Nandrolone - What it's done for me

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Vettester Chris

Super Moderator
As some many know, I am an avid motorcyclist. Started young, plan on doing it even more as I get older! Over the past few years, I've noticed a trend going on, where my ability to ride more than a few hours was causing some pain in the mid-section of my back. Over the past year, the 2 hours started dropping to an 1-1/2, then to 1 hour, where I could start feeling it and needing to take longer breaks. Even just small bumps in the road would provoke anguishing pain, like a "stinger" sensation if you've ever felt that?!?!

My GP ordered some XRay exams, and my physician team concluded that I have moderate degenerative disc disease & arthritis. Guys, you know how this usually goes ... Most physicians are content with writing it off as a normal aging issue, and the solutions always seem to include things like "riding less", and "avoiding gym activities" that can concentrate in that area (mid, lumbar region).

OK, 2 months ago, I got a "low dose" prescription of Nadrolone (60mg x 2/week .. Total of 120mg/wk) through my clinic, which I keep my GP in the loop with. Conclusion is, WOW! I was seeing improvements right away! Today, I rode over four (4) hours!! No issues, no pain, hardly feels like I went riding at all!! I will run labs this month, but I am just floored with the improvement! Also had some "old" rotating cuff issues that seem to have disappeared.

My summary might be viewed as anecdotal, but I know what that pain feels like, and I know it was just getting worse at a faster rate. My GP believes it won't sustain, she might be right. She's also real nervous about the affect it will have on my labs. Her concerns are noted, I will run labs this month, but I'm personally not too worried due to other positive lifestyle habits (diet, gym, blood donating, etc.) that are incorporated into my program. Riding is also a lifestyle event for me, and I just don't want to give it up!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
That is terrific! Having that nagging pain go away has to be a huge relief. And such a low dose as well. Your labs will tell the tale, but I can't imagine that dose causing any major issues.

I wish more doctors were open to this. I have some nagging joint and back pain that wont go away as well and I would love to be able to do this. My regular GP already gave me the "Well, you are 51 and not getting any younger" talk... It would be terrific if Defy Medical did this as well.
That is terrific! Having that nagging pain go away has to be a huge relief. And such a low dose as well. Your labs will tell the tale, but I can't imagine that dose causing any major issues.

I wish more doctors were open to this. I have some nagging joint and back pain that wont go away as well and I would love to be able to do this. My regular GP already gave me the "Well, you are 51 and not getting any younger" talk... It would be terrific if Defy Medical did this as well.
Ive incorporated 100mg Deca a week for awhile now to help with my long standing shoulder damage. I dont feel the low dose as helped much and im even more aggressive taking the deca than when on TRT/HCG protocol. I was very tempted to up the dose as im in serious pain but have big doubts. Great for you Vince
For anyone using nandrolone for tissue-damage issues, would you mind posting what clinic you're using? I'm currently on TRT through Defy. I have several degenerative discs in my neck, with one being herniated. I also have a spinal-chord cyst in that same area. My neurosurgeon wants to fuse C6-C7 vertebrae to see if that "may" reduce the size of the cyst and help with pain management, but of course says he has no idea if that will actually work.

On good days that area of the neck is just very uncomfortable. On bad days it is very painful and I can't look up above my head for more than five seconds without it getting unbearable. I've been able to stay away from pain meds, and I'm absolutely not going to start fusing discs unless it's the only option available. Last time I checked you can't "un-fuse" a disc if the operation doesn't help a problem. I've thought about approaching Dr. Saya about nandrolone use, to see if that will help with the neck problem. However, if they don't offer that service it would be great to know of another clinic that might.
A 12 month study compared the efficacy and safety of Nandrolone + Calcium and Calcium alone in men with osteoporosis. It found the bone mineralization benefit to be transient with significant rise in hemoglobin.

[" Thus, nandrolone decanoate, 50 mg im weekly, transiently increases the bone mass of men with idiopathic osteoporosis in this preliminary study. Careful monitoring is necessary."]

Am J Ther. 1998 Mar;5(2):89-95.
Nandrolone decanoate for men with osteoporosis.Hamdy RC[SUP]1[/SUP], Moore SW, Whalen KE, Landy C.
For anyone using nandrolone for tissue-damage issues, would you mind posting what clinic you're using? I'm currently on TRT through Defy. I have several degenerative discs in my neck, with one being herniated. I also have a spinal-chord cyst in that same area. My neurosurgeon wants to fuse C6-C7 vertebrae to see if that "may" reduce the size of the cyst and help with pain management, but of course says he has no idea if that will actually work.

On good days that area of the neck is just very uncomfortable. On bad days it is very painful and I can't look up above my head for more than five seconds without it getting unbearable. I've been able to stay away from pain meds, and I'm absolutely not going to start fusing discs unless it's the only option available. Last time I checked you can't "un-fuse" a disc if the operation doesn't help a problem. I've thought about approaching Dr. Saya about nandrolone use, to see if that will help with the neck problem. However, if they don't offer that service it would be great to know of another clinic that might.

Jon, You might wish to start a new thread with this question. It is likely to attract more notice.
Becasue of my AIDS diagnosis over two decades ago I was able to get Nandrolone at 200 plus IM a week along with the same a mount of testosterone. It built me back up. I was anemic and that was 'cured'. My Hematocrit never rose above 50! Maybe because of my marathon training. I do body build as well. Probably because of the war on steroids about a year ago my whole regimen was pulled. I was left with 200 mg every two weeks of test. A very low TRT. My body broke down. Joint pains weight loss of 15 pounds horrible time last year with trying to convince the endocrinologist my PCP sent me to at a conservative medical institution like Massachusetts General Hospital about individual needs. my Since then got back to 200
mg a week and my Nandrolone 100mg a week. Thank you Nelson Vergal for refer me to and thank you to the HIV/Defy Medical program. I am already feeling better. No aches. Now to rebuild my body and spirit back up yet again.
As some many know, I am an avid motorcyclist. Started young, plan on doing it even more as I get older! Over the past few years, I've noticed a trend going on, where my ability to ride more than a few hours was causing some pain in the mid-section of my back. Over the past year, the 2 hours started dropping to an 1-1/2, then to 1 hour, where I could start feeling it and needing to take longer breaks. Even just small bumps in the road would provoke anguishing pain, like a "stinger" sensation if you've ever felt that?!?!

My GP ordered some XRay exams, and my physician team concluded that I have moderate degenerative disc disease & arthritis. Guys, you know how this usually goes ... Most physicians are content with writing it off as a normal aging issue, and the solutions always seem to include things like "riding less", and "avoiding gym activities" that can concentrate in that area (mid, lumbar region).

OK, 2 months ago, I got a "low dose" prescription of Nadrolone (60mg x 2/week .. Total of 120mg/wk) through my clinic, which I keep my GP in the loop with. Conclusion is, WOW! I was seeing improvements right away! Today, I rode over four (4) hours!! No issues, no pain, hardly feels like I went riding at all!! I will run labs this month, but I am just floored with the improvement! Also had some "old" rotating cuff issues that seem to have disappeared.

My summary might be viewed as anecdotal, but I know what that pain feels like, and I know it was just getting worse at a faster rate. My GP believes it won't sustain, she might be right. She's also real nervous about the affect it will have on my labs. Her concerns are noted, I will run labs this month, but I'm personally not too worried due to other positive lifestyle habits (diet, gym, blood donating, etc.) that are incorporated into my program. Riding is also a lifestyle event for me, and I just don't want to give it up!

Thank you for this post. I start Deca soon. Which nanderlone ester are you using? How long did it take before you noticed relief? Do you lift weights? If so, do you notice if nanderlone has increased muscle mass?

I am very interested in your lab while on nanderlone.
As some many know, I am an avid motorcyclist. Started young, plan on doing it even more as I get older! Over the past few years, I've noticed a trend going on, where my ability to ride more than a few hours was causing some pain in the mid-section of my back. Over the past year, the 2 hours started dropping to an 1-1/2, then to 1 hour, where I could start feeling it and needing to take longer breaks. Even just small bumps in the road would provoke anguishing pain, like a "stinger" sensation if you've ever felt that.

My GP ordered some XRay exams, and my physician team concluded that I have moderate degenerative disc disease & arthritis. Guys, you know how this usually goes ... Most physicians are content with writing it off as a normal aging issue, and the solutions always seem to include things like "riding less", and "avoiding gym activities" that can concentrate in that area (mid, lumbar region).

OK, 2 months ago, I got a "low dose" prescription of Nadrolone (60mg x 2/week .. Total of 120mg/wk) through my clinic, which I keep my GP in the loop with. Conclusion is, WOW! I was seeing improvements right away! Today, I rode over four (4) hours!! No issues, no pain, hardly feels like I went riding at all!! I will run labs this month, but I am just floored with the improvement! Also had some "old" rotating cuff issues that seem to have disappeared.

My summary might be viewed as anecdotal, but I know what that pain feels like, and I know it was just getting worse at a faster rate. My GP believes it won't sustain, she might be right. She's also real nervous about the affect it will have on my labs. Her concerns are noted, I will run labs this month, but I'm personally not too worried due to other positive lifestyle habits (diet, gym, blood donating, etc.) that are incorporated into my program. Riding is also a lifestyle event for me, and I just don't want to give it up!

Very happy for you Chris. I know you'll do well with it, very happy for your pain relief.
It's Decanoate. I was able to ride in comfort almost immediately, the same weekend from my 1st injection. I do lift, but no immense notice of increase of muscle or any of that ... No lack of it either though. Certain ongoing pains, like my rotating cuff (left shoulder) isn't nagging me anymore either.

I'll have to get labs pretty soon, stay tuned ...
Congratulations I'm happy it helped you I told my dr. I had interest in trying it for my CRPS type 1 but when I asked my dock gave me the look. I think "the war on steroids" has hurt a lot more than it has helped.
It's Decanoate. I was able to ride in comfort almost immediately, the same weekend from my 1st injection. I do lift, but no immense notice of increase of muscle or any of that ... No lack of it either though. Certain ongoing pains, like my rotating cuff (left shoulder) isn't nagging me anymore either.

I'll have to get labs pretty soon, stay tuned ...

Have you gotten labs yet?

I think I'll be on low dose nanderlone for a while due to how great it makes my joints feel
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
I just took my first 30mg dose of nandrolone and am praying it helps with my arthritis. Doc is starting me on a low dose of 60mg divided into 2-30mg doses a week. My Hemoglobin is already high, so don’t want to aggravate it more if a lower dose will do. Also changing test dose from 200mg once per week to 160mg split into 4-40mg doses in effort to lower Hemoglobin. I’ll report back weekly or if I notice any changes good or bad.
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