This is an interesting phenomenon with aging that comes as a relief to me. When I was in my 20's, I found older women (let's say 45+) gross, even if they were in relatively good shape. I wondered and worried how I was ever going to be able to remain attracted to a woman as we aged together.
It turns out that something shifts in your brain as you age, that makes women your own age appear more attractive than that same age would have been when you were young. It's like your brain discounts the signs of aging that used to be gross, and sees past them to what is still appealing about the person. It's almost a selective blindness or something.
It is a very interesting process, I agree. I can definitely relate. When I was younger, I don’t think I ever thought older women were unattractive, but just wasn’t my thing. But as I got a bit older, specifically around maybe 28-30, for some reason I became very attracted to older women. I just loved the maturity that came with them, and the very womanly/ curvy bodies they tended to have. Then I had an experience with a 50 year old woman, when I was 30, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life! Just the way it came about was really hot, and then she just knew things that I’ve never seen younger women know. In regards to what she liked/ needed, and in regards to what to do with the opposite sex. She rocked my world lol. And since then I’ve not been into younger women much, and very much into older women. Her being 50 was nothing to me. So after that, I always wondered how high in age I could go, and I’m pretty sure if the right opportunity ever had come about, I would have gone pretty shockingly high lol. But after that, younger women’s less womanly/ mature bodies didn’t attract me as much, and then them probably not knowing themselves as much wasn’t as attractive to me as an older women that probably knows her body better. Oh, and I’ve found that older women are able to voice what they want/ need better, which I love! And younger women seem more hesitant to do that, or maybe just don’t know their bodies as much, which isn’t as attractive/ fun, imo. Anyways, u got me going on a tangent here lol. Just for the record, I’m very happy with my wife, and she’s like 15 months younger than me.
Js that it is really interesting how ur views can change as u get older, in regards to age and the opposite sex. I’m sure it’s something similar to how as we age, most people wouldn’t ever choose to be younger, and would want to stay the age they’re at. Within reason obv. I’m sure many 100 year olds would choose to be like 50 or 60, if they could. But I know that I wouldn’t want to ever go back to being say a teenager again. I see teenagers now, and they seem awkward and uncomfortable/ nervous, and don’t have a lot of confidence, and just have no idea who they are yet, and are just doing what they think is cool, and trying to be what they think is cool. I would absolutely hate to go back to that! Lol. Would much rather be my current age. I know myself and who I am, and who I want to be way better, way more self confidence, don’t feel nervous or awkward in any situations, just understand life and myself way more, etc. Anyways, another tangent lol.
It is very interesting how the brain works tho. I assume it developed these ways of thinking due to having evolutionary benefits. I assume that as we age, we tend to be attracted to people in our own age group (obv everyone is different, and I’m sure some people prefer much younger people sexually, no matter how old they get) due to it benefiting the specifies for young people to be attracted to people their own age, and give themselves the best chance of having healthy/ viable offspring. Opposed to say older men taking the younger women from the younger men, and their older sperm/ dna that they’re contributing, possibly causing more issues with the child. Same with older women stealing the younger men. The younger man’s sperm/ dna is going to be ideal, but impregnating an older woman comes with more risks than impregnating a younger woman. Obv this is all speculation, and just me brainstorming, but it kind of makes sense lol. And evolutionarily it makes sense for our brains to enjoy the process of aging, opposed to being depressed the entire time about it lol