Should I do TRT?

If the same person measures his Free T level with two different lab tests, he will get two different levels even after unit conversion, so they are not comparable. The only thing you can compare to is the normal range for the corresponding test.

Total testosterone levels are pretty much independent of the test and can be compared, although the lab normal ranges will differ due to different statistical definitions of 'normal'.
I honestly didn't really have much anxiety before going on HRT, and I've always been a very calm and zen and laid back person. But when my levels dropped, I just couldn't deal with anything. Everything seemed so much harder than it really was, and I would get stressed out very easily, and was very irritable. HRT allowed me to get back to my baseline, and I think had increased my confidence a bit above baseline, and one thing it has definitely done is make me an eternal optimist. Prior to HRT, I didn't really have depression really, but I would get pessimistic about things going on in my life. There's positives and negatives in every single situation in life, it's just a matter of what you focus on. Prior to HRT, even before my levels dropped, my brain would sometimes get the best of me and focus on the negatives, and it would really bum me out and kind of give me a sense of doom and gloom for a bit. I don't think I would call it depression, but just feelings that definitely didn't feel good, and it would happen every so often. On HRT, I have zero depression, zero anxiety, and zero pessimism. I never ever get those feelings anymore, and 100% of the time my brain focuses on the positives. Even when crappy things happen now, my brain just brushes them off and focuses on the positives and just tells me everything's gonna be alright, and to not even worry about it. It's definitely my favorite benefit that I've received from going on HRT. The negative things in my life are obviously still there, but my brain just totally ignores them, and I never get bummed out anymore. Just always in a good positive mood.

So I would say HRT has made me slightly calmer. Everything just rolls off my back now. I was pretty much like this my whole life though. I would say HRT just increased my level of calmness and ability to not let anything get to me, and has definitely made my mood and how i deal with life and people much more consistent, which has been awesome. HRT is going to mix with each person's physiology and personality, and therefore probably give every person slightly different results. These are just some of the things that I've personally experienced. Obv results will differ person to person.

I've never done M, W, F injections. I've only ever done EOD or ED injections. EOD is my sweet spot. Ya it would basically be one extra injection per week I guess. The injections don't bother me at all though. I use a 1/2" 27 gauge insulin syringe. I've only ever injected into my thighs. Been injecting into my thigh muscles for years now, never had an issue. I try to keep it to like the outer part of my thighs I guess u would call it. The top of the thigh has more fat that the outer part. So I just try to inject where there's less fat, and can get deeper into the muscle. I use both thighs, and inject all up and down them, as to not inject in the same spots all the time. I just sit down, inject my testosterone in on thigh, and the nandrolone in the other thigh.

I had been through so many protocols prior to signing up with Defy. Tried HCG mono therapy, Clomid mono therapy, Clomid and Nolvadex together, basically everything but testosterone, and just couldn't get dialed in. So by the time I got to Defy, Dr. saya knew that the only thing left to try was testosterone. So he recommended I start with a test and HCG protocol. I was around 30 years old by the time I got to Defy.

With EOD injection, do you only rotate between those two thighs? Do you have any scar tissue build up? I am having trouble trying to find the best injection where I can rotate for EOD.
With EOD injection, do you only rotate between those two thighs? Do you have any scar tissue build up? I am having trouble trying to find the best injection where I can rotate for EOD.

No, no scar tissue build up that I notice, and I’ve been injecting ED or EOD into my thighs for 3-4 years now. As of February this year, injecting twice into them EOD. One injection for the test, one injection for the nandrolone. The thigh is such a big body part, I have a ton of different areas to inject. I usually pin in the outter 3rd of my thighs, but sometimes I’ll do more on the lateral part, sometimes closer to the top of the thigh, just inject anywhere where there’s not a lot of fat over the muscle. But ya I only rotate between my two thighs. It’s the only places I’ve ever injected IM. Some people like the shoulders, others like the glutes, idk, the thighs just make the most sense to me. I sit down, and they’re just the easiest spot to access and inject, imo. They’re literally right there in front of u as ur sitting. And there’s just sooooo much surface area to inject in. I’ll inject one day, and maybe not inject in the same spot for a month. There’s just so many different places to inject in the thighs due to them being such a big body part. If u go on HRT, I would give the thighs a shot, but maybe get some feedback from guys that prefer other areas. The thighs are just what has always worked for me.
No, no scar tissue build up that I notice, and I’ve been injecting ED or EOD into my thighs for 3-4 years now. As of February this year, injecting twice into them EOD. One injection for the test, one injection for the nandrolone. The thigh is such a big body part, I have a ton of different areas to inject. I usually pin in the outter 3rd of my thighs, but sometimes I’ll do more on the lateral part, sometimes closer to the top of the thigh, just inject anywhere where there’s not a lot of fat over the muscle. But ya I only rotate between my two thighs. It’s the only places I’ve ever injected IM. Some people like the shoulders, others like the glutes, idk, the thighs just make the most sense to me. I sit down, and they’re just the easiest spot to access and inject, imo. They’re literally right there in front of u as ur sitting. And there’s just sooooo much surface area to inject in. I’ll inject one day, and maybe not inject in the same spot for a month. There’s just so many different places to inject in the thighs due to them being such a big body part. If u go on HRT, I would give the thighs a shot, but maybe get some feedback from guys that prefer other areas. The thighs are just what has always worked for me.

Have you tried sub q?
I inject daily testosterone and hcg (twice a week) in my shoulders and VG. For both testosterone (with grapeseed oil) and HCG, I use an easy touch 29g half inch syringe.

Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

so on monday you inject left deltoid,tuesday right deltoid,wednesday left vg,thursday right vg and friday back to left deltoid etc?
Do you have any scar tissue buildup?
When injecting using the left hand, do you experience difficulties injecting through a slin pin? Since it would be harder to inject oil using smaller needles.
I think you used to .16ml everyday if I am not wrong. Which one you think better IM or Subq? Currently I am doing subq on belly fat and shoulder.

It was 16mg of esterified T daily (200mg/ml strength) not .16ml/16 units which would have been a whopping 32mg daily (224mg/week).

For the majority, there is no better between sub-q vs IM.

There should be no difference between absorption/effectiveness and if anything absorption sub-q may be somewhat slower but the Antares/Xyosted (Testosterone Enanthate) study would beg to differ.

Sure there are some who may not do well-injecting sub-q but it is not common.

Screenshot (1686).png

Screenshot (1687).png

Notice when looking at the graph for Panel A.....during weeks 6 and 12 testosterone levels peak 10 hrs post-injection followed by a dip and then a second peak at 36 hrs when using testosterone enanthate (TE Auto-Injector).

Subcutaneous esterified T injection TT peak 10hrs post-injection @ who knew!
I think you used to .16ml everyday if I am not wrong. Which one you think better IM or Subq? Currently I am doing subq on belly fat and shoulder.
Personally I’m not a fan of subq, I am a fan of shallow IM injections. I believe it’s much simpler then subq.

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