nandrolone- atrophy in quads? Also, legalities and terminology

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I'm on a weekly dose of 180mg of Test Cyp due to low T. Have been for years. I am 50 years old. I was thinking of getting a low dose of Nandrolone to see if it can help provide some relief in joints, but I'd also be interested in seeing if it could give me some gains. I'd probably run go with up to a 200mg per week "therapeutic" dose for a few months, but at some point, I'd be willing to bump it up for 2-3 months to see if I can gain some extra muscle. I have heard references on here that Nelson say's it can cause atrophy in the quads, I can't find a a specific post that goes into any detail. This would be the last thing I want. Quad growth would be my primary reason for wanting to bump up to a temporary high dose (300-400 wk range). I have the hardest time getting my quads to grow. I eat right, train them hard, but they are by far the most stubborn part of my body that seems to be very difficult to add muscle. If Nandrolone actually can cause atrophy in quads, I would not want to touch it. But I would like to understand how a compound so well known for putting on size have the opposite effect on legs? Muscle is muscle, how does Nandrolone "discriminate" against the quads and actually cause atrophy? I would love to hear more, is there any science or studies, etc?
I'm on a weekly dose of 180mg of Test Cyp due to low T. Have been for years. I am 50 years old. I was thinking of getting a low dose of Nandrolone to see if it can help provide some relief in joints, but I'd also be interested in seeing if it could give me some gains. I'd probably run go with up to a 200mg per week "therapeutic" dose for a few months, but at some point, I'd be willing to bump it up for 2-3 months to see if I can gain some extra muscle. I have heard references on here that Nelson say's it can cause atrophy in the quads, I can't find a a specific post that goes into any detail. This would be the last thing I want. Quad growth would be my primary reason for wanting to bump up to a temporary high dose (300-400 wk range). I have the hardest time getting my quads to grow. I eat right, train them hard, but they are by far the most stubborn part of my body that seems to be very difficult to add muscle. If Nandrolone actually can cause atrophy in quads, I would not want to touch it. But I would like to understand how a compound so well known for putting on size have the opposite effect on legs? Muscle is muscle, how does Nandrolone "discriminate" against the quads and actually cause atrophy? I would love to hear more, is there any science or studies, etc?

The dose prescribed for joint pain is 50-100mg/week.

You are already taking 180mg/week of T and 180mg T + 200mg ND is not hrt/trt.

200mg ND added to a standard trt protocol 100-200mg/week is in no way a therapeutic dose.

We are on trt here and you already mentioned blasting with higher doses of ND for 2-3 months.

This is a men's health/hrt forum.

The main goal of hrt is not gaining muscle mass as that is left for one who wants to use/abuse testosterone/AAS using steroid doses.

As you very well know the goal of hrt is to relieve/improve low-t symptoms (energy/mood/libido/erectile function/improvements in body composition) and overall health while at the same time avoiding/minimizing and potential side-effects and keeping blood markers in a healthy range.

Sure having healthy T levels will result in improvements in body composition (muscle gain/fat loss) when combined with a proper training/diet protocol but gains in muscle/strength/recovery will be minor compared to when one uses/abuses testosterone/AAS for the sole purpose of muscle/strength enhancement.

We are on hrt here not blasting/cruising, cycling steroids.

No adding in ND to a standard trt protocol will not cause atrophy of the leg musculature.

If your training/diet protocol is on point then blame your genetics if you are having a hard time adding mass to your legs.
Perhaps, Nelson. But here is a post from this forum from a couple of years ago. It's clearly called out. Not sure how I linked it to you, but I swore another poster somewhere said you experienced that, but it sounds like not. But I'd be interested in your thoughts on this old post I reference here:

Really? I said that? Where? LOL

I bet I said "Never inject in quads"
You absolutely did refer to this at one point in the past, and there are studies that cite this phenomena. And honestly, I can attest to the fact when I was on deca quad size was one area that did not respond to weightlifting, presses, squats, etc. Strength is another story.
My quads got big on nandrolone. I would never ever say that. Why would an anabolic not grow one muscle compared to others ? Please don’t quote me on things I would never say.

A tiny study of obese men who did not exercise hinted at the quad muscle statement. If you want to extrapolate from that go ahead. Ask any nandrolone or users of other anabolics if their quads shrank and they will be able to answer.

I don't believe that Nandrolone could atrophy the quad muscle but I do believe it can "atrophy" other place...
I switched to a nandrolone based HRT protocol in February, around when gyms all closed. So haven’t been able to work legs since getting on this protocol, other than cardio, and I feel like my quads are about the same size now as they were back in February. Maybe they got slightly smaller, from not working them out, but it’s not really noticeable to me when I look down at them. If anything, seems like the nandrolone base preserved my quad muscles

And just referencing the comment above, my member has definitely not changed in size at all, I would absolutely notice that lol, and testicles seem the exact same size as they were on test cyp/ enanthate, without HCG.
I switched to a nandrolone based HRT protocol in February, around when gyms all closed. So haven’t been able to work legs since getting on this protocol, other than cardio, and I feel like my quads are about the same size now as they were back in February. Maybe they got slightly smaller, from not working them out, but it’s not really noticeable to me when I look down at them. If anything, seems like the nandrolone base preserved my quad muscles

And just referencing the comment above, my member has definitely not changed in size at all, I would absolutely notice that lol, and testicles seem the exact same size as they were on test cyp/ enanthate, without HCG.

I just made a reference about the famous deca d***.
I just made a reference about the famous deca d***.

Wish we knew what really caused “deca d*ck”. I feel like nobody really has a really good understanding of why it occurs in some men. But I know tons of guys using deca with their HRT protocol, including myself, that have zero sexual issues, and know plenty of guys where it’s improved sexual function once they added it to their protocol. When used in HRT doses, it seems much much less prevalent than with guys abusing steroids. Again, just wish there was more knowledge on what actually causes these guys to have this problem when using deca. Really hoping we eventually figure it out.
GMan I'm just like you.

Zero issues with DD and I'm on 140mg ND per week along with my TRT. I couldn't even imagine not being able to perform with my current protocol.

Thank you Dr Lipshultz! :)
Wish we knew what really caused “deca d*ck”. I feel like nobody really has a really good understanding of why it occurs in some men. But I know tons of guys using deca with their HRT protocol, including myself, that have zero sexual issues, and know plenty of guys where it’s improved sexual function once they added it to their protocol. When used in HRT doses, it seems much much less prevalent than with guys abusing steroids. Again, just wish there was more knowledge on what actually causes these guys to have this problem when using deca. Really hoping we eventually figure it out.

I wish that we have a solution too cause I have plenty od nandrolones here in stock but I'm afraid to become impotent at 20 and disapoint my girl.

You guys are luckiest ones, congratulations.
GMan I'm just like you.

Zero issues with DD and I'm on 140mg ND per week along with my TRT. I couldn't even imagine not being able to perform with my current protocol.

Thank you Dr Lipshultz! :)
Hey man Lipshultz just gave me 60 mg of deca. because he likes to half it to what you get with test. I'm taking about 140-160 mgs test. how have you responded? Anything else lipshultz give you that is beneficial?
Hey man Lipshultz just gave me 60 mg of deca. because he likes to half it to what you get with test. I'm taking about 140-160 mgs test. how have you responded? Anything else lipshultz give you that is beneficial?

Yeah, he's got me on 240/140 and I also inject EOD. I'll go in for a F2F visit with him next month (only seen him via Teledoc since April) and we're going to explore peptides when I see him.

My labs were fantastic at 200/100 so we moved up a bit (to current) as of 2 weeks ago. Also has me on 1500iu hCG and Lipo-C & B12 weekly injctions. Empower has a fantastic veterans discount so the out of pocket is minimal and his $30 copays I can pay all day.
Awesome, how long and have you seen any fat loss on the lipo'c . I'm on my first vial. 240 a week doesn't have you crazy levels? Also, what do you tell him to prescribe you ... are u saying joint pain or just saying hey I want to bulk up a little more?
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