-q may be causing absorption issues then switch to IM.
Again for a majority of men, there should be no difference in the absorption/effectiveness of T when injecting strictly sub-q.
Sure some may not do well but it is far from common.....bro-science spewed on the forums.
Top it all off that men lurking on forums represent a small slice of men on trt!
If anything the main drawback for some would-be lumps at the injection site/pain/swelling.
Are there outliers who achieve poor T levels on such.....sure but again it is far from common!
If you have kept everything consistent such as protocol (dose T/injection frequency), same ester, proper injection technique, waiting the full 4-6 weeks for levels to stabilize, testing at the true trough, using the same lab, same assay (most accurate) when comparing lab results for TT/FT between sub-q vs IM and you were not experiencing any lumps/pain/swelling when injecting strictly sub-q and you are still not achieving high enough T levels than stick with IM.
Look over all the threads posted below.
Hi. There is people would like to share their experience with subq ?
Hey guys I'm currently on m-w-f injections. Ive actually started to feel way better on shot days on Im vs sub q. However through years of testing my t levels drop off quite a bit 24 hrs post injection. I respond very well to lower doses. 90mg a week has my ft slightly over range. And TT around...
Anyone get higher e2 from subQ injections? Is it because of estrogen in fat?
Abstract Oil depots are parenteral drug formulations meant for sustained release of lipophilic compounds. Until now, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of drug absorption from oil depots is lacking. The aim of this paper was to fill this gap. A clinical study with healthy...
Abstract Oil depots are parenteral drug formulations meant for the sustained release of lipophilic compounds. According to mass transport models, the drug-release rate from these injections is determined by the surface area of the oil depot. Until now, the size of the surface area of injected...