Hello fellas,
My primary retired and I started up with a new PCP. She was okay with my TRT protocol. I didn’t know this before I left her office but she refilled my testosterone script with Xyosted. I did a search on this forum but didn’t find too much on it.
It’s expensive. With insurance, it was going to cost me $585. With GoodRx, I got my regular test syp for $36/month.
Anyone have experience with Xyosted?
We have a few members on here that were on Xyosted.
You must have been on once-weekly injections using 100 mg TC/week if your new doctor decided for whatever reason to push the Xyosted TE auto-injector on you.
Not sure if you were already injecting sub-q when using the TC as most men on trt are using TC/TE and injecting IM (shallow/deep) or strictly sub-q.
Xyosted auto-injector comes in three doses .5 mL (50/75/100mg T) which uses testosterone enanthate pre-loaded into an auto-injector and is meant to be injected subcutaneously.
The recommended starting dose is 75mg T/week but most men end up moving on to the 100mg T/week dose to achieve a higher-end TT/FT level.
Rare anyone would be on the 50mg T/week dose as it would have your trough TT/FT level too low.
Even then many jump on the 100mg T/week dose when starting.
To be honest it would be much more sensible and cost-effective to stick with your old protocol using a 10 mL vial 200 mg/mL strength of TC and inject strictly IM or sub-q using an LDS fixed insulin syringe 27-31G various needle lengths than the Xyosted auto-injector.
The downfall with Xyosted is you are stuck with a set dose (50/75/100 mg T) let alone are forced into the once-weekly injection protocol.
It may be convenient for some but the majority of men on trt are using a 10 mL vial (200 mg/mL strength) of TC/TE and injecting anywhere from 100-200 mg T/week and even then some men are using <100 mg T whether once-weekly, twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F special, EOD or daily.
Not only is it more cost-effective but more importantly you have the freedom needed to tweak your protocol (dose T/injection frequency) which is critical when trying to find what works best for you let alone the freedom to run a much higher TT/FT level if needed.
Unless your insurance covered it and you were content with the 100 mg TE/week protocol then do what you feel is best but even then personally I would not waste my time.
Much more sensible using the standard 10 mL vials (200 mg/mL) strength and drawing/injecting using an LDS fixed insulin syringe.....easy peezy!
I would be calling up your doctor and demanding your 10 mL vial.
Good chance she is getting a kickback pushing Xyosted on you!
Testosterone Injection | XYOSTED® (testosterone enanthate)
Look over some of the threads when you have time:
Conclusion Authentic needle and drug-containing devices were used in order to provide a realistic assessment of the potential for limitations of usability with the SCTE-AI device. Results of this usability validation study indicate the low potential for physical harm associated with use of the...
Introduction & Objectives: Xyosted is the first Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved testosterone enanthate product aimed to provide a weekly, self-administered injector for subcutaneous delivery of testosterone. This is the first non-industry sponsored post-market study to evaluate the...
Introduction: Xyosted® is a subcutaneous testosterone enanthate-autoinjector (SCTE-AI) which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2018 for patient-administered weekly testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Objective: This is the largest non-industry sponsored post-market study...
Comparison of Outcomes for Hypogonadal Men Treated with Intramuscular Testosterone Cypionate Versus Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate (2020) Introduction Intramuscular testosterone cypionate (IM-TC) is the conventional treatment option for hypogonadal men with baseline serum total...
Is 80mg injected into my belly every 4th day to much? Meaning is 80mg to much to inject at one time into belly?
ABSTRACT Introduction: Testosterone deficiency (TD) is defined as low serum testosterone associated with symptoms and signs. There has been an increasing prevalence of TD in recent decades, especially in males aged 15–39. Many of these men will require long-term testosterone therapy (TT)...
Curious as to if anyone is currently using or has used Xyosted and if so what was their experience with it.