Vince Carter
1 you need to start a thread on your own particular problems without clogging this one up any further, 2 no one can possibly say you need an AI or not on a given dosage. No way at all.
Dear Dr. Saya,
I have secondary Hypogonadism and I've been on TRT for the past three years. My hope is that HcG can cause my testicles to manufacture more Testosterone on their own, so that I can rely less on exogenous T.
Prior to reading your study above I was on a protocol for about a year that comprised of BIW 55mg Testosterone Enathate injections and daily HcG injections. Per Dr. Crisler's advice I began with HcG dosage of 50IU daily and slowly worked my way up to 250-300IU daily -however that had only marginal effect on my T levels.
Last March after reading your HcG study I changed my HcG protocol to injecting 600IU three times a week without modifying the T injections. On my next blood test four months later my Total T jumped from 570 ng/dl to 790 ng/dl - increase of 40%. Success!
I reduced my exogenous T Enathate from 55mg twice a week to 45mg twice a week. A month and a half later my Total T blood work was still at 790 ng/dl. Continued success!
I continued for three more months at the same protocol, however now my Total T dropped to 534 ng/dl!!! [insert puzzled face]
I'll note that during the past year my SHBG was 16 and my E2 is on the high end of normal, managed with low dose Anastrozole.
It appears to me as if my LH receptors are down regulating due to receiving too much HcG over time. I am thinking of ceasing HcG treatment for a week and resuming with 500IU twice a week and seeing how that goes.
What is your take on the reason for the increase and decrease of Total T as described above? What would you recommend that I do now?
This Thread was amazing... Read every post.. thanks to all who contributed.... I just started the HCG journey after 9 plus years on TRT without HCG and feeling like crap, depressed, fatigued, sleep/insomnia issues, memory/cognitive lapses, etc... at the moment I am on 140mg of Test Cyp (ED/SQ) and 350iu HCG/pregnyl m/w/f... I have been on this regime for about 2 full weeks now and although it's still early I have noticed more mental clarity and in the last 2 days been able to fall asleep without the need of nyquil and/or ambien.... energy and motivation seems teetering on getting better... let's see what happens in the next few weeks....
A practical consideration that I have taken into account in determining my hCG dose is that the Pregnyl brand hCG which I use comes in 10,000IU vials which after being mixed are supposed to be used within 60 days. 10,000 IU‘s injecting every other day over 60 days equals 333IU per injection. Which happily falls within the range the doctor suggests.
Gman is pregnyl actually hard to get overall or do you just live in some remote area? I’d like to try it on my next hcg refill.
I get my Pregnyl HCG from Walmart specialty pharmacy. Occasionally they do not have it in stock. Last fall I went two months without it. I was able to refill my prescription a couple weeks ago with no problem.
In my experience for fertility purposes you need higher single dosages. Example: when i changed from 400IU 2x week to 300IU x a week my sperm count went back to almost zero. I think you need a certain levels of stimulus that can only be achieved at certain dosage and the peak and average concentration matters hereThis is interesting. Making me reconsider going to hcg 3x a week at a lower dose rather than sticking with 500ius twice weekly.
I’m taking hcg with my trt to maintain fertility at 360 ius 3x weekly.
For fertility purposes, it appears higher magnitude/2x weekly injections would be best...?
True. Higher HCG dosage = higher estradiol. TRT is a balancing actI see. Yeah, my concern with the higher doses (~500ius 2x weekly) is that it will cause e2 spikes. I would love to drop my ai but don’t know if I’d be able to with that hcg dose.
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