Progesterone Dose for Men

I know a few people who were able to resolve all other hormone issues by correcting thyroid. They had decent thyroid numbers on paper but lower body temps. Once the corrected body temp issues t levels came way up.

It was also a lot more involved then just taking thyroid meds. I myself have lower body temps but haven't been able to raise them much. And can't seem to tolerate thyroid meds. I am always looking for a way to avoid trt do to the hpta shutdown but always end up back on it lol
I also suffer from very low morning temps with normal thyroid levels. Only way I’ve raised them was by taking lugol’s iodine. I’m normally at 96.0-96.1 upon waking. Have been for years. I was able to get it up to 98.1 at one point using iodine. I ended up titrating my does up too high and morning temps ended up dropping back down. I stopped taking iodine for a bit, and am now back on it going low and slow. Here’s my progress so far

3-31-21 97.1 1 drop 5% E3D

4-4-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E3D

4-7-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E3D

STARTED 1 drop 5% E2D on 4-9

4-10-21 96.8-97.0 1 drop 5% E2D

4-11-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E2D

4-12-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E2D

4-17-21 97.2-97.5 1 drop 5% E2D

4-18-21 96.8-97.1 1 drop 5% E2D

4-19-21 97.1-97.4 1 drop 5% E2D
That definitely can play a role. When I was using pregnyl HCG it would significantly raise my DHEA-S way out of range and also raise my progesterone level quite a bit

what brand of HCG are u using? If it’s from a compounding pharmacy, what compounding pharmacy is it from? And what’s ur dose per week?
I use Choriomon(Choriomon | IBSA), it is not compounded, I inject 100 ui daily but lately the bacteriostatic waters seem bad quality and HCG looses potency very quickly...
I also suffer from very low morning temps with normal thyroid levels. Only way I’ve raised them was by taking lugol’s iodine. I’m normally at 96.0-96.1 upon waking. Have been for years. I was able to get it up to 98.1 at one point using iodine. I ended up titrating my does up too high and morning temps ended up dropping back down. I stopped taking iodine for a bit, and am now back on it going low and slow. Here’s my progress so far

3-31-21 97.1 1 drop 5% E3D

4-4-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E3D

4-7-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E3D

STARTED 1 drop 5% E2D on 4-9

4-10-21 96.8-97.0 1 drop 5% E2D

4-11-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E2D

4-12-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E2D

4-17-21 97.2-97.5 1 drop 5% E2D
4-18-21 96.8-97.1 1 drop 5% E2D

4-19- 97.1-97.4 1 drop 5% E2D

I also suffer from very low morning temps with normal thyroid levels. Only way I’ve raised them was by taking lugol’s iodine. I’m normally at 96.0-96.1 upon waking. Have been for years. I was able to get it up to 98.1 at one point using iodine. I ended up titrating my does up too high and morning temps ended up dropping back down. I stopped taking iodine for a bit, and am now back on it going low and slow. Here’s my progress so far

3-31-21 97.1 1 drop 5% E3D

4-4-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E3D

4-7-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E3D

STARTED 1 drop 5% E2D on 4-9

4-10-21 96.8-97.0 1 drop 5% E2D

4-11-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E2D

4-12-21 97.0-97.3 1 drop 5% E2D

4-17-21 97.2-97.5 1 drop 5% E2D

4-18-21 96.8-97.1 1 drop 5% E2D

4-19-21 97.1-97.4 1 drop 5% E2D
Are you still on thyroid meds also? I remember you doing a trial with them. I've tried a thyroid a few times in different combinations. Just never feel good on them. I'm looking into ldn to see if it can help with low temps and chronic widespread pain. Seems like for a good amount of guys something metabolic is going on that really hurts our hormone production and keeps us from feeling 100%. Trt helps but not nearly as much as I would like it too
Are you still on thyroid meds also? I remember you doing a trial with them. I've tried a thyroid a few times in different combinations. Just never feel good on them. I'm looking into ldn to see if it can help with low temps and chronic widespread pain. Seems like for a good amount of guys something metabolic is going on that really hurts our hormone production and keeps us from feeling 100%. Trt helps but not nearly as much as I would like it too
No, I only tried thyroid meds for a brief time. Didn’t feel any better on them, and they raised my SHBG quite a bit from what I remember. So currently not on any thyroid meds.

Ya LDN helps a lot of people. Low cortisol seems to be somewhat common on TRT. I think I have fairly low cortisol. Just worry about being on a corticosteroid long term. What is naltrexone considered actually? Is it a corticosteroid?
No, I only tried thyroid meds for a brief time. Didn’t feel any better on them, and they raised my SHBG quite a bit from what I remember. So currently not on any thyroid meds.

Ya LDN helps a lot of people. Low cortisol seems to be somewhat common on TRT. I think I have fairly low cortisol. Just worry about being on a corticosteroid long term. What is naltrexone considered actually? Is it a corticosteroid?
Interestingly I am in the zone this morning following my 1.8mg injection of progesterone. Listening to music, planning action, not even a thought of sitting down or playing video games. When a song ends on my home sound system I’m like running to pick a new song. 24 oz Coffee feels stronger today. Haha it’s weird but progesterone feels androgenic. Like some swagger is emerging from within the man.

I’m thinking that disrupting ones hpha’s requires broader replacement of hormones. Preg, prog, dhea, test, e2, dht all need to be solid. Then move on to next. Sex steroids can alter creation and metabolism of thyroid and adrenal hormones.

If we are destined for sex steroid replacement might as well make sure each one is squared away.

A large point of thyroid is to facilitate/create robust amounts of all of the sex steroids. And the steroids in return assist with making sure thyroid keeps doing it. Positive feedback between all of these systems is broken with one abnormal hormone.
How’s it going with the progesterone? What dose have u been taking?
I tried progesterone by itself a few years ago. It raised my tt from 250 to 405. And ft to almost mid range. Also brought my am cortisol in blood up to top of range. But didn't change saliva results much. However I didnt feel much benefits from it. Wondering if it has to do with it's actions on estrogen and dht
Yes. I previously measured 0.1 ng/mL (0.0-0.5) on LabCorp's test, even with hCG use. I've been supplementing for two years now to get to midrange, ~0.3 ng/mL. For me, in isolation it improves sleep. But I also think having normal levels is a piece of the puzzle in getting good results from TRT. It may be needed to balance against estradiol and DHT.
So does progesterone inhibit E2 and/ or DHT in the serum or receptor level? I’ve heard about progesterone inhibiting E2, but not DHT. Do u think progesterone would lower either in the serum on a blood test?
I tried progesterone by itself a few years ago. It raised my tt from 250 to 405. And ft to almost mid range. Also brought my am cortisol in blood up to top of range. But didn't change saliva results much. However I didnt feel much benefits from it. Wondering if it has to do with it's actions on estrogen and dht
Very interesting that it raised ur cortisol up. @JA Battle said that it raised his morning temp by 0.5 degrees. As far as I know, raising up cortisol would also raise ur body temp. So I wonder if his temp raised from his cortisol going up. From previous testing, i feel like my cortisol is lowish, and I know my morning temps are low, so I wonder if progesterone can kill two birds with one stone.

What form of progesterone did u take? Oral, transdermal, injectable? And what time of day did u take it?

And that’s an interesting point. Without being on TRT, I wonder if it lowered DHT and/ or E2 too much, and possibly negated some of the benefits. Because on paper it sounds like it had an amazing effect on very important hormones for u
Very interesting that it raised ur cortisol up. @JA Battle said that it raised his morning temp by 0.5 degrees. As far as I know, raising up cortisol would also raise ur body temp. So I wonder if his temp raised from his cortisol going up. From previous testing, i feel like my cortisol is lowish, and I know my morning temps are low, so I wonder if progesterone can kill two birds with one stone.

What form of progesterone did u take? Oral, transdermal, injectable? And what time of day did u take it?

And that’s an interesting point. Without being on TRT, I wonder if it lowered DHT and/ or E2 too much, and possibly negated some of the benefits. Because on paper it sounds like it had an amazing effect on very important hormones for u
That's what I'm thinking. That I didn't feel the benefits from its effects on dht and e2. I didn't get blood work to confirm it. I recently tried coming off trt using prog only but I wussed out. I just don't recover from workouts when I'm off trt and I got super in my head about it. I'm always looking for ways to get off trt because I worry about the long term sides of htpa shutdown. But I'm also thinking about adding prog to my trt since I haven't had bad results with prog. That combo might actually really help. But I'm going to see what ldn does first. I'm a chronic pain sufferer and nothing I've tried so far seems to help. I do have back injuries but I get this almost like systematic inflammation where almost every inch of my body hurts. Trt seems to take the edge off a little. Prog alone didn't do much for it. So let's see

I was using 20mg of topical progesterone. I did a few weeks with ray peat progest-e drops also. Couldn't really tell a difference.
So does progesterone inhibit E2 and/ or DHT in the serum or receptor level? I’ve heard about progesterone inhibiting E2, but not DHT. Do u think progesterone would lower either in the serum on a blood test?
Here's one statement about the relationship with estradiol, though probably not the whole story:
Progesterone opposes the action of estrogen by decreasing estrogen receptor levels, increasing the metabolism of estrogen to less active metabolites, or blunting the response to estrogen at the cellular level.[R]​

Regarding DHT:
Progesterone, which decreases with aging, is a significant inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase. [R]​

Based on these statements you might expect that with high enough doses of progesterone you could see some reduction in estradiol and a more significant reduction in DHT. If the idea is to restore balance then it's probably wise to keep everything physiological.
That's what I'm thinking. That I didn't feel the benefits from its effects on dht and e2. I didn't get blood work to confirm it. I recently tried coming off trt using prog only but I wussed out. I just don't recover from workouts when I'm off trt and I got super in my head about it. I'm always looking for ways to get off trt because I worry about the long term sides of htpa shutdown. But I'm also thinking about adding prog to my trt since I haven't had bad results with prog. That combo might actually really help. But I'm going to see what ldn does first. I'm a chronic pain sufferer and nothing I've tried so far seems to help. I do have back injuries but I get this almost like systematic inflammation where almost every inch of my body hurts. Trt seems to take the edge off a little. Prog alone didn't do much for it. So let's see

I was using 20mg of topical progesterone. I did a few weeks with ray peat progest-e drops also. Couldn't really tell a difference.
Since the long-term suppression of hpa has you ever thought about taking low-dose TRT + clomid or tamoxifen,
and, or, Hcg and then stop once a year to recover HPA and then return to TRT?
That's what I'm thinking. That I didn't feel the benefits from its effects on dht and e2. I didn't get blood work to confirm it. I recently tried coming off trt using prog only but I wussed out. I just don't recover from workouts when I'm off trt and I got super in my head about it. I'm always looking for ways to get off trt because I worry about the long term sides of htpa shutdown. But I'm also thinking about adding prog to my trt since I haven't had bad results with prog. That combo might actually really help. But I'm going to see what ldn does first. I'm a chronic pain sufferer and nothing I've tried so far seems to help. I do have back injuries but I get this almost like systematic inflammation where almost every inch of my body hurts. Trt seems to take the edge off a little. Prog alone didn't do much for it. So let's see

I was using 20mg of topical progesterone. I did a few weeks with ray peat progest-e drops also. Couldn't really tell a difference.
Feel free to DM me if u want. I have a few ways that I can think of that should alleviate a lot of ur chronic pain/ inflammation
Here's one statement about the relationship with estradiol, though probably not the whole story:
Progesterone opposes the action of estrogen by decreasing estrogen receptor levels, increasing the metabolism of estrogen to less active metabolites, or blunting the response to estrogen at the cellular level.[R]​

Regarding DHT:
Progesterone, which decreases with aging, is a significant inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase. [R]​

Based on these statements you might expect that with high enough doses of progesterone you could see some reduction in estradiol and a more significant reduction in DHT. If the idea is to restore balance then it's probably wise to keep everything physiological.
Awesome thanks. Hey quick question. U said 0.6mg/ day gets u to around 0.3 on a range of (0.0-0.5), have u ever tried, or thought of, raising ur dose to get a bit higher in the range? Have u ever wondered if u’d feel better if u increased ur dose a little?
Feel free to DM me if u want. I have a few ways that I can think of that should alleviate a lot of ur chronic pain/ inflammation
Thanks bro. But I'm gonna start with ldn first. Actually a fair amount of research on the web about it. I feel a ton of my issues stem from my gut. I also test positive for lyme on and off since 1998. And Im hoping ldn can help with that. I've tried so many things on the hormone front and for me it seems like when I replace one hormone it throws a few others out of wack. Even trt. It allows me to lift weights again and have a little more energy. But after 1 year on again I feel like I'm starting to get mental sides again. Low grade depression and no real zest for life. I'm a pretty up beat guy but it can full me out.
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Since the long-term suppression of hpa has you ever thought about taking low-dose TRT + clomid or tamoxifen,
and, or, Hcg and then stop once a year to recover HPA and then return to TRT?
The problem is I don't really feel great on trt? If I felt good I wouldnt worry as much about hpta shutdown. But I only have very modest improvements from trt.
Awesome thanks. Hey quick question. U said 0.6mg/ day gets u to around 0.3 on a range of (0.0-0.5), have u ever tried, or thought of, raising ur dose to get a bit higher in the range? Have u ever wondered if u’d feel better if u increased ur dose a little?
I did start injections with 2.5 mg per day, about four times my current dose. And it did result in about four times the serum level. But it was only a few days before I measured this result and titrated down. It wasn't long enough to separate out any benefits from possible honeymoon effects. I do recall being in a particularly good mood for a couple weeks around there. I don't think I'd experiment with higher doses again unless I found out that where I am is lower than average for young men.
Thanks bro. But I'm gonna start with ldn first. Actually a fair amount of research on the web about it. I feel a ton of my issues stem from my gut. I also test positive for lyme on and off since 1998. And Im hoping ldn can help with that. I've tried so many things on the hormone front and for me it seems like when I replace one hormone it throws a few others out of wack. Even trt. It allows me to lift weights again and have a little more energy. But after 1 year on again I feel like I'm starting to get mental sides again. Low grade depression and no real zest for life. I'm a pretty up beat guy but it can full me out.
I definitely think trying LDN is a great option
I did start injections with 2.5 mg per day, about four times my current dose. And it did result in about four times the serum level. But it was only a few days before I measured this result and titrated down. It wasn't long enough to separate out any benefits from possible honeymoon effects. I do recall being in a particularly good mood for a couple weeks around there. I don't think I'd experiment with higher doses again unless I found out that where I am is lower than average for young men.
As far as lab timing goes, u would inject at night before bed and then get labs done first thing in the morning?
it’s going well so far, I have noticed androgenic results from it and increased socialization. I’m calling people, checking on people, making plans. I’d say that I get this desire to touch/progress things with women I interact with. I have low libido but interaction with women increases it.

I’m taking .6mg.

How’s it going with the progesterone? What dose have u been taking?

progesterone is substrate for cortisol however it also lowers cortisol in serum maybe indicating that it increases metabolism of cortisol.

it is also possible that the temp Increase from thyroid hormone for many is due to its enhancement of steroids like progesterone. Progesterone possibly may directly raise body temperature despite lowering cortisol. Maybe it lowering cortisol allows for better thyroid hormone output.

I’m confused as it seams as though things work in both direction. Correcting thyroid improves hormones. Correcting hormones can improve thyroid. Everything is tightly knit.

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