New Member
I know that a lot of docs do not prescribe HCG. What do you guys do if they do not? Do you look for a new doc? Do you go without? Just curious. I don't think my doc will prescribe it.
There's plenty of legit ways to get it, Defy has an HCG only program, plus you can get it overseas from sites like ReliableRX.
...the new Dr, which knows I have been on it and who is currently writing scrip for the T, say I don't need it and will not prescribe.
The three best ways to justify an HCG prescription in discussions with your doctor are:
1- Mention PAIN. Your testicles shrank and they recede into your body when you are thrusting during sex.
2- Fertility. Bring up Lipshultz study in your conversation
3- Self consciousness about your small testicles
4- Libido increases have not been reported in published papers, so that topic may not fly.
Does anybody recommend a certain brand of HCG from Reliable RX?
Are there any particulars to know about when ordering from ReliableRX.....
Or is it straight forward.
I would like to try HCG again in a very small dose to see if I handle it ok.