Excel Male TRT Forum

Testosterone Therapy: Adhering to Treatment/Modes of Treatment

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An older study, but one worth considering. To determine which modes of treatment resulted in the highest rates of adherence, a retrospective claims database study from January 2005 through December 2011 was undertaken. The study included...

Estradiol, Depression, & Obesity in Men

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Several studies have shown a positive association between depression and obesity; however the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. It is not known if this association is driven by altered sex hormone levels in men due to increased BMI...
An Extra Hour of Sleep Equals 12% More Testosterone?
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Aging men's testosterone decline is largely due to the fact that older men sleep less well than younger men. At least that's the conclusion of researchers at the National University of Singapore who studied 531 Chinese men aged between 29 and 72...

Testosterone May Protect Men Against Ashtma

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Testosterone may help protect men against asthma, according to a paper published Tuesday in Cell Reports. The scientists looked at a protein involved in lung inflammation and found that testosterone decreased its production, at least in mouse...
The 11 Year-Old Study That Proves Testosterone Injections Every Two Weeks Fail
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We still regularly have members join us who have been prescribed an injection of testosterone, 200mg, every two weeks. New to the TRT game the member, in all good-faith, wonders why he feels even worse than he did prior to the start of hormone...

Coffee May Increase SHBG

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I'm quoting the abstract, but it seems a rather weak result. 1,410 men aged 20 + years who attended the morning examination session of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988–1991) were included in the...

Magic Mushrooms For Depression?

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In a small study at the Imperial College of London, 19 patients received a single dose of the psychedelic psilocybin. All had been diagnosed with, and were suffering from, depression that had been resistant to treatment. Twenty four hours after...

Treating Low Sexual Desire in the Post-Menopausal Woman

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At the present tine. flibanserin (Addyi, Valeant Pharmaceuticals) is the only approved therapy for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. However, it is only indicated for use in premenopausal women. According to Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg...
Needle-Free Injections For ED: Do the Devices Work?
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Needle phobia is a well recognized phenomenon that it is believed affects 10% of the population. In the diabetic population, that number jumps to nearly 80%. Fear of needles is believed to be the single largest reason that many diabetics are not...

Low Serum Testosterone in Outpatient Psych Clinics

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In a study that confirmed what seems so obvious to members of Excelmale, researchers have concluded that there is: "a lack of information on the prevalence of low testosterone in patients presenting with psychiatric complaints despite an...

Review of Studies of Testosterone to Assess Stroke Risk

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Although two of seven studies showed reduced stroke risk, the review could not come to a definitive conclusion. Among eight RCTs, a low frequency of stroke events (<5) was observed across both testosterone and control groups, thus...
Is Metformin a Miracle Drug ? : Nelson Vergel Explains
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Jay Campbell invited me to present a review of relevant data on the use of Metformin in men with and without diabetes. I hope you enjoy the work I put into explaining the data to clarify the myths and facts about this old drug that is creating...

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