Looking to start treatment as feeling ruff.
Got sustanon from pharmacy.
What do you think about my numbers?
In good shape, eat good, workouts sucks though as with such numbers i get no recovery, wake up tired, brain fog, bone health, sex drive, libido and some ed. Nore symptoms but that be enough to get the picture i think
Thinking starting at 125-150mg e3.5d, what would be your recommendation?
All comments welcome.
Thank you guys.
Got sustanon from pharmacy.
What do you think about my numbers?
In good shape, eat good, workouts sucks though as with such numbers i get no recovery, wake up tired, brain fog, bone health, sex drive, libido and some ed. Nore symptoms but that be enough to get the picture i think

Thinking starting at 125-150mg e3.5d, what would be your recommendation?
All comments welcome.
Thank you guys.