There's really no reason to inject more than 2X per week "on paper" and many do fine 1X per week, which is sacrilege to say here, but true regardless. I think for those who are having issues with say E2, or elevated SHBG, smaller more frequent doses are worth a try. Subjectively, some men report feeling better on daily dose, some don't. Personally I'm with you in that I want to poke myself as little as possible, and the every 3.5 day schedule seems to work for the vast majority, and "even" the 1X per week schedule objectively and subjectively. I would be very unhappy if I needed to do it daily personally. Exactly why some need so little and others so much, has not been fully elucidated and some factors are known as others outlined already, some not. Most men, most of the time, seem to get similar responses to similar doses however.
- Will @
It's interesting that some of the more frequent posters, particularly those injecting daily, chose not to comment on any of your comments. Of course in the spirit of friendly/healthy debate and to help educate those of us who are learning.