Again, I start taking anabolic steroids at the age of 26. In 1978, I was already doing steroids. I got dianabol from a gym dealer. Never stopped taking them since then. No, this was actually based on 2 blood tests, one almost 10 years ago that confirmed what we found out again. He was diagnosed when he was 17 by a doctor to be testosterone deficient.
All of this therapy you talk about cost money. This 26-year-old is broke, unemployed and was all but living in his car when we ask him to come home. He has spent months in the room we provided for him unwilling to do anything to help himself. My wife is big on psychologist, I am not. I think it is a hoaky field and do not believe it. It took him weeks just to get the testing done and my wife paid for it. FINALLY we are seeing some huge changes and are very happy.
Symptoms of low T that some of us may have forgotten about:
- Reduced sex drive
- Reduced erectile function
- Loss of lean muscle mass
- Feeling very tired all the time (fatigue)
- Obesity (being overweight)
- Symptoms of depression
He has all of them except obesity because he had not eaten for long periods of time and has not eaten here much. We have been encouraging him to eat. At 26 years old you are no longer a boy whose endocrine system is just forming. Even the brain is at full maturity at 26 years old. This is not a child; he is a full-grown man capable of making his own decisions. He came to us for help, and we took charge of offering solutions.
Again, we tried talk therapy, he refuses to go. We are running out of options and made our decision to help instead of crying about it. He knows his T levels have been low since he was a teenager and has wanted to get help many times. Our insurance just didn't cover it and I was not going to give up my UG stuff to a 17-year-old. So, we just offered the help he has been asking for. If we tried steering this adult the other direction, he would just find it on the streets using the cash my wife gives him for gas. I certainly did when I was his age and have never had any problem getting as much as I wanted. I would much rather he have our experienced help than some street rat. I have many more years and knowledge/experience using anabolic steroids than my doctor does, but he writes the scripts. Most long-time bodybuilders have light years of knowledge in this area. We were doing blood test before low T clinics were a figment of our imagination. So, we both feel very comfortable with our decision and have already seen some of the above signs change. He is even talking about looking at girls asses at the gym. If this man is low t and showing symptoms, waiting util he is 40 is not going to solve any of his issues only waste 40 years of his life feeling depressed about being alive. By the way, the normal average for 50–60-year-olds is 400 – 450 ng/dL. As a 65-year-old I felt like crap when mine was 323. Far older than 26 when you should be at your peak.