low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

Hello. Took some blood last week, been off everything of any dosage(serm, AI etc. for over a month) Bad symptoms persist. I feel EXTREMELY fatigued 24/7, my scalp is itching and I'm sweating a lot. Also get out of breath really easily now, I can barely walk, feel very weak. Stress test, ecg, echo was "normal" though so doctors are telling me it cant be my heart. Zero libido. My breast area randomly itches. But this bloodwork seems fine to me. Some problem with androgen/estrogen receptors instead of blood level? DHT has been at the very low end when tested.

Testosterone total: 23 nmol/l (10-38)
SHBG: 36 nmol/l (14-70)
Calculated free testosterone: 358 pmol/l (230-575)
Estradiol, sensitive: 25 pg/ml

Yup. Crushing fatigue was my main symptom. 3 months off everything besides test was doing nothing. So I dropped test then stuck with HCG only. Been 2 months on 300iu EOD. Been slowly feeling better. Fatigue is almost completely gone, heart palps gone, circulation is a little better, my weight still hasn’t gone up. I was 230 pre-crash (in January) now I’m 190 and been stuck there for 3 months(at least it’s not still going down).im still spacey as hell. Extremely forgetful. Shoulder ache goes in waves, some days can’t move it, some days 50% better. Libido goes up and down(was never a big issue during crash for me). But def gets stronger and weaker now. My scalp is still itchy off and on. Hair still seems to be thinning.

Every once and I while during these 7 months of hell I would talk myself into taking a mnother piece of AI which was always a mistake.

Another weird thing. When I have the fatigue, I don’t feel any anabolic steroids at all, or even things like Adderall. Has no effect. After the fatigue was almost completely gone(few weeks ago) I took Trenbolone for a week(while only on Hcg, felt it for 5 days then the lethargy started creeping back (along with all other low E2 sides)and tren feeling completely disappears, went off it then it all went away.

So I agree at this point and think it’s a problem with E2 and androgen receptors. Especially androgen because the tren effects the synptoms so heavily and that is the king of androgens.

my advise is to continue to stay off everything. Maybe take a little HCG but your test level seems fine. Fatigue will be the first to go thankfully.
Yeah. Unfourtunately I went and took letro in small doses that was prescribed for me for few weeks during the summer when I thought part of my issue was still too high E2. I think that set me back big time.. Have you checked your cortisol? Mine is normal thankfully. I guess estrogen plays a big role in blood circulation and insulin sensitivity too, my fasting insulin is a bit too high from what I've read.
Welp, just got my E1 (estrone) results back. They were in the normal range I guess right dab in the middle, so there's that. Still suffering from hot flashes, itchy skin, fatigue all the usual good stuff.. Went to an endocrinologist, she didn't say my symptoms couldn't have been due to anastrozole but didn't know what else to do other than request some labs. IGF-1 was normal, so was blood sugar levels. Going to see a doctor later this month that has researched SERMS, AI's and stuff a lot, hoping to get some new perspectives on this situation.

I still think there could be something going on with my low DHT lab but endo couldn't help much with that as she said she didn't know much about the clinical significance of lowish DHT number.
I took them twice in two different labs that had different ranges but:

DHT: 1.1 nmol/l (1-10)
DHT: 1.0 nmol/l (1.03-2.92)
The upper scale of the first reference range is too high. According to various sources optimal levels are somewhere around 70 pg/ml which is around 2,4 nmol/l. Then again if you do not have any symptoms theres no need to worry about that.

I had my DHT around the same level as you - around 1 nmol/l. I now use a small amount of test gel on my scrotum. There is a thread about scrotal application somewhere on this forum.
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Well I got quite a few symptoms from messing with anastrozole but I think low DHT could atleast cause libido issues. The thing is my T is normal, what would cause reduced conversion to DHT?
Well it might be that you are just genetically prone to convert less DHT - via the 5ar enzyme.

If you are on TRT, using gels is the best way to go in my opinion - If you are looking to increase DHT.
Reporting back in. Visited a doctor. Explained to him how anastrozole use caused these symptoms and even though E2 theoretically is in the normal range, I am experiencing what I guess are low E2 symptoms (hot flashes, fatigue etc.) so theoreticized it being some kind of receptor issue. Only thing that would point to high e2 is itchy breast area but I haven't seen any significant gyno developing over the course of months and besides, my skin itches at stomach and hip area too for some reason.

So we theoreticized that using HCG or testosterone to bring up my aromatase even though my test is in the normal range could help. Maybe more the HCG route for awhile trying to see if it balances the aromatase issue and helps with these symptoms. We'll see how it goes from here. Only worried that if I then end up with high E2 issues and I am too scared to take AI again because that is the reason I am in this situation the first place.. We see how it goes, this constant sweating is really killing me.
im curious if hcg will help you.. i've tried T cyp in different doses (higher than trt doses, low dose trt) only made situation worse for me.. it's indeed some kind of receptor issue estrogen doesn't activate receptor like it's suppose too despite having normal or even high serum levels.. please report back after hcg
Reporting back in. Visited a doctor. Explained to him how anastrozole use caused these symptoms and even though E2 theoretically is in the normal range, I am experiencing what I guess are low E2 symptoms (hot flashes, fatigue etc.) so theoreticized it being some kind of receptor issue. Only thing that would point to high e2 is itchy breast area but I haven't seen any significant gyno developing over the course of months and besides, my skin itches at stomach and hip area too for some reason.

So we theoreticized that using HCG or testosterone to bring up my aromatase even though my test is in the normal range could help. Maybe more the HCG route for awhile trying to see if it balances the aromatase issue and helps with these symptoms. We'll see how it goes from here. Only worried that if I then end up with high E2 issues and I am too scared to take AI again because that is the reason I am in this situation the first place.. We see how it goes, this constant sweating is really killing me.
I have pretty similiar story as you, did you ever got your estrogen receptors back in fire? I,ve tried fcking everything instead oral estrogen. Thats next step.
Just chiming in and bumping this thread to join the "I f*cked myself due to anastrozole" club. I was on TRT for a few months and everything was fine. I didn't use the anastrozole that was part of the regimen at first. Then one day I had a strange soreness in my chest, particularly the nipple area, and thought okay, I should start using it. Took 0.25mg on April 16th. The next day, I was watching tv and suddenly had this HUGE panic attack that lasted for hours. I had my phone in my hand ready to call an ambulance; my heart was racing and I thought my eyes were going to roll to the back of my head. I'm 32 and have never experienced anything like this. I've been a total insomniac ever since, with this strange effervescent feeling in my head. It's been over 2 months now, I used to sleep 7 hours a night and take naps, now I'm averaging a couple hours a night and that's only with the help of Ambien which I finally got a script for last month. Also random muscle spasms and dizziness most days. This has been surreal, I've had extremely marginal improvement since this started. My body simply won't fall asleep on its own and it feels like there are pop rocks going off in my head.
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I wanted to revive this thread to see if some of the original users here with crashed estrogen rebound with ‘time’?

for me, yes, but it is not the same.
Have you ever use Sarms? One thing is blood serum level and second is level in your receptors. Hgh helped me with upregulating those receptors
I wanted to revive this thread to see if some of the original users here with crashed estrogen rebound with ‘time’?

for me, yes, but it is not the same.
Yes, I crashed it 2x first it tooks almost year with no success, I went off trt and after 12wks I restarted trt with proper aromatisation. Than I crashed again and hgh with hcg helped me. But now I am very sensitive to any kind of e2 supresant, even high dose of zinc can crash my e2 to a single digit.
I’m still struggling a year in. Have had some weeks, and even a two month period where I thought I was cured, but it comes back. I tend to have waves of bad symptoms over a week due to either not eating chocolate or zinc (I’m guessing these are the triggers but really not sure), which then subsides.

I did notice that when I felt my best a few months ago my E2 was at 16 instead of where it is now at 9. I seem to feel worst when it is at 8-10 but that 16 is one outlier in bloodwork and I can’t really think of what i was doing differently other than running and the occasional white claw at night.

How are you better and how are you not the same and what have you done what works? Any experiences with things either way?
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I’m still struggling a year in. Have had some weeks, and even a two month period where I thought I was cured, but it comes back. I tend to have waves of bad symptoms over a week due to either not eating chocolate or zinc (I’m guessing these are the triggers but really not sure), which then subsides.

I did notice that when I felt my best a few months ago my E2 was at 16 instead of where it is now at 9. I seem to feel worst when it is at 8-10 but that 16 is one outlier in bloodwork and I can’t really think of what i was doing differently other than running and the occasional white claw at night.

How are you better and how are you not the same and what have you done what works? Any experiences with things either way?

As I wrote, hgh worked, hcg worked, going completely off worked.. Anyway now I I add progesterone or Pregnenolone, my e2 crashes. So now I added injectable estradiol and I am trying to find right dose
As I wrote, hgh worked, hcg worked, going completely off worked.. Anyway now I I add progesterone or Pregnenolone, my e2 crashes. So now I added injectable estradiol and I am trying to find right dose

Pregnenolone is such a tricky compound. Another guy here reported that pregnenolone increased his E2. So for u it decreased ur E2?

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