What would cause sore joints on TRT?

Relative newbie getting this thing dialed in. I have worked through a number of issues with help of this board (much thanks!!!). I am stronger and more sexually active than I have ever been, enjoying life finally. My newest problem is sore joints. Specifically elbows and wrists. I have never had this problem and used to lift more volume before TRT! Any ideas?

I have read that E2 can cause this? My E was 25 (11-42) after 6 weeks after starting, go back for Nex5 bloods Next month.

Are you drinking any string craft beers on a regular basis? Purines and Ueric Acid is high in craft beer and can wreak havoc on joints, tendons and ligaments. You could also take a week off of lifting and see if the pain improves
Are you drinking any string craft beers on a regular basis? Purines and Ueric Acid is high in craft beer and can wreak havoc on joints, tendons and ligaments. You could also take a week off of lifting and see if the pain improves
i do have some beers, but not more than normal or mire than a few a week. I’ll lay-off them and weights for a little bit and see. Thanks for the input.
When my T dosage is too high, my joints get tighter than usual and lock up and hurt. Then again low-T makes my joints loose, guess I went from one extreme to the other. Lowering the dosage fixed the joint problem.
@Smokey Do you have any materials about Uric acid affecting affecting joints/tendons/ligaments? I thought that is the case only if you get Gout because of the high Uric acid blood levels.

My father has been having Gout caused by high Uric acid for many years. Half an year ago I realised I have high levels as well (the same time I found I am hypogonadal), it's probably genetic. My levels fluctuate betwee 400 and 480 µmol/L, but I haven't had Gout yet (I am 29). I can bring it down with medication, but I don't really want to take such medication until the end of my life if it's not necessary.

I've also been having a lot of joints/tendons/ligaments problems in the past few years. I thought it was because of low T leading to low E2, but do you think Uric acid might have had an effect as well?
I also think there is something significant to be said for keeping an appropriate T:E ratio. I haven't found anything definitive yet that can be used to govern care for all patients, but like almost all aspects of HRT, I have to tailor my treatment regimen to the person. All factors have to be considered, like age, weight, body fat %, activity level, total and free T, and E2. In general, I find that a 15:1 TT:E2 (meaning in TT = 675 in the trough, then E2 should be around 45) ratio seems to be the general area where my patients feel their best. Again this is relative to the patient. Or, when looking at Free T rather than total, I tend to prefer a 1:1.75 or 2 ratio (meaning is cFT = 25 then E2 should be around 43.75 - 50). I have found in the past that pushing the E2 too low, especially using an AI, has the tendency to cause return of malaise and joint aches along with a lowered sense of well being. Again, I cannot back this up with any studies or mass numbers, this is just my experience and what I have seen be successful. Just throwing it out there.
I am havng issues with sore joints and oveall aches, plus extremely tired, (sore nipples) my e2 runs on the high side and I just reduced my testosterone dose due to it being plenty high. I suspect my E2 is now high and needs to catch up to the lower test dose?
I have delt with the smae issue, achy joints while on TRT despite having normal Estradiol. My guess is that the entire hormonal pathway is suppressed to include glucocorticoids, the anti-inflammitory hormones. Adding HCG might help.

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