Excel Male TRT Forum

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Video: Testosterone in Women: Friend or Enemy ?

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Allison Woodworth speaks about the facts and misconceptions of testosterone in women. Email her at [email protected] for more information on how to get your testosterone tested and how to improve it if you are diagnosed testosterone deficient.

What Every Man Should Know About HCG- Video Interview

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Nelson: Hi everybody, Nelson Vergel here, founder of ExcelMale.com and DiscountedLabs.com. We're very excited today. We're going to be covering a very hot topic, the use of HCG in men. We have a really good expert on the subject, Allison...
Video: Low Thyroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
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Allison Woodworth (from PrimeBody.com) explains the main symptoms, diagnosis tests and therapies to treat low thyroid function.

Webinar: Will Brink Speaks About Creatine, Whey and Bomb Proof Coffee

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Will Brink speaks about creatine, whey and bomb proof coffee. His website is BrinkZone.com
Interview with Nelson Vergel by Performance Health Podcast in Australia
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To kick off 2016 with a bang, episode 30 of the Icon Performance Health Podcast presents men's health activist Nelson Vergel. Tom and I talk to Nelson about a significant issue that exists in society today; modern man's battle with healthy...

Webinar on Clomid, Anastrozole, HCG, DHEA, finasteride syndrome and much more

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Testosterone book authors Dr John Crisler, Nelson Vergel and Jay Campbell discuss their views and asnwer questions on clomid (clomiphene), estradiol management with anastrozole, HCG for fertility and libido, how to treat finasteride syndrome, new...
How can we predict efficacy of HCG plus testosterone on sperm production?
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TRT decreases the amount of intratesticular testosterone (ITT) needed for proper sperm production. This confusing fact may be due to the shut down of LH and FSH caused by the negative feedback loop in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis...
Total and Free Testosterone Test $29 Limited Time Offer
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I hope you take advantage of this one time offer! http://www.discountedlabs.com/testosterone-free-total/

Webcast : Doctors Speak About Men's Health Issues

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Here is the video. I hope you guys like it. Some sound issues (we are planning to use another platform next time since Google hangouts is not a perfect one). 90 minutes of information!

How to Use ExcelMale.com For Your Maximum Benefit

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Welcome to ExcelMale.com. This brief (4.5 minutes) video will make it easy for you to maximize the benefits of ExcelMale.com by showing you the site's capabilities. Do not hesitate to ask questions you may have after finishing this video...

Why Use DiscountedLabs.com and How it Works?

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This video list the main facts and advantages of using www.DiscountedLabs.com to order blood tests online. I founded this company to make it easier for people to take charge of their health without breaking the bank. How prices...

Video: Truth and Lies About Fat Loss Supplements

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Today's google hangout with Jerry Brainum was a great success. I bet that anyone that watches this video will learn things they have never read before anywhere else about fat loss supplements. Take the time to watch it ! Here is...
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