Whats wrong with me ? My trt protocol and my bloodwork


New Member
Hello you guys. Earlier I was at 140 mg / week, without hCG, without AI. I was on this treatment for about a year. Then I added to the treatment HCG. My current treatment is as follows

Mon AM : 50mg TE + 250 ui hcg
Thu PM : 50mg TE + 250 ui hcg

After adding hCG and lower testosterone. Over the first weekend I felt terrible. I had no energy for anything, a huge depression, aggression, sleep problems, lack of appetite.
At the moment it is already better, but during the day I'm still tired, as if I lacked energy, appetite already good, I suddenly declines in energy during the day, I wake up at night. I have dry skin
What is wrong, is it a question of stabilizing hormones?

Mon AM : 50mg TE + 250 ui hcg
Thu PM : 50mg TE + 250 ui hcg

My bood test in the end of week 2

Estradiol (E2) 24,36 pg/ml[20-47]~; Testosterone 741,78 ng/dl[175-781]~;


Leukocyty 5,42 tys./ul[4,2-11]~,
Erytrocyty 5,37 mln/ul[4,2-6]~,
Hemoglobina 16,2 g/dl[14-18]~
Hematokryt 48,7 %[40-54]~,
MCV 90,6 fl[80-99]~,
MCH 30,1 pg[27-35]~
,MCHC 33,2 g/dl[32-37]~,
RDW 12,6 %[11,5-15]~
,HDW 2,46 g/dl[2,2-3,2]~,
CHCM 33,7 g/dl[32-37]~,
CH 30,4 pg[27-35]~,
Płytki krwi 241 tys./ul[130-400]~,
MPV 8,5 fl[7,2-12]~,
PDW 52,7 %[25-65]~,
PCT 0,20 %[0,12-0,36]~
,Limfocyty 1,96 tys./ul[0,9-5,2]~
,Limfocyty % 36,2 %[20-45]~
,Neutrofile 2,95 tys./ul[1,8-8]~
,Neutrofile % 54,5 %[40-70]~
,Eozynofile 0,12 tys./ul[0-0,8]~
,Eozynofile % 2,2 %[0-5]~
,Bazofile 0,02 tys./ul[0-0,2]~,
Bazofile % 0,3 %[0-1]~,
Monocyty 0,29 tys./ul[0,16-1]~
,Monocyty % 5,3 %[3-12]~,
LUC 0,08 tys./ul[0-0,4]~,
LUC % 1,5 %[0-4]~;
Glukoza 74,4 mg/d

Here is my pre TRT bloodwork


Hi Damian - First, why did you lower your Testosterone dose by 40 mg?

Was it because you added HCG and think that you will produce more endogenous testosterone?

Your labs look fine so I don't see anything contributing to your symptoms.

In fact, most men who start up a HCG protocol claim of have a much better sense of well being and stronger libido...quite the opposite of what you are feeling.

I have a hard time thinking that a reduction of 40 mg in your Testosterone dose would cause this; but you may want to go back to that dose and see if you have any subjective changes.

I'd also look at other things going on in your life at this time that could be causing this as well.

Overall, you look pretty good man...just give it some more time and let your body adjust.
It's probably too soon to pass judgement on anything and in the scheme of TRT you've made some major changes that take time to adjust to, expect at least four weeks at which time you should have labs again. I usually recommend folks make very small changes, instead of dropping 40mgs, reducing to 5mg would have been a smoother feeling thing to do.
Contrary with HCG to Gene's opinion, I see just as many men, myself included, that HCG does little for in the way of a state of well being or libido. That's a separate issue that the intent of keeping the testes alive and averting organ failure and there's other hormonal pathways there to keep viable, but I know for a fact not every one responds to HCG in the way Gene says as "most".
my mistake not 140mg/week but 150 mg/week week

I think you are right , I have to give my body more time .I decreased dose of testosterone to not exceed the level of 1000 ng / dL .When I was at 150 mg / week my results were as follows .

Estradiol 21,31 pg/ml[20-47]~; Testosteron 949,07 ng/dl[175-781]H;

It looks like poorly aromatize I realy dont need AI
Hey Damian, I just joined the forum and am having a similar experience to you. I really don't have much to offer in terms of suggestion as I have yet to figure out what is causing my issues. I would however just like to offer support and let you know that you're not alone and also hope to see the type of feedback others offer. I'm curious why the decision was made to shift from your previous protocol to your current one? Were things not working well or did you just hope to take advantage of the benefits HCG offers?
Only for the benefits of the hcg.

Today we woke up tired again. Often I have strong pains in the folds of the elbows which propagate along the arm and forearm. Maybe it's too low estradiol terms of testosterone? I often feel like vomit and I have no appetite.
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Management of hormones and hormone replacement therapy are not the end all be all of wellbeing. There are so many other, arguably equally or even more important factors. Diet being near the top of the list.

What does your diet consist of? A lack of energy is probably among the top 5 reasons people try a change in diet. You might have some kind of autoimmune issue, this could explain your joint pain.
Norenred - well said. The ads would lead you to believe it's a cure for all male ailments. Sure correct hormone balance is important, but diet, sleep, exercise, stress (relationships, work, etc) are important as well. I understand this is a men's health & TRT forum, but energy/health is just so complex.

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