Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

WOW Fantastic post "Thank you"! I will create a new thread moving forward as you suggested! I'm now "Thirty Five Days Post Klonopin Withdraw" after a brutal fifteen month taper! I was on Klonopin for sixteen years @ 1.5 to 2 mg a day! During this time it should noted I developed chronic pain and was also put on hydrocodone 325/10 mg x 3 daily for ten years! In closing I feel "Not great", but indeed somewhat better as of yesterday which is officially by second week on TRT therapy!

Wow, sounds like some serious stuff you've been on. Glad to hear you've been able to drop that stuff. It'll take time but as times goes on and your body adjust you will continue to feel better. Couple things I learned...

You need patience, don't rush things. You won't be cured in a few weeks or feeling fantastic, give it time. Its more of a journey then a sprint.

More is not always better. High test dosages and having high test lab numbers, won't mean you will feel your best.

You have to do your part too. Meaning exercise, diet, hydration, ect. Even meditation or self help books.

Those were the three most important things I've learned so far.

Congrats to you too Scorpion for being antidepressants free and feeling better!

I'll be approaching 2 months free in a couple weeks.
Being on TRT is far better than being on psychiatric drugs.
But ..most of best psychiatrist dont have Knowledge of TRT and don’t believe in it.

Probably the greatest "Wisdom", we can share with those males who are younger then us! Most folks simply have no idea what their walking into when they walk into a psychiatrist office! Why would a DR prescribe "Testosterone", when there is zillions of dollars to be made prescribing often times dangerous psychiatric drugs?

I wish I would have known this "Seventeen years ago"...oh well both my immeasurable physical and mental suffering has and will undoubtedly continue to help others!
I was talking to my wife about this...somewhat related... I've been battling PTSD symptoms for years...trying to deal and not seek help...Ranger up!. However, starting T has made a world of difference for my mental state. So much so, I want to spread the word to my fellow vets who had the courage to seek treatment for PTSD...have T levels checked. So, we are replacing what we lost, and I hope it doesn't interfere with your meds. More importantly, I hope you are able to reduce or stop some of them as a result.
I was talking to my wife about this...somewhat related... I've been battling PTSD symptoms for years...trying to deal and not seek help...Ranger up!. However, starting T has made a world of difference for my mental state. So much so, I want to spread the word to my fellow vets who had the courage to seek treatment for PTSD...have T levels checked. So, we are replacing what we lost, and I hope it doesn't interfere with your meds. More importantly, I hope you are able to reduce or stop some of them as a result.

Congratulations! Quite a few veterans such as yourself are electing to do "TRT Therapy", as opposed to taking often times dangerous psych drugs!

I'm no longer on any RX medication(s)(-: Coming off of Benzo's in my case Klonoppin took me to a place far below the deepest depths of hell! I now have years of healing in front of's a long road back! I'm also using my "MHBOT", or mild hyperbaric oxygen chamber in hopes that it will heal some of the nerve damage Klonopin caused over a sixteen year time frame!
Ken I take a very low dose zoloft (50mg) with trt. And I use gabapentin at a small dose for the anxiousness caused by zoloft (and it helps with anxiety). My vote would be to stay on trt and take the zoloft. Why fight your brain if you have a chemical imbalance. I tried to get off zoloft and it just wasn't worth it. It helps me so much. I'm a very even keeled guy and it helps me stay my natural self. I'm 52 now and been on them for 18 years with no problem. My needs for trt have overlapped and started affecting my moods because it dipped to 154ng/dl. I'm slowly getting my T dialed in but it might take a few more months. Good luck :) Ps: There are other antidepressants that are of the SNRI class that you may lose weight with like Cymbalta or Wellbutrin. Zoloft is a SSRI and just one of many.

Just an update for you guys, I recently went to my psychiatrist because of the persistent anxiety I have been feeling. Let me clarify, I don't have this hard core anxiety like panic attacks or anything, my anxiety is more like a persistent stress where I'm a worryer and I believe this untreated anxiety probably has me in a state of mild depression which is absolutely killing my libido. She had diagnosed me with me generalized anxiety disorder about a year and half ago, but I thought I was just going through a rough patch. She prescribed me Trintellix which is supposed to be a lot easier on the sexual side effects. Like I said, my libido never changed on anti depressants just like it hasn't on TRT so I don't expect it to reduce my already non existent sex drive. My hope is that it will ease the performance anxiety and overall anxiety that I feel so that I can actually feel the TRT working. Crossing my fingers and saying my prayers.
Just an update for you guys, I recently went to my psychiatrist because of the persistent anxiety I have been feeling. Let me clarify, I don't have this hard core anxiety like panic attacks or anything, my anxiety is more like a persistent stress where I'm a worryer and I believe this untreated anxiety probably has me in a state of mild depression which is absolutely killing my libido. She had diagnosed me with me generalized anxiety disorder about a year and half ago, but I thought I was just going through a rough patch. She prescribed me Trintellix which is supposed to be a lot easier on the sexual side effects. Like I said, my libido never changed on anti depressants just like it hasn't on TRT so I don't expect it to reduce my already non existent sex drive. My hope is that it will ease the performance anxiety and overall anxiety that I feel so that I can actually feel the TRT working. Crossing my fingers and saying my prayers.
Hoping and praying for you too!
Hi guys,
So far so good. My antidepressant is working. I feel so much better and the I believe it's allowing the TRT to start to effect my libido positively. Nothing earth shattering, but the fact that I can relax more definitely helps. Once I start getting the diet down pat along with my workouts I believe that everything will come together. If you are like me, someone who has had no libido and has had anxiety, think about whether it's low T or is it something else. For most of us on here TRT will be good enough to bring your anxiety down if that's the reason for it in the first place. But for others, only therapy and/or medication is what you need. I won't say that everything is 100%, but my anxiety is at least 85-90% controlled now.
Being on TRT is far better than being on psychiatric drugs.
But ..most of best psychiatrist dont have Knowledge of TRT and don’t believe in it.

This is the first thing Psychiatrists should look at, before offering psychiatric drugs. They should run a full hormone panel, thyroid panel. cortisol panel, and a nutritional deficiency panel, along with diet modifications, and do it 2-3x If all those things come back absolutely fine, yeah then start the SSRI's or anti-anxiety medications. I am in the medical field, and my OPINION is that these drugs get handed out like candy, lexapro (which is an add on SSRI to the first one that isn't working anymore) was the number 1 prescribed drug in the USA in 2017, this tells me something ain't right. Just like many hormone studies are flawed, same with neurotransmitter/SSRI studies, many are deeply flawed.
This is the first thing Psychiatrists should look at, before offering psychiatric drugs. They should run a full hormone panel, thyroid panel. cortisol panel, and a nutritional deficiency panel, along with diet modifications, and do it 2-3x If all those things come back absolutely fine, yeah then start the SSRI's or anti-anxiety medications. I am in the medical field, and my OPINION is that these drugs get handed out like candy, lexapro (which is an add on SSRI to the first one that isn't working anymore) was the number 1 prescribed drug in the USA in 2017, this tells me something ain't right. Just like many hormone studies are flawed, same with neurotransmitter/SSRI studies, many are deeply flawed.

You're absolutely 100% correct however this is probably never going to happen in my lifetime at least! Testosterone was actually prescribed for both depression and anxiety before "Antidepressants"...I think in the 60s and 70s?!

With testosterone being as cheap as it is and "SSRIS", costing big money...who do you think wins this race? In other words there is very little money to be made when prescribing generic testosterone which is dirt cheap to produce over expensive psychotropic drugs!

BTW @ 3.5 months post no (RX drugs) one of which was Klonopin....I'm doing better then I have in years! I'm so happy I ultimately decided to give "TRT", a shot (No pun intended) and owe a ton of gratitude to those on this site! My workouts are getting better and better and I hope to post my before and after pictures on this forum with the next 6 to 12 months! Thank you to all who have helped me thus far on this journey...I'm eternally indebted to you guys!:)
With testosterone being as cheap as it is and "SSRIS", costing big money...who do you think wins this race? In other words there is very little money to be made when prescribing generic testosterone which is dirt cheap to produce over expensive psychotropic drugs!

Hopefully people become more aware of TRT and all the positive experiences (word of mouth) of those who have been able to stop their SSRI medication after starting TRT. TRT will definitely harm the SSRI market, soon it will be standard practice for doctors to offer TRT to those who are low, otherwise they could get in trouble since the consequences can be disease.
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Hopefully people become more aware of TRT and all the positive experiences (word of mouth) of those who have been able to stop their SSRI medication after starting TRT. TRT will definitely harm the SSRI market, soon it will be standard practice for doctors to offer TRT to those who are low, otherwise they could get in trouble since the consequences can be disease.

What we can do right now is instill this knowledge in as many young men as humanly possible! My son now 14 years old will never go on any "Psychotropic Medication / RX drugs" as he personally watched it almost destroy both of his parents!

We are indeed living in a day and age where "Testosterone", is considered a dirty word when used in certain circles! I embrace the fact that my son has testosterone flowing through his veins which enables him to be the athlete that he is! With the aforementioned said should I pass away early.. my son will fully equipped with the knowledge of all things "Testosterone"!
This is the first thing Psychiatrists should look at, before offering psychiatric drugs. They should run a full hormone panel, thyroid panel. cortisol panel, and a nutritional deficiency panel, along with diet modifications, and do it 2-3x If all those things come back absolutely fine, yeah then start the SSRI's or anti-anxiety medications. I am in the medical field, and my OPINION is that these drugs get handed out like candy, lexapro (which is an add on SSRI to the first one that isn't working anymore) was the number 1 prescribed drug in the USA in 2017, this tells me something ain't right. Just like many hormone studies are flawed, same with neurotransmitter/SSRI studies, many are deeply flawed.

I agree, but this is out of the realm of how psychiatrists are trained or how they think. People need to be proactive for their own health and wellness. Go see your PCP before you even consider the psychiatrist. Your PCP is going to also going to try to put you on psych meds. Don’t get on them until you have a full physical and a full blood panel. The reason that these drugs are over prescribed is because doctors in different disciplines have different training and different ways of thinking about problems. They have to give patients something, and they’re trained that , when in doubt, try a med. SSRIs are safe from the doctor’s view.

If you frequent this board, then you know something about what you might need. I work as a therapist and have been for 22 years. I always recommend that people try therapy first. In many cases some CBT should be attempted even before TRT. I am a cognitive-behavioral advocate and do recommend behavioral interventions like diet, exercise, meditation, and sleep improvement. I always ask when they have had a physical and if the client looks like hormones are out of wack, I ask that they get a hormone panel as well.

We can blame the doctors and the so called “sick care” system, but if you have a brain and can read, that’s BS. Everything you need to know is available on the internet and pubmed has actual studies where you can read the data for yourself. Do your own research, get the psychotherapist, then the PCP, then the endocrinologist or psychiatrist if needed. Or, you can sit and complain how the system is screwing you over. Victim mentality or self advocate seems a simple choice.
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I agree, but this is out of the realm of how psychiatrists are trained or how they think. People need to be proactive for their own health and wellness. Go see your PCP before you even consider the psychiatrist. Your PCP is going to also going to try to put you on psych meds. Don’t get on them until you have a full physical and a full blood panel. The reason that these drugs are over prescribed is because doctors in different disciplines have different training and different ways of thinking about problems. They have to give patients something, and they’re trained that , when in doubt, try a med. SSRIs are safe from the doctor’s view.

If you frequent this board, then you know something about what you might need. I work as a therapist and have been for 22 years. I always recommend that people try therapy first. In many cases some CBT should be attempted even before TRT. I am a cognitive-behavioral advocate and do recommend behavioral interventions like diet, exercise, meditation, and sleep improvement. I always ask when they have had a physical and if the client looks like hormones are out of wack, I ask that they get a hormone panel as well.

We can blame the doctors and the so called “sick care” system, but if you have a brain and can read, that’s BS. Everything you need to know is available on the internet and pubmed has actual studies where you can read the data for yourself. Do your own research, get the psychotherapist, then the PCP, then the endocrinologist or psychiatrist if needed. Or, you can sit and complain how the system is screwing you over. Victim mentality or self advocate seems a simple choice.

I very much agree with you, the system(s) are absolutely broken. I would also add that its so confusing for people to get real answers as there is so much contradiction of information being given, especially with studies. We can eventually get the answers we seek, but it will take time.
You're absolutely 100% correct however this is probably never going to happen in my lifetime at least! Testosterone was actually prescribed for both depression and anxiety before "Antidepressants"...I think in the 60s and 70s?!

With testosterone being as cheap as it is and "SSRIS", costing big money...who do you think wins this race? In other words there is very little money to be made when prescribing generic testosterone which is dirt cheap to produce over expensive psychotropic drugs!

BTW @ 3.5 months post no (RX drugs) one of which was Klonopin....I'm doing better then I have in years! I'm so happy I ultimately decided to give "TRT", a shot (No pun intended) and owe a ton of gratitude to those on this site! My workouts are getting better and better and I hope to post my before and after pictures on this forum with the next 6 to 12 months! Thank you to all who have helped me thus far on this journey...I'm eternally indebted to you guys!:)

YUP, Its the sad truth, we all know its a money game, when it comes to chronic health issues. I am all for capitalism, but not when its for food and health, or even education.

I wish you continued success on you personal heath journey, keep up the good work.
I agree, but this is out of the realm of how psychiatrists are trained or how they think. People need to be proactive for their own health and wellness. Go see your PCP before you even consider the psychiatrist. Your PCP is going to also going to try to put you on psych meds. Don’t get on them until you have a full physical and a full blood panel. The reason that these drugs are over prescribed is because doctors in different disciplines have different training and different ways of thinking about problems. They have to give patients something, and they’re trained that , when in doubt, try a med. SSRIs are safe from the doctor’s view.

If you frequent this board, then you know something about what you might need. I work as a therapist and have been for 22 years. I always recommend that people try therapy first. In many cases some CBT should be attempted even before TRT. I am a cognitive-behavioral advocate and do recommend behavioral interventions like diet, exercise, meditation, and sleep improvement. I always ask when they have had a physical and if the client looks like hormones are out of wack, I ask that they get a hormone panel as well.

We can blame the doctors and the so called “sick care” system, but if you have a brain and can read, that’s BS. Everything you need to know is available on the internet and pubmed has actual studies where you can read the data for yourself. Do your own research, get the psychotherapist, then the PCP, then the endocrinologist or psychiatrist if needed. Or, you can sit and complain how the system is screwing you over. Victim mentality or self advocate seems a simple choice.

To many young kids are walking into psychiatry thinking they can just quit these drugs without any repercussions! There are countless stories of both kids and young adults who were only on a "Benzo", for (IE) month who are still struggling debilitating affects years later! (PAWS) or Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome is a real thing and often times painful beyond measure! It's good to know there are still therapists such as yourself who take a more holistic approach with respect to "TRUE HEALING":)
With testosterone being as cheap as it is and "SSRIS", costing big money...who do you think wins this race? In other words there is very little money to be made when prescribing generic testosterone which is dirt cheap to produce over expensive psychotropic drugs!

I just spent 10 minutes looking at and all the SSRI's I found over there are $3-$10/month. So they do end up being typically cheaper than TRT, which is an added incentive for Doctors to prescribe.
I just spent 10 minutes looking at and all the SSRI's I found over there are $3-$10/month. So they do end up being typically cheaper than TRT, which is an added incentive for Doctors to prescribe.

It's likely the patents expired and those are now generics, new SSRI's will have new patents. Look at ED drugs, by the time the patents expire the money researching and designing the drug have been recouped, now onto the next new SSRI.
I just spent 10 minutes looking at and all the SSRI's I found over there are $3-$10/month. So they do end up being typically cheaper than TRT, which is an added incentive for Doctors to prescribe.

I think your missing my point? Once "Psychiatry" gains a new customer.....they hope to gain that customer for life! What your psychiatrist will often times do is swap out your "Generic SSRI /Antidepressant", for a new supposedly more powerful drug which costs ones insurance lots of money!

The "Pharmaceutical Rep", then incentives your psychiatrist to put you on
the supposed new wonder drug which has less side effects etc! This is why ones psychiatrist is constantly giving out "FREE samples"'s an endless cycle.
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