As much as Im aware it is a standard pharmaceutical enanthate. By the way now I ordered from another place, different brand which is expensive like hell, but I want to just switch for it briefly for the experiment. Im so sensitive that I can hope a different oil can make me feel in a different way. Some bro science bodybuilders claim oil can have a huge impact on how a testosterone product works. I wonder is it possible I feel the sustanon partly so well because of the peanut oil, that a lot of people have bad reactions to.
As for the mix I do not understand how you mix the cypionate with propionate, or you do not mix them and inject them separately? My idea was whether there is a way to do something like a sustanon, but only from propionate and enanthate, so I have both of them in a single solution and with a single shot. But according to my physics knowledge you cannot just poor the ampules of both kinds in a single vial and expect a homogenous mix. I think in USA only compounding pharmacies make that, and here in Europe at least from my country I do not have access to such a pharmacy that will be willing to ship testosterone in a different country. Of course on the bodybuilding sites there are UGL mixes like that, some of them are very credible with decent reputation, but still Im very skeptical towards all non-pharma stuff. And again even the propionate I can get is only UGL.
It is quite crappy here because for example I live in Eastern Europe but cannot order test from Germany with my prescription, they want a prescription by a German doctor. But with other types of medications you can do that, b12 shots for example...