Nandrolone for Mood | Feeling much Better..

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I started Nandrolone a few weeks ago. I take it as part of my TRT treatment along with Test cypionate. 200mgs Test/ 150mgs of Deca every week.

I've noticed a difference already in my mood. I've suffered from clinical depression and anxiety for many years.

This protocol and combo was prescribed to me by Andrew Tylander from Hormone Health and wellness at West Palm Beach Florida.

Now that I'm experiencing less pain during the night, I'm sleeping better. And because I'm sleeping better, my mood is better!

I'm much more energetic and positive as well. I'm 51 years old, and have been on TRT For almost a year. Just added Deca to my regimen. I'm looking forward to achieving better health as I continue to feel better.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
How much did the good doctor pay you to post that post?

Just last month you were with "LowT Center in Fort Worth Texas"! (quoted centre is a copy and paste from your last months post).

Anyway, more often than not, previously perfectly mentally stable people experience depression on nandrolone. Various forums are littered with such posts.
LMFAO. If only the original post were true. Add in a few mg/day of naltrexone with that nandrolone for some Walking Dead feelz.

OP, let us know how you feel in 12 weeks. If this post is legitimate then I hope your success continues.
No one paid me anything. I just thought I would share that. I'm sure there are others who may have a different response. But, as for me, I was very low, tired and not recovering well. But things have changed for the better. Just hope it continues.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean?


Another option (low dose) I explored. Seriously, if nandrolone works for you on a sustained basis, congrats.
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LMFAO. If only the original post were true. Add in a few mg/day of naltrexone with that nandrolone for some Walking Dead feelz.

OP, let us know how you feel in 12 weeks. If this post is legitimate then I hope your success continues.
Happy you're doing good with your new protocol. That's what my wife 's oldest son was using for a while. He did really good on that protocol too. For me though nandrolone caused issues.
Happy you doing good with your new protocol. That's what my wife 's oldest son was using for a while. He did really good on that protocol too. For me though nandrolone caused issues.
Sorry, I was being a little sarcastic but if it works for OP, more power to him. I am quite happy on my "on nothing" protocol at the moment all things considered :).


Another option (low dose) I explored. Seriously, if nandrolone works for you a on sustained basis, congrats.
Thank you. I know one thing, depression is horrible. I was on Trintellix for a while and Prozac, but they didn't work very good. So, I decided to try TRT, and was put on 200mgs of cypionate. It worked as far as getting into better shape, but not so much with the horrible anhedonia.

I also have horrible body aches. Which I attribute to depression as well. Not sure.
Anyway, the Nandralone seems to give me a bit more energy and optimistism..if it starts to make me feel crappy, I'll just stop.

Appreciate the conversation. Hope you are doing well.
I started Nandralone a few weeks ago. I take it as part of my TRT treatment along with Test cypionate. 200mgs Test/ 150mgs of Deca every week.

I've noticed a difference already in my mood. I've suffered from clinical depression and anxiety for many years.

This protocol and combo was prescribed to me by Andrew Tylander from Hormone Health and wellness at West Palm Beach Florida.( [email protected]).

Now that I'm experiencing less pain during the night, I'm sleeping better. And because I'm sleeping better, my mood is better!

I'm much more energetic and positive as well. I'm 51 years old, and have been on TRT For almost a year. Just added Deca to my regimen. I'm looking forward to achieving better health as I continue to feel better.

2 weeks in means nothing.

Get back to us in 8-12 weeks.

You are nowhere near reaching a steady state.

Need to keep an eye on your blood markers RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

Post #4 you stated, But, as for me, I was very low, tired and not recovering well. But things have changed for the better. Just hope it continues.

I would have been looking at your T protocol (200 mg T/week) which is considered a high-end dose before jumping on nandrolone.

Most would never need such to hit a healthy, high let alone absurdly high FT level, especially when split into more frequent injections.

Many men can end up struggling when running too high an FT level.

Where does your trough TT, FT, and estradiol sit let alone RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit?

What is your SHBG?

Keep in mind most men poking T + ND are using what would be considered therapeutic doses of 50-100 mg ND/week for relief/improvement of joint/bone pain.

You are on a high-end dose of T 200 mg/week + 150 mg ND/week.

350 mg of androgens/week whether a short-term stint or long-term is quite a bit for HRT.

In the long run, if overall blood markers stay healthy and you feel great overall then stick to what you feel is best.

Also, keep in mind that although trt can improve mild depression, anxiety, and overall well-being it is highly doubtful that testosterone let alone nandrolone will have a big impact on treating MDD.

Screenshot (12722).png

*Do not extrapolate that TTh induces remission of major depressive disorder (MDD) or augments response to antidepressant therapy
Why all the negativity here? I've had injuries that made it difficult for me to sleep (which thankfully resolved before I became overly depressed) however if they had continued for years I can see how that would be very negative for quality of life. This (so far) seems like a classic example of the power of direct benefits (pain reduction) creating a cascade of indirect benefits. Hopefully OP can back the dosages down over time but so far so good.
350 mg of androgens/week whether a short-term stint or long-term is quite a bit for HRT.

That's no HRT, that's a cycle. If we look at the total equivalent anabolic potential, its like using 650mg of testosterone (Deca is 3 x Testosterone, so 200T+(3x150ND) = 650mg).

Various mates in their 20s have gained 10-12kg in 8-12 weeks of such doses. That ain't no trt. Im not being a hypocrite, I'm just calling it what it is.

If it works short term as a crutch, that's one thing. Will this work forever? Will using such doses across years or decades be harmless? I doubt it. Unless your comorbidities are so severe that the pain reduction is worth is, this approach is not sustainable. Sooner or later your dopamine system is going to come knocking. All those "good feelz" are temporary in my experience. "honeymoon".
That's no HRT, that's a cycle. If we look at the total equivalent anabolic potential, its like using 650mg of testosterone (Deca is 3 x Testosterone, so 200T+(3x150ND) = 650mg).

Various mates in their 20s have gained 10-12kg in 8-12 weeks of such doses. That ain't no trt. Im not being a hypocrite, I'm just calling it what it is.

If it works short term as a crutch, that's one thing. Will this work forever? Will using such doses across years or decades be harmless? I doubt it. Unless your comorbidities are so severe that the pain reduction is worth is, this approach is not sustainable. Sooner or later your dopamine system is going to come knocking. All those "good feelz" are temporary in my experience. "honeymoon".

You have it twisted!

Forget the nandrolone has 3x the anabolic potential of testosterone bulls**t.

He is on a high-end trt dose of 200 mg/week.

Most men on trt are injecting 100-200mg/week whether split once weekly, twice-weekly, M/W/F, EOD, or daily.

As I have stated in previous threads most men can easily achieve a healthy, high let alone absurdly high trough FT injecting <200 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

Some men may need the higher-end trt doses but it is far from common.

You may even have some outliers that need slightly higher than 200 mg/week but it would be extremely rare.

This would sum up trt.

Most throwing nandrolone into the mix (HRT) are using what would be considered therapeutic doses of 50-100 mg/week for relief/improvement of joint/bone pain.

Adding 50-100 mg/week of nandrolone to a standard trt protocol of 100-200 mg/week is far from what would be considered a cycle.

Look up Lipshultzs pilot study.

The small pilot study from Lipshultz had men that were on a T-only protocol (100/200 mg/week).

The men on 100 mg/week of T were adding 50 mg/week of ND.

The men on 200 mg/week of T were adding 100 mg/week of ND.

On the high end they were using 200mg T + 100 mg ND/week = 300mg

Lipshultz has numerous patients using therapeutic doses of T + ND.

Are we saying he is dishing out steroid cycles to his patients now.....LMFAO!

The OP is on 200mg T + 150 mg ND = 350 mg/week which is definitely a fair amount of androgens but I would still not consider it cycle territory.

Even then he would most likely fair better starting on the lower end dose of ND but unfortunately, it sounds like his doctor may be running one of those T-mills you know the ones where they throw everyone on that high-end dose of 200 mg/week T let alone push the nandrolone as the next best thing!

More is better they say, we will have you jacked in no time.

Top it all off that the OP never once mentioned that the ND was being used to treat bone/joint pain.

Most with any sense in their head that wanted to take advantage of the muscle-building potential of T let alone ND would be injecting 200 mg T + 200 mg ND/week at the minimum end.
You have it twisted!

Forget the nandrolone has 3x the anabolic potential of testosterone bulls**t.

He is on a high-end trt dose of 200 mg/week.

Most men on trt are injecting 100-200mg/week whether split once weekly, twice-weekly, M/W/F, EOD, or daily.

As I have stated in previous threads most men can easily achieve a healthy, high let alone absurdly high trough FT injecting <200 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

Some men may need the higher-end trt doses but it is far from common.

You may even have some outliers that need slightly higher than 200 mg/week but it would be extremely rare.

This would sum up trt.

Most throwing nandrolone into the mix (HRT) are using what would be considered therapeutic doses of 50-100 mg/week for relief/improvement of joint/bone pain.

Adding 50-100 mg/week of nandrolone to a standard trt protocol of 100-200 mg/week is far from what would be considered a cycle.

Look up Lipshultzs pilot study.

The small pilot study from Lipshultz had men that were on a T-only protocol (100/200 mg/week).

The men on 100 mg/week of T were adding 50 mg/week of ND.

The men on 200 mg/week of T were adding 100 mg/week of ND.

On the high end they were using 200mg T + 100 mg ND/week = 300mg

Lipshultz has numerous patients using therapeutic doses of T + ND.

Are we saying he is dishing out steroid cycles to his patients now.....LMFAO!

The OP is on 200mg T + 150 mg ND = 350 mg/week which is definitely a fair amount of androgens but I would still not consider it cycle territory.

Even then he would most likely fair better starting on the lower end dose of ND but unfortunately, it sounds like his doctor may be running one of those T-mills you know the ones where they throw everyone on that high-end dose of 200 mg/week T let alone push the nandrolone as the next best thing!

More is better they say, we will have you jacked in no time.

Top it all off that the OP never once mentioned that the ND was being used to treat bone/joint pain.

Most with any sense in their head that wanted to take advantage of the muscle-building potential of T let alone ND would be injecting 200 mg T + 200 mg ND/week at the minimum end.
Unless I see blood work it's TRT+ for sure (i.e, 200 mg/week equivalent of Test ester).

Add in the ND, and boom, get some swole! :)

No judgment here, just get those regular Echos and EKGs. I should put that in a signature line.
Re-reading the original post, depending on how long a "few" weeks actually is, it is very likely considering the very long half-life of ND, that the OP has not reached perhaps even half of steady-state levels. That argues for a lower ongoing dose. One of the calculators for esters could probably approximate what his levels were when he first started to feel well and that would tell about how much to lower the dose.
You have it twisted!

Forget the nandrolone has 3x the anabolic potential of testosterone bulls**t.

The OP is on 200mg T + 150 mg ND = 350 mg/week

OK, lets forget the anabolic potential for now. (Its NOT bullshit, you clearly have not much knowledge of anabolic info, but lets pretend ND has no extra anabolic potential).

So, I keep seeing the following being preached on here: "A healthy male produces 5-7mg testosterone a day"

That's 7-9mg a day or 50-63mg a week of cypionate equivalent in the best gifted teen athlete.

So the OP is taking over FIVE to SEVEN times the total mg of a gifted teen athlete (ignoring deca being more anabolic or dangerous).

Lipshultz has numerous patients using therapeutic doses of T + ND.

Are we saying he is dishing out steroid cycles to his patients now.....LMFAO!

5 times natural production...yes indeed in my book is a cycle. (I got my own first hand evidence. Hardgainer friends in their early 20s with no low T symptoms BLEW UP on 200mg T + 150mg NPP in 10-12 weeks.)

You appear to ignore nandrolone when calculating your total MGs. You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless. You are WRONG. Add them up and see the total MGs, open your eyes. (Lets also ignore the synergy that when mixing steroids you can get results such that 1 + 1 = 3)

I truly wish your "add on" logic were true. I would run 100mg test \ 10mg npp \ 100mg tren \ 100mg substance X forever and sleep tight knowing that my T dose is "only" 100mg, everything else is an "add on".
Reasonable 50%tile (ok maybe 60%tile) estimate of 200 mg/week Test ester dose response:

And as shared above a "cheat sheet" if you will to eyeball how you may respond to various dosages of injectable testosterone ester:

Note the x-axis here corresponds to weekly dosage of test ester (TC/TE).

The second graph shows a majority of men would be running supraphysiologic levels of TT with 200 mg/week of injectable test ester. Of course, your individual response will vary (hence I threw up the percentiles) and you should get blood work to confirm your response (also understand the effect of injection frequency of blood levels in first graph above and how that interacts with when you take your blood work).

On the high end they were using 200mg T + 100 mg ND/week = 300mg

Lipshultz has numerous patients using therapeutic doses of T + ND.

Are we saying he is dishing out steroid cycles to his patients now.....LMFAO!

We should look at each person's response. Steroid cycles? Steroid cycle, anabolic therapy, perma-cruise?

Risk/reward for any anabolic therapy in the context of each person's individual health history.
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Top it all off that the OP never once mentioned that the ND was being used to treat bone/joint pain.
You can do some quick internet searching and make sure own conclusions of what type of "provider" this may be.
Perhaps this is what bixt is referencing?

Technically in a pharmacological world, Nandrolone has much more anabolic properties than does testosterone. Where testosterone has an anabolic: androgenic ratio of 1:1, nandrolone is 10:1. Of course, The main difference between androgenic and anabolic is that androgenic steroids generate male sex hormone-related activity whereas anabolic steroids increase both muscle mass and the bone mass.

Kicman AT: Pharmacology of anabolic steroids. Br J Pharmacol 2008;154:502-521.

Alberto Frisoli, Jr.,, Paulo H. M. Chaves, Marcelo Medeiros Pinheiro, Vera Lucia Szejnfeld, The Effect of Nandrolone Decanoate on Bone Mineral Density, Muscle Mass, and Hemoglobin Levels in Elderly Women With Osteoporosis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Volume 60, Issue 5, May 2005, Pages 648–653, Effect of Nandrolone Decanoate on Bone Mineral Density, Muscle Mass, and Hemoglobin Levels in Elderly Women With Osteoporosis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

In any case 200mg of testosterone/wk would be over the top for most regarding TRT purposes. Adding 150mg/wk of nandrolone is going to push you serum T levels way over the top. If it works for you great! But like Madman said, "Need to keep an eye on your blood markers RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit."
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Adding 150mg/wk of nandrolone is going to push you serum T levels way over the top.
Not quite. It will push your serum androgen levels way over the top. An accurate TT assay (LC/MS-MS) will show you taking nandrolone doesn't increase serum TT levels.

Guys get confused by this since some TT assays will pick up nandrolone as testosterone through interference:

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