does Iodine influence hormone receptor activity?

Here are my test results. I agree high(er) intake of sat fats should not cause hyperlipidemia/hypercholesterolaemia, and so was looking for something else to explain it. I read about how the liver processes cholesterol and uses iodine to do that, so got my thyroid levels checked. I tried the lugols to see if it would have any effect. Haven't been able to get any tests done again due to the pandemic.
Hi John. In my experience, the more sat fat I eat the higher my LDL cholesterol goes. My wife did a carnivore diet for 6 months, then took labs and also saw that her LDL had risen about to where yours is. It happens with a lot of people that adopt the keto diet (or any higher fat diet).

However I do not believe that higher LDL is necessarily a bad thing. LDL has been demonstrated to not be a good predictor of future CVD issues. A better guide to cardio risk is HDL and triglycerides and both of your measures look good.
Hi John. In my experience, the more sat fat I eat the higher my LDL cholesterol goes. My wife did a carnivore diet for 6 months, then took labs and also saw that her LDL had risen about to where yours is. It happens with a lot of people that adopt the keto diet (or any higher fat diet).

However I do not believe that higher LDL is necessarily a bad thing. LDL has been demonstrated to not be a good predictor of future CVD issues. A better guide to cardio risk is HDL and triglycerides and both of your measures look good.
I think that INFLAMMATION is the real devil here... and magnesium is an essential to cardiac health.
BTW: I find that Red Palm oil concentrate 100:1 really helps keep the Cholesterol numbers in range.
I think that INFLAMMATION is the real devil here... and magnesium is an essential to cardiac health.
BTW: I find that Red Palm oil concentrate 100:1 really helps keep the Cholesterol numbers in range.
I agree with the inflammation suggestion. And even if inflammation is not root cause, if you have all of the other risk factors handled, I don't believe cholesterol is a causal factor. IE, if you have good blood pressure, are insulin sensitive, are not overweight, have a low CRP, low triglycerides and do some kind of exercise then high LDL should not be an issue.
@Gman86 an update after starting back on half grain NDT plus Lugols, as theorized, it looks like the iodine is helping my own Thyroid to pump out hormone even though I re started NDT. Several months ago I was using one grain of NP thyroid and my FT3 was at 4.1, I now use half grain and my FT3 is at 4.1 again!
@Gman86 an update after starting back on half grain NDT plus Lugols, as theorized, it looks like the iodine is helping my own Thyroid to pump out hormone even though I re started NDT. Several months ago I was using one grain of NP thyroid and my FT3 was at 4.1, I now use half grain and my FT3 is at 4.1 again!

Awesome, thanks for the update. What percent lugols and how many drops per day are u taking again?

I started off with 1 drop ED of 2% lugols at the end of August, and upped my dose by a drop every week or less. Just started 4 drops this morning. Morning temps have gone from low 96’s to low to mid 97’s. Hoping morning temps continue to go up with more drops. 5 drops ED is the max amount I’m probably willing to take. Roughly 12-13mg of iodine in 5 drops of the 2%. So hoping by the time I get to 5 drops my morning temps can get close to low to mid 98’s. But already very happy with hitting mid 97’s in the morning. Haven’t noticed any subjective benefits yet. But haven’t felt any negatives, that I can tell. So far just happy my morning temps are going up. I feel like that’s a really good sign.
Awesome, thanks for the update. What percent lugols and how many drops per day are u taking again?

I started off with 1 drop ED of 2% lugols at the end of August, and upped my dose by a drop every week or less. Just started 4 drops this morning. Morning temps have gone from low 96’s to low to mid 97’s. Hoping morning temps continue to go up with more drops. 5 drops ED is the max amount I’m probably willing to take. Roughly 12-13mg of iodine in 5 drops of the 2%. So hoping by the time I get to 5 drops my morning temps can get close to low to mid 98’s. But already very happy with hitting mid 97’s in the morning. Haven’t noticed any subjective benefits yet. But haven’t felt any negatives, that I can tell. So far just happy my morning temps are going up. I feel like that’s a really good sign.

I take one drop of 2%
any idea what your RT3 is? how do you feel?

feel pretty good, bringing my FT3 at 4.1 has improved my mood, sex drive, libido, skin, my brain seems to work better too, although I thought I felt a bit too impatient, irritated and nervous in a couple of occasions, and I remember months ago complaining of my metabolism being too high with my FT3 at 4.1, I think I will try this way for a week or two, and in case drop by a 1/4.

Funny how till a week a go I was complaining of being a bit sleepy/lazy throughout the day, and all of the sudden bam! things picked up
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feel pretty good, bringing my FT3 at 4.1 has improved my mood, sex drive, libido, skin, my brain seems to work better too, although I thought I felt a bit too impatient, irritated and nervous in a couple of occasions, and I remember months ago complaining of my metabolism being too high with my FT3 at 4.1, I think I will try this way for a week or two, and in case drop by a 1/4.

What was ur free T3 without any thyroid medication. Ur currently using 1/2 grain of NDT correct?

Funny how till a week a go I was complaining of being a bit sleepy/lazy through the day, and all of the sudden bam! things picked up
FT3 was at 3.0 prior NDT, 1/2 grain plus 1 drop 2% Lugols brought it at 4.1

How long were u on this combo before getting free T3 tested? That’s really exciting to see that the low dose NDT boosted ur T3 up and didn’t shut off any negative feedback loops and leave u lower than before. Good to see that a small dose can just give a little boost if needed
How long were u on this combo before getting free T3 tested? That’s really exciting to see that the low dose NDT boosted ur T3 up and didn’t shut off any negative feedback loops and leave u lower than before. Good to see that a small dose can just give a little boost if needed

4 weeks, I'm thinking to keep it this way for a week or two, and actually cutting back a 1/4 possibly, there is definitely a good difference using NDT with Lugols and non
@Gman86 I decided to check on my Iodine Serum, about 24hr after last drop of Lugols, it came back at 40.4 on a scale 40 - 90, so there may be still room for improvement here. Taking Lugols probably recovered a deficiency, if Serum is this low, at cellular level may be very low.

On thing I have noticed though, last time I checked my e2 it was at 30, I generally get a higher number with same Test protocol, I have had some mixed side effects for the past two weeks, and I'm thinking my e2 lowered more because Iodine, I'm checking that today, have you noticed anything regarding e2 and Lugols?
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@Gman86 I decided to check on my Iodine Serum, about 24hr after last drop of Lugols, it came back at 40.4 on a scale 40 - 90, so there may be still room for improvement here. Taking Lugols probably recovered a deficiency, if Serum is this low, at cellular level may be very low.

On thing I have noticed though, last time I checked my e2 it was at 30, I generally get a higher number with same Test protocol, I have had some mixed side effects for the past two weeks, and I'm thinking my e2 lowered more because Iodine, I'm checking that today, have you noticed anything regarding e2 and Lugols?

Interesting. No I didn’t notice anything that I’m aware of in regards to E2 when I was using Lugols. And didn’t have E2 checked while I was using the Lugols.

Trying to currently get my iodine from food sources. Drinking half a serving of organic cranberry juice every day, along with putting these in most of my meals everyday. Is there any research or anecdotes that ur aware of that show iodine having an effect on estrogen?

@Vince thanks for the reminder, I wanted to post something here since Sunday.

Following up with my question if Iodine effect Hormones receptor activity, according to Dr Brownstein yes, Iodine effect Thyroid receptor, and possibly sex hormones receptor as well.

This could explain why some people, may need higher levels of floating Thyroid and Testosterone in the blood to be symptoms free. This could be, because when some toxic elements such as bromine, Chlorine, Fluoride and Perchloride, competes with Iodine, we have an overabundance of these elements instead of Iodine, therefore contributing to the malfunctioning of some hormone receptor along with PBCs or EDCs, optimizing Iodine would get rid of these elements from the body, perhaps not fully, but substantially.

Attached below a study

a paragraph copied from the study:

"Eskin and Ghent have observed a modulating role of I at levels of 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day in the response of mammary tissue to estrogens (14-16,19). We have some evidence of improved T3 receptor function in female patients receiving 12.5 mg I/day. T3 and steroid hormones share the same superfamily of receptors for hydrophobic small molecules(60). Clur (61) has postulated that iodination of thyrosine residues in the hydrophobic portion of these receptors normalized their response to the corresponding hormones. Optimal intake of I in amounts 2 orders of magnitude greater than I levels needed for goiter control, may be required for iodination of these receptors. Our observation has important clinical implications. If optimal intake of I reduces the need for exogenous T3, one would expect the same effect of I supplementation on endogenous T3. I intake below optimal levels would result in clinical hypothyroidism in the presence of normal levels of thyroid hormones because of decreased T3 receptor function. If this common condition is due to Iodine deficiency, the proper treatment would then be orthoiodosupplementation."
Interesting. No I didn’t notice anything that I’m aware of in regards to E2 when I was using Lugols. And didn’t have E2 checked while I was using the Lugols.

Trying to currently get my iodine from food sources. Drinking half a serving of organic cranberry juice every day, along with putting these in most of my meals everyday. Is there any research or anecdotes that ur aware of that show iodine having an effect on estrogen?

I checked my e2 and it came back at 45, so no effect on Estradiol, I thought I felt those going lower, but not

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