Testosterone Doctors in New Zealand


Hi guys. Are looking for any guys here from NZ that have had good experiences finding a HRT doctor. We need to make a list so other guys can benefit. I will be moving back to NZ in a few months and would like to have an idea of where to continue my treatment thanks!
I tried contacting a doctor on the Life Extension link here, but had no luck. I also found a doctor who is a member of A4M, I thought great, but he replied that he doesnt use testosterone or other medicines???? He only practices alternative remedies for healthy living. Which means exercise, good food etc. So, not good so far:(
It seems like a testosterone desert out there! A friend of mine is also frustrated trying to find a TRT doctor in New Zealand. I posted this question in other forums with no response.
I have had a look talked to a mate who went through this a year ago and there is only one "specialist" in Dunedin. And it costs $475 just to see him. Unreal. And then you are at his mecry so to speak. The Uni is there, how come there is only one doctor? Beats me!
It seems like a testosterone desert out there! A friend of mine is also frustrated trying to find a TRT doctor in New Zealand. I posted this question in other forums with no response.

Hey Nelson...I filled out the form on the doctor finder page and got a reply back from Defy Medical. That was good, except I live in NZ and Defy is a US company! I'm pretty sure that

A. They cant send medicine internationally and
B. NZ customs wouldn't allow it in anyhow

Are there no doctors from NZ that applied to be on the doctor list?
NZ Residents may be interested to know that you can import prescription medicines into New Zealand if your GP will work with you and sign a MedSafe form. Attached is a letter from MedSafe NZ that explains the process.

This means that the TRT funding issue in NZ is removed. It is the funding that requires the GP to seek a specialist in the field (TRT) and that is what is so difficult to find in NZ.

It is possible to pay for laboratory blood work with certain exceptions (Ie Free Testosterone requires a GP to authorize the test, whilst total testosterone does not!?) There are different test centres around the country all with slightly different tests, rules, costs etc.

So if you have a helpful GP who will work with you and you are able minded TRT is possible even in NZ. The GP is the key.


I have had no dealings with Dr Bill Reeder but his website does have a section about TRT. I believe that he is based in Hamilton. Has anybody had any dealings with him? If so, can we have some feedback please?

I note that he is listed as a GP not as an Endocrinology Specialist.

His TRT service details can be found here: LINK
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So if you get s specialist to agree, the medicine automatically becomes a lot cheaper? So in other words:
1. Go to a GP first then
2. Visit an Endo to approves the treatment then
3. Go back to your GP who can write a script and you pay less at the pharmacy?
If you are returning from overseas and already under the supervision of a specialist, then that should be fine right? Surely they have to follow/accept that you indeed need the medicine? As long as you provide the right documentation? NZ can't be that behind surely!
They will not accept an overseas specialist for funding purposes. If your GP will work with the overseas specialist that is a great help. Buying medicine via an NZ mail order pharmacy does invoke slightly different rules and your GP may be able to write a prescription for testosterone that an online pharmacy like Zoom Pharmacy will fill. But it will still be cheaper to import what you need. When you head back to NZ get a letter from your overseas Dr and take it and three months supply with you (not more). At the moment there is a long delay in getting medicine imported into NZ, ReliableRx are quoting 40 days.
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When you are eligible and the Medicine is "funded" you only pay a $5 "Co-Payment". Some medicines require the signature of a specialist and they can be hard to find and expensive.

One 10 mL Vial of 100mg Depo-Testosterone would normally cost $76.50 without the specialists signature.

Sustanon 250 is approved by MedSafe for use in NZ but I haven't been able to find a price for it ... You could ask Zoom Pharmacy (Their details are in my post above).
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Thanks for the info. So once a specialist give you the ok, you dont need to go back to them and just carry on with your GP I guess? Thanks a big price difference!
The first problem is finding a specialist who agrees with TRT In the NZ health system. You may very well find that you are referred to a specialist who will only consider TRT after you have been “clean” for a minimum of six months. Then they expect you to have a VERY low testosterone level before they will even consider TRT. If you start, they will only supplement you to the very conservative NZ maximum level for your age. If you go private then the cost issue is very considerable ($400+ per visit) and they will only sign prescriptions if you continue to visit them (prescriptions are an extra fee)! If you have worked out a treatment plan overseas, get your overseas Dr to write a letter explaining your background and treatment. Give it to your chosen NZ GP and ask that he signs the MedSafe form and you will import the medicine you need. Have it shipped to his surgery so that he will then dispense it to you (this makes him feel in control and helps with NZ customs). Tell him you will forward the results of any blood tests you commission, to him and your overseas specialist. Since you are on a stabilised treatment plan the blood test will confirm this and all you need is the permission of your NZ Dr to import the medicine in order to save you and the tax payer money. There are “many ways to skin a rat”, but this one works and will save money whilst allowing you to rely on a Dr with proven TRT knowledge.
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I wonder why the medical community makes it so hard? Surely there are enough smart up-to-date docors that have read the literature and know the health benefits of being optimized? It seems from your posts that they almost go out of their way to deny a patient this incredibly cheap and life changing medicine?
Why? In a word cost! NZ claims to be the DIY centre of the universe and even with TRT you can self help to a point, but there comes a time when even that gets difficult. Eg a Free Testosterone blood test requires a doctors Permission before you can self fund a test. A DHT tests require a specialists permission before you can pay $575 for the test! A phlebotomy (venesection in NZ) is nearly impossible to arrange if you are English and ineligible for NZ Blood Service donations (Bovine spongiform Encephalopathy - mad cow disease is the concern). There is really room for a good TRT Centre in NZ!

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