Safe and Effective Treatment Yes, and Thalidomide was “safe and effective” as treatment for nausea during pregnancy, too. If you don’t know that story, I’m sorry for what you are about to learn when you search it. And progestins (synthetic...
Table of Contents From the referenced content below which states these factors affect your testosterone levels, I was greatly violating most of them. Is it possible I should have fixed these before starting TRT? i wonder how much of an...
Table of Contents Introduction Currently, only topical minoxidil (MNX) and oral finasteride (FNS) are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia...
One of the most frequent, unwanted side-effects for men on TRT is the rise in hematocrit levels. A recent study of trans men highlighted the issue. In trans persons on gender-affirming hormonal treatment, a decrease (in trans women) or...
Table of Contents Pregnenolone - Why You Need It Pregnenolone is a hormone that many Doctors and men are not familiar with or understand its role in the CHOL pathways but it’s critically important to our health as it is a "precursor hormone"...
Table of Contents The Journal of Urology Volume 199, Issue 4, Supplement, April 2018, Page e1171 Sexual Function/Dysfunction: Medical, Hormonal & Non-surgical Therapy II MP85-06 TOREMIFENE CITRATE IMPROVES HIGH-DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN LEVELS...
Table of Contents It’s been 18 years since the FDA approved sildenafil to treat men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). Under the well-known brand name Viagra, this “little blue pill” has grown to hold almost half of sexual dysfunction...
Endocr Connect. 2017 Aug 9;6(7):430-436. doi: 10.1530/EC-17-0159. Print 2017 Oct. HIIT produces increases in muscle power and free testosterone in male masters athletes Herbert P1, Hayes LD2, Sculthorpe NF3, Grace FM4. Abstract...
Does getting a good pump in the gym while lifting have anything to do with testosterone levels? I know you need good blood flow to get a pump but I was wondering if having higher testosterone would lead to greater pumps in the gym. The muscle...
Earlier this week, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced the SARMs Control Act of 2018. If passed and signed by the President, the Act would amend the Controlled Substances Act to list SARMs as Schedule III...
You’ll learn about testosterone in general, how to increase it naturally, testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone boosters, treatments, anastrozole, erectile dysfunction and more. Click here for more information: Testosterone...
Getting answers, you have done excellent troubleshooting by trying both Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate to narrow down why you are having a local reaction to these medications. You are also correct that it's impossible to create...