on hiv meds and just getting down


Active Member
Hi guys. On meds for last three years... Undetectable now and happy. Been on a ketosis diet since Jan this year lost 14 lbs but finding it difficult to lose belly fat... I need to drop the fat though and want to cut... Can anyone please advise me... My exercise regime is nil at the min so understand I have to do something.... I'll take inboard and tips and advice xxx thank you x
Hi Nippy
Congrats on becoming undetectable! This is great news. Now is a good time to focus on improving your physique and overall health. This will provide what you need to remain healthy for a long time. First and foremost, have you had your "hormones" checked? Especially testosterone? You will need to first establish your testosterone and other hormone levels like thyroid, estrogen, and pituitary. Any deficiencies can be addressed by a good doctor, and having adequate (and optimal) hormone levels will provide you the metabolic foundation needed to build muscle and lose body fat (and maintain it).

Aside from hormones, your diet is the biggest contributor to your physique. I will past diet information and a 12 week diet plan you can use as a reference. Of course, please talk to your physician before attempting any sort of drastic change to your current diet.

As for exercise, if your hormones and diet are on point, you will not need as much exercise as most think. You can walk at a good pace for 30-60min 3-4 times per week. Add in 2 days of resistance training ( rotate upper/lower body) to help train and build your muscle. Start with just walking 3-4 days per week and work up to 45-60min. Once that becomes easy, you can rotate riding a bike, Elyptical machine, or stationary bike and try increasing the intensity. Add in the resistance training when you are mentally and physically ready.


Every meal should contain a source of protein. Protein has little tendency to be stored as fat since the body will use it to repair. Everything in your body contains proteins. Eating protein will also curb appetite and help build muscle and other tissues (skin, organs, etc) which will speed metabolism. Make sure all protein sources are “lean” which means not fried, breaded, or fatty.

• Chicken or turkey (skinless) - roasted, baked, or broiled- 6oz=35g protein/0 carbs/0 fat
• Egg Whites- 1 egg white=3g protein (4-6 egg whites minimum)
• Fish – wild Alaska salmon is the best – (avoid farm raised fish). Coho Atlantic Salmon is available at most grocery stores. No shark or Swordfish due to high mercury levels.
Canned tuna – light tuna only, white albacore contains a much higher level of mercury
• Shellfish – mussels, clams, scallops, shrimp, crab or lobster- 6oz=30g protein
• Veal, lamb, Buffalo (Bison) Meat- eat only 4-5oz at one time- 4-5oz=30g protein
• Approved protein powders
Avoid all red meat and pork for the first 10 days (except veal and Buffalo)


Use the Glycemic Index to determine which carbohydrates are allowed to be eaten. The Glycemic Index is a measurement of how carbohydrates impact insulin levels. High insulin causes fat gain, heart disease, and diabetes. You want to eat carbohydrates with a score less than 45. There are a few carbs listed above with higher scores which are an exception and you can eat every day. All foods on this list are ‘carbohydrates’. Legumes, for example, also contain protein. Following a low glycemic diet (>45) will provide fast weight-loss with the preservation of muscle tissue and energy.
• Sweet Potato (1 large sweet potato=50g carbohydrates)
• Raw Oatmeal (cooked) 1 Cup uncooked=50g carbs
• Brown Rice (cooked) 1 cup cooked=50g carbs
• Pearled Barley 1 cup cooked=50g carbs
• Blueberries 1 cup=25g carbs
• Bannana (1 large=25g carbs)
• GrapeFruit (do not count as a carb)
• Pasta (Plain) 1 cup uncooked=40g carbs


Not all fats are bad, in fact, we need them to survive and to even lose weight. Use the fats from the list above. Egg yolks also contain good fat and protein along with nutrients, eat no more than 2 yolks in one sitting though. Almonds/Cashews provide great snacks since they not only contain good fat but also proteins and 0 carbs. Your diet should contain an ample amount of these good fats
• Flax Seed Oil- 2 tablespoons=14g fat
• Olive Oil (extra virgin)- 2 tablespoons=15g fat
• Cashews/Almonds (unsalted, raw)- ½ cup= 30g fat, also protein
• Natural Peanut Butter, un sweetened- 2 tablespoons=15g fat (almond butter better!)
• Newman’s Own Salad Dressing (any) 2 tablespoons=15g

Recommended Supplements for Optimal Health
• Multi-Vitamin/Mineral [/SIZE]
• Vitamin C: 1000mg-3000mg per day (Ester-C is mild on the stomach, lowers cortisol)
• Omega-3 Fish Oil: 3000mg per day (Carlson’s Brand Fish Oil, take 4-6 caps per day)
• NAC 600mg daily (this will keep your liver healthy)
• Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA)
• L-Glutamine Powder 10g daily (tastes good mixed in any drink)[/FONT][/SIZE]
SAMPLE Meal Plan
Meal 1 (breakfast): 2 scoops of protein (30g-40g) or 4 egg-white omelette with veggies (you may use one yolk)

1 cup of oatmeal with ½ cup blueberries (or ½ banana)

1 tablespoon almond butter (put in oatmeal or protein shake)

Meal 2 (11am)

4-6oz of meat (choose from list)

50g carbohydrates (from list)

Zero Fat

Meal 3 (snack-3pm)

In blender with almond milk:

• 1 Scoop protein

• 1 Cup Blueberries

• 1 scoop seed mix

• ½ cup oatmeal

• 1 tablespoon almond butter

Meal 4 (Dinner-No later than 730pm)

30g-40g protein (ex. 7oz fish or 6oz chicken)

50g carbohydrates (ex. 1 medium sweet potato plus ½ cup brown rice)

Salad (no Crutons/light cheese- prov. or mozz.) w/ Balsamic Vinigarette (no fat)[/FONT]

Before Bed (Protein- choose one from following)

• Egg-White Ommlette with veggies (2 yolks)

• ½ cup cottage cheese and ½ cup unsalted cashews or almonds

• 2 scoops protein and 2 tblespoons peanut butter
• 6oz Chicken breast (plain) and ¼ cup cashews- You can use Ketchup for flavor on any food item
• Protein Pancake[/FONT][/SIZE]


½ cup of Cashews/Almonds [/SIZE]

1 Cup (very low sugar) Yogurt w/ fresh fruit

1 cup fat free cottage cheese w/ fresh berries[/SIZE]

Protein shake (use formula from above, omit peanut butter and banana)

1 cup low sugar/organic granola

1 Cup Berries strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries

1 Cup of Dried Apricots (only dried fruit allowed)

Protein Bar: I discourage eating “protein bars”. Your better off eating a piece of fruit with 1/2 cup of almonds/cashews.


· Obviously some snacks are more in calories than some others on the list; use your judgment based on how much activity you have done during the day and how much was eaten the previous meal to determine which snack is best at that time. Also use your natural hunger gauge, but don’t let it fool you!
•Check out some recipes for shakes, protein pancakes, and also discount sources for supplements online. Please let me know if you would like any of this information. You may also be able to find it here on Excel Male. [/FONT]
· Substitute carbs in the diet for any carb on the glycemic list

· You can eat as much GREEN veggies as you want throughout the day, I do not count these as carbs or calories.

· Drink at least ½ gallon of water per day up to 1 gallon. Believe it or not this will expedite fat-loss.

· Avoid fruit juices, Gatorade-type drinks, and sugar laden sodas. Allow yourself to drink unsweetened or semi-sweetened (sometimes) tea but do not count as water.
· Stay away from processed or frozen food items.
· You can enjoy eating out as much as you want, just stick with your lists and watch portions! A trick I used when eating out is to ask for a “to Go’ box and put half the meal in the box before you eat. Take the box home and eat it at another meal.
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Hi guys. On meds for last three years... Undetectable now and happy. Been on a ketosis diet since Jan this year lost 14 lbs but finding it difficult to lose belly fat... I need to drop the fat though and want to cut... Can anyone please advise me... My exercise regime is nil at the min so understand I have to do something.... I'll take inboard and tips and advice xxx thank you x

The information and advice Jasen has given you is the best you could possibly have received at the stage you're in. I hope you'll heed every word of it. And do by all means get your hormones checked as soon as possible especially the testosterone. Chances are your test is very low as it is in most of us with HIV and AIDS. Getting this to the level where it needs to be coupled with diet and exercise will improve the quality of your life like you cannot believe. Eight years ago in October I was diagnosed with full blown AIDS and expected to die that coming Christmas. After a lot of experimentation with different ****tails the Docs found one that would work as I have a rare form of the virus that is difficult to treat. While the meds worked wonders, the virus in me still remains detectable. While I was among the "living" my quality of life was miserable. Constant fatigue, muscle and joint pain and horrible depression. 16 months ago I was planning on suicide until I stumbled upon Nelson's book BUILT TO SURVIVE. if you haven't read this book yet, order it NOW from Amazon! This will really lead you down the path to where you want to be. TRUST ME! It quickly became my bible and took me to the incredible world of testosterone therapy. I now feel like a different person. I feel vital, that life is worth living and that there's not a whole lot in this world I can't do. Believe me, TRT, diet and exercise will free you from the grip of AIDS! I AM LIVING PROOF!!! It's really exciting that you're ready to start this new journey. I know you will never ever regret it! Best of luck to you and please keep us posted on your progress!


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