Low Dose Test Cyp


Hey guys, looking forward to getting back on test after an 9 month layoff. I learned a lot from this site and hope to have better results this time.
Blood last week:
Total Test: 214 ng/dl (348 - 1197)
Free Test: 7 pg/ml (6.8 - 21.5)
E2: 7 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6)
LH: 1.7 miu/ml (1.7 - 8.6)
FSH: 1.8 miu/ml (1.5 - 12.4)
Vitamin D: 21.5 (30.0 - 100.0)
WBC: 5.9 x10E3/ul (3.4 - 10.8)
RBC: 4.93 x10E6/ul (4.14 - 5.80)
Hemoglobin 14.9 g/l (12.6 - 17.7)
MCV: 88 fl (79 - 97)
MCH: 30.2 pg (26.6 - 33)
MCHC: 34.3 g/dl (31.5 - 35.7)
RDW: 12.5 % (12.3. 15.5)
Platelets: 199 x10E3/ul (150 - 379)
Prolactin 6.3 ng/dl (4.0 - 15.5)
T4, free 1.29 ng/dl (0.82 - 1.77)
SHBG: 20.7 nmol/l (16.5 - 55.9)

I had an MRI of my brain and the radiologist said all was well.

Previous protocol was 165 mg, once weekly, with no Arimidex and no HCG. That protocol drove my Total test up to: 786 ng/dl (348 -1197), Free test: 23.5 pg/ml ( 6.8 - 21.5), and E2 checked in at 39 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6).

I looked freaking amazing, but felt like crap. Terrible anxiety and depression, and paid a price with work and friends. Anything stand out to you guys from thsee labs? I see huge benefits to TRT, just want to get closer to getting it right this time.

Thanks guys!
YOu didn't really get great numbers and that's on the upper end of T dosing. Your SHBG of 20 is fairly low, I bet you felt pretty fair on the your injection and for about 3 days and then tapered off on days 5/6/7. When you restart, I suggest e3.5days, if not EOD. What's happening with the SHBG is essentially your body is using it very quickly and you don't get a smooth "ride" once a week. Youll want smaller more frequent injections...divide 165(?) by 7 and then figure out your injections.
Vince - That's the weird thing, I actually felt horrible for the first 3 days after my injection, started feeling better around day 4, and by day 7 felt fine...but it was then injection day again and back to feeling like garbage.
Thats odd, a reversal of what is typical. I test as low as 12 and when I was on once a week on Mondays, I was pretty fair up to Friday and then Saturday/Sunday/Monday I was in my low T symptoms again. I eventually got to EOD after changing Drs and so forth and this is great for me.
I'd like to blame it on E2 and did take Arimidex for only a 3 weeks of the 7 months I was on test, and all 3 weeks was very early in my treatment, but I read so much bad stuff about it, that I dropped it. E2 went from low normal (baseline) to high normal range (after 3 months of test). Still in normal range so although I felt better for the 3 weeks I was on Arimidex, maybe E2 wasn't the cause of the anxiety after all since I was still in normal range for E2. That Arimidex can be scary stuff, but may be a necessary evil for me.

I would try 50 mg T plus 500 IU HCG twice per week (shallow IM injection with 27 gauge 1/2 inch syringe). Check labs on week 6 and readjust or decide about anastrozole.

Did you sleep well when you were on TRT?
I was on second thought considering an E2 spike with that large of a single dose to account for the 1-3 days of feeling bad and the E (which follows T), decreasing at about 72hrs...
Nelson - Do you think when a guy feels worse on days 1-3 and better days 4-6, then E2 is the cause? Can you think of anything else that might cause that? I'm not a big fan of Arimidex but don't want that feeling again. No, I didn't sleep well on test. I always felt so amped up! I'd sleep just a few hours and was never tired the next day.
Vince Carter - that makes sense. I understand the benefits of twice weekly injections, but like the needle once a week. I'm searching for that once a week protocol that gives me enough test to feel the benefits, without too much and getting all the nasty stuff high E2 brings. I'm leaning toward 80 mg once a week and 1/4 mg AI once a week. My biggest challenge is finding out what can cause those symptoms if it wasn't E2...afterall, it was high normal.
Hey Nelson:

I'm curious.......I currently inject .6ml of Test Cyp weekly into the quad.......rotating each quad each week. The needles I received to do this from Defy are the standard 23g 1 inch needle. Could I go Shallow IM into the quad with .6ml of Test Cyp once a week. Sure would like to go with the smaller needles.......27g half inch needles would be nice!


I would try 50 mg T plus 500 IU HCG twice per week (shallow IM injection with 27 gauge 1/2 inch syringe). Check labs on week 6 and readjust or decide about anastrozole.

Did you sleep well when you were on TRT?

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