Interesting. So what was less convenient about the creams? I heard that some creams dry within 5-10 mins. Was it inconvenient to wait for it to dry? I also heard you have to have a freshly shaven scrotum, a.k.a. ballsack lol. Idk why we just can’t call it what it is haha. But is that true, does it have to be clean shaven for the cream to absorb like it’s supposed to?
I never bothered to shave any areas where I applied the cream. I’ve heard that you should for better absorption but I never had any issues. I started out applying mostly to my scrotum but seemed to feel better using other application sites and only wiping any excess residue on scrotum. I would mainly use inner upper arms, forearms/wrists, or inner thigh/groin. Man, people talk about shrunken balls on TRT which hasn’t been much of an issue for me after over a year on injections with no hcg...but putting a whole 100mg of cream on my nuts turns the whole sack into a shriveled miniature walnut. It was startling the first time.
I keep my house fairly cool in the winter and getting up in the morning and waiting for the cream to dry after applying and before putting on clothes sucks. If I applied to my shoulders I’d be walking around with no shirt, if I applied to inner thighs I’d be walking around in no pants and underwear. Also, sometimes it would seem that there would be a slight residue after the cream dried. So I’d wait 10-15 for cream to dry, then go back and rub the residue in with moisturizer and then wait another 5-10 minutes for that to dry.
If I applied to my shoulder and was walking around shirtless, I’d have to tell my wife not to touch me. Transference is an issue for us - we sleep nude and don’t plan on changing that. The fine print that comes with the cream says to avoid contact with others for “2-12 hours”. So anyone’s guess as to how long before you’re safe.
Also, you’re not supposed to get the area wet for at least four hours but I suspect the longer you can keep it dry the better. Avoiding getting sweaty, swimming, or showering anytime before noon was annoying, especially since we often do river trips in the summer.
I felt like I wanted to get the most out of the cream so I was diligent about rubbing in. Thing is, the skin on your hands does not absorb it well into the blood stream, but my typically dry and calloused hands would soak that shit up. So I began wearing a nitrile glove to rub it in, which eliminated any wasting of the cream and worry about touching things after applying if I was somewhere I couldn’t thoroughly wash my hands. But the glove was also one more thing to mess with.
Also I didn’t like having to do it every day. I know there are a few fans of frequent injections here but I personally enjoy the freedom of pinning 2x per week and feel better doing so (and my SHBG is 23). I only pin 2x week and never have to mess with TRT on weekends, when we’re frequently traveling, camping, etc. I didn’t like having to bring my little TRT kit with me everywhere, even if just going away for a night.
There are probably other things I’ve forgotten that I’ve left out, but I much prefer injections.
And those are just issues with cream I found to be inconvenient - I also feel better on injections. I will say that my libido was higher on the cream, but sexual function, particularly lack of sensitivity, was worse.
Also I wouldn’t put too much stock into what some of the bullshitters on that “TOT” show say. That one doc didn’t “crack” any friggin’ code with cream on the sack...shit, the doc I started TRT with is a naturopath in a relatively small western town and he knew all about that.
I’d say if you’re doing well on your current protocol, stick with it. Far too easy to read things online and think that maybe the grass is greener with some other protocol. Sometimes it isn’t.