Lumps with subQ in injections

Hey guys,

I keep getting a hard lump after I do my subQ injection into my belly. I've been using a 27ga 1/2" needle. What am I doing wrong? I've been training a lot and my body fat has been dropping drastically, I'm probably around 8% body fat now. Should I start injecting somewhere else? Shoulder perhaps?
Hey guys,

I keep getting a hard lump after I do my subQ injection into my belly. I've been using a 27ga 1/2" needle. What am I doing wrong? I've been training a lot and my body fat has been dropping drastically, I'm probably around 8% body fat now. Should I start injecting somewhere else? Shoulder perhaps?
Justin, how about trying the shoulders, that's what I do.
Hi Justin - If you didn't have any pain associated with the injection site, you should be OK. I personally love injecting in the shoulders, but also rotate between the glutes and thighs with different size needles. There is a decent amount of muscle in the shoulder, so if you are comfortable with the injection, you should be OK with the chosen needle size.
Justin, my take on SubQ ... Go with a 30g or 31g x 5/16" length, you "should" see improvement. The 27g will work great in the delts as mentioned above.
I have never experienced any sort of lumping from HCG, which I inject Sub-Q. However, I also am prescribed CALM which specifies a Sub-Q injection, but I do get a little lumping after that particular injection Sub-Q. I have switched to intramuscular for this injection and no longer experience any sort of lumping.
I have been using 31g for awhile, its great. Sometimes a minor lump or bruise but rare, try massaging the inj site.
I have never experienced any sort of lumping from HCG, which I inject Sub-Q. However, I also am prescribed CALM which specifies a Sub-Q injection, but I do get a little lumping after that particular injection Sub-Q. I have switched to intramuscular for this injection and no longer experience any sort of lumping.

With the CALM therapy, you probably also inject higher amounts > 1/2 cc? I usually suggest keeping SubQ 1/2cc or under. I have also done CALM at 1cc via SubQ, but broke it up into 2 injection sites, and I have also done it IM, where 1cc works great by just one injection.

Also, going SubQ, after wiping the injection site, I will "prod" the needle a few times, just slightly letting the needle head push slightly onto the surface of the injections site. For me, I can kind of get a quick sense if there's a nerve ending directly in that line of injection or not.

We're talking over the space of fractions of the cutaneous surface (1/4" to 7/16") withing a 2 or 3 seconds ... After feeling confident that the pin location should be seamless, and doesn't appear to have scar tissue from previous injections (happens over the years) then I prod, hold, and sensitivity is minimal, I hold the syringe at the base (thumb & index finger), penetrate the pin, inject at a moderate pace ... I'm in no hurry to get it blasted in my body! That goes for IM or SubQ!

Now, I'm sure everyone has opinions on this, and maybe some medical professionals might disagree on how some of us go about this (might be some of the same ones that inject 22g into the middle of your glutes!). However, I'd say at least 9 out of 10 SubQ injections for me go virtually without noticing the pin, and without rash, red marks, burning, lumbs, etc.. Every now and then you get one that has a little sting, but it usually is down to nothing within an hour or two. No infections to boot, ever! (use the wipes on everything!).

Prior to this method, and just hitting the first area that I pulled, yeah, it seemed like 1/2 of them were sore going in, sore sticking around, left a lump sometimes for days. I've been doing it my other way for over 3 years now! Alcohol wipes are always crucial, regardless when and where you do it, and I'm a firm believer of aspirating properly "WHEN" injecting IM. Just my take ...
I have and u can inject stomach, love handles, shoulder and upper outer the thighs seem to have more control...also try to inject closer to 90 degrees instead of 45...
I was unable to subq in the belly with TCyp, I have terrible itching, pain, red nodules, nothing infected or anything like that but the localized reactions were very bothersom. I switched to quads and have next to no reactions. I use the 29g 1/2 syringe.
I was planning on discussing SubQ testosterone with my doc after my next labs, because HCG is soooo easy to inject...while when I do my Cypionate I get all nervous staring at the skin in my leg and wondering what's under there I could be stabbing. Am I going to hit a vein? Did I really aspirate, or did I just think I aspirated? But after all this talk, I feel like I'm now lucky I'm taking them IM.
I've watched that video about 20 times and it is the original that inspired me to think I can do testosterone with the insulin needle. But I still don't understand if that's SubQ or IM? Doesn't seem like you have a lot of fat right there, isn't that IM into the deltoids? (I really have a lack of understanding of how deep everything is located under the skin)
Anyone getting lumps after injecting subQ might try asking a compounder to use a different base oil to mix with the testosterone cypionate. While using cottonseed oil, I rarely get lumps, or they go away within a few hours. With sunflower oil, the lumps persisted for several days. Interestingly, I am sensitive to sunflower seeds (i.e., they mess with my digestion), so there may be a link between inflammation caused during digestion and also at the injection site. Just my hypothesis...

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