Ya I still use it at 500iu’s/ week. Me and my wife aren’t sure if we want one more kid or not, and I feel like it’s probably better to keep the testicles stimulated a little, opposed to letting them shut down completely. But like I said, I don’t notice any improvement in testicular atrophy from using it, so not sure if it’s even doing anything tbh. But I do have an 8 month old son, and we conceived after like the first month of trying, and was on test, deca and primo, at the time, with 1000iu’s of HCG, so maybe it is doing something, even if I don’t notice any benefits. Or maybe I would have been fertile without it, who knows lol. I basically just use it as an insurance policy, hoping it’s doing something beneficial, testicular/ fertility wise, even if in reality it’s doing jack sh*t lol. Currently using 500iu’s because we’re not actively trying to get her pregnant atm. If we decided to, I would bump it up to 1000iu’s/ week