Will Clomid Help Sperm Count During TRT?

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my husband takes testosterone injections and we have decided to have another baby. the first time he stopped went on clomid and his sperm went from 40,000 to 4 million in 3 months then 100 million by 6 months. this time he tried taking clomid while still om the injections thinking it would raise sperm count well it didnt sperm count was zero. so he has stopped injections and is still taking 25mg clomid daily. i am so nervous it wont work this time around. do you think it will turn his sperm production in and can it go from zero to normal in 3 months.

He isn't taking HCG to maintain his testicles? Has he ever taken HCG, the standard adjunctive agent used for that purpose? How old is he and how long has he been on TRT? Clomid and testosterone typically work against each other and are not generally prescribed concurrently. HCG is another story.
he is 47 he stopped the injections and went in clomid this worked the first time for him with no hcg
HCG is prescribed and taken during the course of TRT. Most of us here are taking it routinely; it's a standard part of a good TRT protocol as it works to maintain testicular size and function while exogenous testosterone is being administered. It's unfortunate that his doctors didn't prescribe it for him.

We can't tell you what sort of response he'll have with this effort. He's older and his axis has been shut down again. We certainly wish you all the best. When did he discontinue his injections?
Most men on TRT and wish to remain fertile use HCG, 500iu every other day or 3 days a week. The only way to know if you're making enough sperm is by testing, of course.
In light of the editing the member did to her posts, deleting all information other than the phrase "TRT and Clomid", I am closing the thread.
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