Labs from EOD Protocol

After a little experimentation, I believe I was right that I wasn't using enough testosterone for when I dropped to 16mg eod. I've increased to 18-19mg eod and now sleeping 6-6.5 hours straight, whereas when I was using 16mg eod for those couple weeks, 4 hours of unrestful sleep. It was awful. Not only that, but I was achy and an emotional train wreck.

Maybe due to my very low shbg, but I respond to dose changes very fast, as well as anything I take or use. DHEA will bloat me overnight. I'm sure I'm an outlier with this, but nothing about my TRT results or experience have been normal. I know 22mg eod brought my hgb up to 18.1 and hct to 51.9, so I'm hoping that that was the top it was going to go to, and not keep rising. Hopeful 18mg eod is low enough to keep my hct to low 17's or even lower. Any thoughts?
Are you sure you gave the lower dose enough time. I know when ever I make dose changes it effects my sleep to some degree
As for the mix I do not understand how you mix the cypionate with propionate, or you do not mix them and inject them separately? My idea was whether there is a way to do something like a sustanon, but only from propionate and enanthate, so I have both of them in a single solution and with a single shot. But according to my physics knowledge you cannot just poor the ampules of both kinds in a single vial and expect a homogenous mix. ...
I have tried two methods: drawing two esters separately into one syringe before injecting; mixing the two esters in a separate vial and drawing from the mixture. One could make some complicated arguments for differing pharmacokinetics, but I found the results to be indistinguishable. If the carrier oils are the same or similar then why is it unreasonable to expect a fairly homogenous mixture?
If the carrier oils are the same or similar then why is it unreasonable to expect a fairly homogenous mixture?
Seems to me a long shot, and for the enanthates I do not have wide variety of choices. The one I used up to now is with olive oil, now arrived the other one with castor oil that I will use from tomorrow. Maybe this one will behave more according to your expectaions and keep my levels less stable on 2 shots, but what matters for me is how I feel...
If this doesnt work with lowering of the dosage as well I guess I will be heading back to sustanon ddoing frequent EOD shots...
If the carrier oils have very different densities then they may not mix well, or may separate over time. In this case pre-mixing should be abandoned and the esters should either be administered separately or be drawn separately into the same syringe. Pre-mixing simply avoids this inconvenience and allows greater precision in setting ester ratios.
Not really, but every time I've changed something the past 4 years, results were quick and didn't change even with months of consistency.
Not doubting you. But I know me personally I'm really bad at giving things time when I get a side effect. However being on trt this run for over a year I developed a couple side effects about 8 months later.
Not doubting you. But I know me personally I'm really bad at giving things time when I get a side effect. However being on trt this run for over a year I developed a couple side effects about 8 months later.
What side effects are you now seeing?

I'm finally now sleeping great using 24mg eod. I'm going to scale back to 22mg eod to see if it's sustainable in a week or 2. I also have a theory that the transdermal dhea I was using was converting to test and increasing my hct this last round. I'm now using sublingual dhea which I know doesn't raise test in me at all but does raise dhea-s effectively (all verified with lab work). Also, at this dose, anxiety is gone, I feel calm and relaxed, and my blood pressure was lower than it's been in weeks. Go figure. I'll keep testing it though.

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