When to add HCG to TRT?


Active Member
I'm currently on Testosterone Cypionate only, and have been for about four months. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I have been making small adjustments every 2 months or so. I'm trying to get HCG as well, and have been fighting my doctor to get it. I keep asking myself this question, should I start using the HCG right away, or should I try to find my optimal Testosterone dosage/frequency before adding the HCG?

I'd hate to rely on a fragile, expensive peptide to feel good. In the event of insurance changes, travel, ect, can HCG be treated as optional at times, without feeling bad when it isn't taken for a few weeks?
I'm currently on Testosterone Cypionate only, and have been for about four months. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I have been making small adjustments every 2 months or so. I'm trying to get HCG as well, and have been fighting my doctor to get it. I keep asking myself this question, should I start using the HCG right away, or should I try to find my optimal Testosterone dosage/frequency before adding the HCG?

I'd hate to rely on a fragile, expensive peptide to feel good. In the event of insurance changes, travel, ect, can HCG be treated as optional at times, without feeling bad when it isn't taken for a few weeks?

Some who use HCG "feel" nothing from it. I'm delighted with my protocol, completely happy with what TRT has done for me, but I've run with and without HCG and notice no difference, nothing. I use it now, and have for a good while, because I know all the arguments for why it's a necessary aspect of a protocol (testicular vitality, upstream hormone maintenance). Yet...some guys certainly notice the presence/absence of HCG and find that it helps dial them in. I'd add it now and see how you respond.
When I first started TRT over 3 years age, I started HCG with my testosterone. I been injecting 500iu of HCG twice a week right from the beginning. Personally I really like HCG.
I'm currently on Testosterone Cypionate only, and have been for about four months. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I have been making small adjustments every 2 months or so. I'm trying to get HCG as well, and have been fighting my doctor to get it. I keep asking myself this question, should I start using the HCG right away, or should I try to find my optimal Testosterone dosage/frequency before adding the HCG?

I'd hate to rely on a fragile, expensive peptide to feel good. In the event of insurance changes, travel, ect, can HCG be treated as optional at times, without feeling bad when it isn't taken for a few weeks?

Taking HCG can raise your E2 that can be a plus or a minus depending on your situation.
Getting your T dose balanced then adding HCG could mess everything up requiring re balancing. If HCG boosts your natural T lvl that could become a issues as well.

IMO you need to either use HCG or not and don't go on and off the stuff.

My first 6 months of TRT T mono caused my balls to hurt with a dull ache and sometimes a stabing pain they also retracted towards my body. It took 3 weeks of using HCG 400iu x2 to get everything back to normal and I have been using HCG ever since.
My last labs had E2 at 21.9(sensitive) when my total T was 519 pg/DL. This was 36hrs after injection at 50mg x2/wk. I've upped my dose to 60mg x2/wk since, and will retest before adding HCG, but so far I'm hoping that E2 won't be a problem with low doses of HCG. Time will tell.

Thank you all for the replies, it really looks like it will be patient specific like everything else in TRT, My job is heavily dependant on the economy, and it is not unheard of to get laid off for months or years at a time, losing insurance 30 days after getting laid off. Hopefully my doctor just writes the script for double what I need so I always have extra, like he did for my testosterone.
I was on t for 3 months then started HCG 250 2x a week and it caused severe bloating and insomnia. Not being concerned for fertility I just ended it after 4 injections
I had my appointment with my endo today, and as usual I have mixed results. He is extremely concerned about the semen analysis that I had done a few weeks ago that came back at 0(azoospermia). I brought along studies that proved TRT causes this, and that HCG in combination with Testosterone will maintain fertility, and he is open to combining the two, but wants to experiment with HCG monotherapy first.

Now he wants to be start at 3,000ui x3/wk, and titrate downwards to 1,500ui x3/wk. I feel that this is an absurd protocol. He wants me to do this for 3 months and do another semen analysis to make sure my testicle work.

I need to produce results for him, and the data would be nice to have. I have a few options here, as he recently doubled my prescription for Test. Cypionate so I currently have 2.5 months worth on hand. I have been having a lot of ups and downs on TRT and would really like to not feel terrible for the next few months before I can start hunting the sweet spot again.

Should I:

Combine Test. Cypionate and HCG at the standard 100mg,wk of test, and HCG at 250iu x3wk, and possibly risk a low sperm count.

Attempt HCG monotherapy and risk feeling terrible for a few months to provide potentially better results for the semen analysis. Protocol for this has yet to be determined.

Any advice would be great, I have been having a lot of ups an downs since I started TRT. I had about of month of feeling good at 100mg a week divided into two shots, but started to experience fatigue so I started 120mg a week divided into two shots a couple of weeks ago. I felt great again for the first week, but this week I have been dealing with heavy fatigue again. When this happens I almost always feel tired and groggy for the first half of the day, and then better by the second half of the day.

I am secondary hypogonadal, and was hovering around 520-640pg/dL TT at 100mg/wk with E2 at 22pg/mL.
Your doc will know you are still injecting T by your blood test. You LH and FSH will be shut down.


My advice if you don't want to do as this doc says find a new doc.
A little Help Maybe from you guys out there being on Hcg? the subject of HCG! I was on trt for over 2 and a half years and went off it for about 5 months! I just went back on it about two and a half wks ago! I started a low dose of a 1/2 Ml a Week for now! I'm just wondering when should I start my HCG? I should be receiving it in the next few days! Maybe I should wait to get my blood tested in 60 days? Maybe should start the HCG Soon? Please any input from anybody or help will be much appreciated thank you

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