What is the "normal" doage for EOD injections if test? How many guys have been able to drop arimidex


What is the "normal" doage for EOD injections if test? How many guys have been able to drop arimidex

I switched to EOD injections to try and control estradiol back in December. I am still getting dialed in. I am just curious to hear from other guys who have switched to QD or EOD test injections as to what dosage worked for them, what there test, sensitive E2 and SHBG, etc. numbers are, and whether they were able to stop using arimidex or what what dose they still use.
A good way to start is take your weekly dosage and divide it up by the EOD schedule.

In 6 weeks get retested.

The whole idea behind EOD is to reduce spikes in serum and reduce aroamatase synthesis.

Some TRT Docs have found that one can lower dosages based on this injection schedule and still maintain the excellent serum levels...but only blood work will confirm that for each as we are all different.
Went from 60mg/every 3.5 days to 16mg every day. Maintained testosterone above 900 and estradiol between 23 and 26. I never was on an AI, but my E2 had begun to climb. No second thoughts at all.
Thanks Vince and Coastwatcher, I know your dosage and numbers! I was hoping for a greater response from others. I'm at a crossroads. The last lab test I took had me at 770 something in testosterone and 40 on estradiol after switching to 36mg EOD. I upped it to 40mg, a small change. My estradiol shot up as it does every time I make a change to increase. I took .25mg of arimidex once, and good news it feels like estradiol has stabilized after a couple of weeks. However, I don't know if test levels have continued to go down, stay same or go up.

I finally decided to get with Defy medical. I have an appointment next week. So, I'm not changing anything until my consult. I feel ok. My guess is my test levels are down around 600-800 but estradiol is 20-30. I've become good at guessing after 3 yrs on TRT.

I am looking forward to increasing my test dose after my consult!

My bloodwork that defy asked for did'nt show anything different than what I was expecting other than very low DHEA. It was real low like 70. I had it tested with another doc and it was 200, so low but not low for my age. I was surprised
Thanks Vince and Coastwatcher, I know your dosage and numbers! I was hoping for a greater response from others. I'm at a crossroads. The last lab test I took had me at 770 something in testosterone and 40 on estradiol after switching to 36mg EOD. I upped it to 40mg, a small change. My estradiol shot up as it does every time I make a change to increase. I took .25mg of arimidex once, and good news it feels like estradiol has stabilized after a couple of weeks. However, I don't know if test levels have continued to go down, stay same or go up.

I finally decided to get with Defy medical. I have an appointment next week. So, I'm not changing anything until my consult. I feel ok. My guess is my test levels are down around 600-800 but estradiol is 20-30. I've become good at guessing after 3 yrs on TRT.

I am looking forward to increasing my test dose after my consult!

My bloodwork that defy asked for did'nt show anything different than what I was expecting other than very low DHEA. It was real low like 70. I had it tested with another doc and it was 200, so low but not low for my age. I was surprised

Remind me, please, how long were you on the protocol that produced the 770+/- test level and the 40 e2 value?
I started at 30mg EOD on December 15. It took until mid February for my test level to drop from 1200-1300 to 812. The last test I had which was about 2 weeks ago had me around 770, and had increased it to 36mg at the time that blood draw was done. But I had only been on 36mg for about a week
There may not be much input to EOD as not many do it like me and CoastWatcher so.
Ok. I know that a the biggest complaint by guys on TRT is controlling estradiol, so I thought it would be a lot more. I know that the last video I watched with Dr. Crisler, he said that he had a lot of his guys on daily injections
If you are new to TRT, take the normal 100mg/week starting dose and divide by 7 for your daily dose. That rounds up to 15mg. That may or may not be your optimal dose, but it is a sound starting point. If you have been on TRT for a while, divide your current weekly dose the same way as a starting point. Its easy to over-think this.
If you are new to TRT, take the normal 100mg/week starting dose and divide by 7 for your daily dose. That rounds up to 15mg. That may or may not be your optimal dose, but it is a sound starting point. If you have been on TRT for a while, divide your current weekly dose the same way as a starting point. Its easy to over-think this.
Hi ERO, i'm not new to TRT, but it's turned out to be a lot more complicated than that, and apparently is for other guys as well. I was on 200 mg per week and 1/4mg of adex, but my estradiol constantly went too high and sometimes too low. So, my goal was to switch to every other day injections of testosterone in hopefully drop the arimidex. After going to 50mg EOD and having issues, the guys that are on EOD injection said 30 was a good starting point. Even Crisler and Saya said that the guys doing daily or EOD are able to use a lot less. So, I went to 30, and I'm trying to dial in at where I feel good and where my past blood tests have been where I was feeling optimal and libido and sexual responsiveness were best. Which for me is a test level around 1000 and an estradiol level of 30-40. If I go higher than 45, sexual responsiveness drops no matter what my test levels are
You are well on your way then. Get labs after 5-6 weeks on your 30mg EOD protocol, unless you already have them, and you can tweak your protocol from there. If you still need an AI, you likely need only a very tiny amount that you will need to get from a compounding pharmacy because trying to cut the pills into amounts smaller than 0.25 is difficult if not impossible. From a compounding pharmacy you can get very tiny amounts in capsules - like 0.15 mg or even 0.125 mg as an example.
Ok. I know that a the biggest complaint by guys on TRT is controlling estradiol, so I thought it would be a lot more. I know that the last video I watched with Dr. Crisler, he said that he had a lot of his guys on daily injections

I wouldn't speak for Dr. Crisler, but Dr. Saya has written, on this Forum, that daily injections are the one, sure way to establish steady-state serum levels. I went to a daily protocol, bypassing EOD, because I was determined to avoid an AI if it was possible. My doctor prescribes anastrozole, of course, but is aggressive in helping her patients avoid it if possible. In my case, it was. It does sound as if you've given a lot of thought to this, are giving it a fair effort, and I hope you'll see it through.
I moved to EOD (50mg) about 6 weeks ago. Prior to that I was on 160mg/week split into two doses and injected every 3.5d. I haven't tested on the new EOD protocol, but should be in the next week or so. But I can say that I FEEL better subjectively, and I feel like the new protocol has helped drop my estrogen and maybe even raised my T. Testing will tell.

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