Recovering Fertility while on Nebido

Jay Ara

HI Nelson,

I hope this message finds you well.

I would like to give you first kudos for your forum and videos, I really like the information you make available for all of us.

I live in Switzerland and I have only 1 testicle, since child, around 7 years ago I was diagnosed as Low T, most probably due to only 1 testie, they did MRI on my Hypophyse and they did not find any issue.

I have been under Nebido, on/off (due to health insurance issues) for 3 years and then latetly after spermiogram (zero count) and our wish to habe a baby, after 9 months without Nebido my sperm count was according to my fertility doctor good to try, my wife was not ready and I was feeling horrible, then we decided to freeze (Cryo) my sperm to be used later on, then I restarted Nebido, 3 months later, my wife got pregnant of our twin angels that unfortunately did not come to earth (misscarriage), now 1 year later and back on Nebido we are considering to try again, I'm probably infertil again and here the fertility clinic suggested that i go off the testosterone again try in more natural way.

I was wondering if you could share some success stories of people getting their fertility again while on testosterone.

I take Nebido only, not Arimidex and no HCG, as the doctors here do not prescribe that, I doubt some doctor will prescribe me HCG or HMG to stimulate my sperm production while I'm on test.

I really would like to try something before I may go off and then we can try without the samples I have frozen.

I'm on 4ml Nebido every 12 weeks and I feel fine, sometimes towards the 9 or 10 week I feel like my test goes down but I had issue with hematocrits and they are concerned with the frequency of injections.

Sorry for the long message.

With best regards,
Hello Jay

Where do you live? Have you ever found out what you total testosterone is right before your next Nebido injection every 12 weeks? Have you had a semen test done? Can you share your labwork including hematocrit?
Hello Jay

Where do you live? Have you ever found out what you total testosterone is right before your next Nebido injection every 12 weeks? Have you had a semen test done? Can you share your labwork including hematocrit?
Hi Nelson,

I live in Switzerland.

I have a lot of labwork, let scan that out and I can share with you guys.

i had my semen test done as well, actually I’m going to the clinic tomorrow to ask for my data from my frozen samples.

i will come back to you guys shortly.

Thanks Vince

Do you guys know if I can get from Switzerland HCG and FSH from Empower Pharmacy? If yes, how.
I’m sorry I have no idea where you would get HCG and FSH in Switzerland. Hopefully someone else will chime in and be able to give you your answer.
Hello Jay

Where do you live? Have you ever found out what you total testosterone is right before your next Nebido injection every 12 weeks? Have you had a semen test done? Can you share your labwork including hematocrit?
Here is the last spermogram I made, before go back on Nebido.

I will try to scan the last lab work I have and I will share in a bit.



Hello Jay

Where do you live? Have you ever found out what you total testosterone is right before your next Nebido injection every 12 weeks? Have you had a semen test done? Can you share your labwork including hematocrit?
Here is what I have. I could not find my last Lab work.

I'm going again in 2 weeks (12 weeks after my last injection) and I should do again Lab work and I hope to get my injection. I feel weak already at week 10.



Here is my last Labwork results.


  • Jay_Last_Labwork.webp
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Hello Jay

Where do you live? Have you ever found out what you total testosterone is right before your next Nebido injection every 12 weeks? Have you had a semen test done? Can you share your labwork including hematocrit?
Hi Nelson, I posted all the labwork I have (recent ones) and also my semen test...

Thanks for your comments
[QUOTE = "Jay Ara, publicación: 182106, miembro: 38992"]
GPT alto antes, supongo que se debió a mi dieta. Hice una desintoxicación del hígado, y luego me sentí mejor desde entonces.
[/CITAR] I have discovered that nebido elevates my gpt, ggt markers, always double, very similar to their numbers, I even notice a certain yellowish tone on my skin, does something similar happen to you?
[QUOTE = "Jay Ara, publicación: 182106, miembro: 38992"]
GPT alto antes, supongo que se debió a mi dieta. Hice una desintoxicación del hígado, y luego me sentí mejor desde entonces.
[/CITAR] I have discovered that nebido elevates my gpt, ggt markers, always double, very similar to their numbers, I even notice a certain yellowish tone on my skin, does something similar happen to you?
Hi Nik,

No issues with skin tone, only with fetty food and too much drink, I could feel that may liver was not good. After Natural treatment, carduss marianus/Milk Thistle, and watching my diet, my liver is better.
Hi Guys,

Here is my latest Labwork.

Any comments?

My doctor wants to keep me with 12 weeks interval.

I would like to reduce it, but previously I had Hematokrit issues, but now seems to be under control.

One week after getting my new shot, I feel good again, it will last until week 9 or 10 then I start to feel lack of energy and strengh at the gym.

Regarding Fertility I order a couple of supplements to try to get some swimmers to be used in an IVF sometime later this year, theoretically would not be necessary if I regain fertility.

In the fertility clinic they said they can not prescribe anything while I'm on Nebido.

Any help/advise is welcome.



Dear Nelson,

I decided to try to go off Nebido for while and try to recover my HPA axis with the following protocol.

I'm assisted by a doctor with experience in this field.

Here is my protocol:

1 - Stop Nebido
2 - EOD 50mg Clomid
3 - ED - 25mg Proviron
4 - ED - Phytotherapic supplements like, Maca, Mucuna, Tribulus, Saw palmeto, Ginseng, Ginger, Ginko Biloba, Long Jack
5 - ED FH Pro for men - Vitamin A, C, D3, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, B12, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Grape Seed, Lycopene, Benfotiamine
6 - Next 30 days Testogel (70mg) Every Night

I hope in 60 days my axis will be better and I will check LH and FSH and spermogram.

I hope I can make my wife pregnant again, without feeling miserable without my TRT.

Any comments?

Dear Nelson,

I decided to try to go off Nebido for while and try to recover my HPA axis with the following protocol.

I'm assisted by a doctor with experience in this field.

Here is my protocol:

1 - Stop Nebido
2 - EOD 50mg Clomid
3 - ED - 25mg Proviron
4 - ED - Phytotherapic supplements like, Maca, Mucuna, Tribulus, Saw palmeto, Ginseng, Ginger, Ginko Biloba, Long Jack
5 - ED FH Pro for men - Vitamin A, C, D3, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, B12, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Grape Seed, Lycopene, Benfotiamine
6 - Next 30 days Testogel (70mg) Every Night

I hope in 60 days my axis will be better and I will check LH and FSH and spermogram.

I hope I can make my wife pregnant again, without feeling miserable without my TRT.

Any comments?


Hi guys, I would like to post an update regarding my protocol.

I added 3 x per week 0.5 ml (300 IU) of Gonal-F 300 IU

I will run some blood work in 6 weeks and I should know more the results.

Stay tuned.


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