I started working in the construction industry at age 18 and have been a general contractor for decades. The level of male posturing is pretty high with these guys, bosses and laborers alike. About 20 years ago I was walking in to the lumberyard behind two other contractors and I couldn't help laughing because they were both strutting and swaggering the same way. I got up to the counter and loudly said to the guy with me, "What do these guys think they are, Rock Stars? We just fasten pieces of wood together... it's no big deal!" I got glares because they thought that I might be talking about them, lol. The guy running the counter was shaking, trying not to laugh because he deals with these types all day.
I'm not sure that testosterone has much to do with this. I think it's a culture. Some of the worst ones drink gallons of beer and have the guts to match so, testosterone? Hmmm? All of these guys think they're alphas. Most of them go on about the "sheep" and "sheeple", because these guys are so independent. Funny thing is... they all look the same, talk the same, act the same, drink the same beer, listen to the same music, on and on. IDK, if that's alpha... I'll pass!
They're so desperate to appear to be alpha, they end up doing and saying the stupidest things. Over and over again, I've had things like this happen - Construction guy (in this case a plumber) starts yelling at me because I'm apparently not installing a siding product properly. "YOU AIN'T DOIN THAT RIGHT!!!" He yelled authoritatively. "You're gonna have a lawsuit on your hands!" I just nodded my head and said, "OK, thanks..." The guy working with me was laughing, because he knew that a few weeks before I'd taken a class by the company that manufactures the siding and they'd asked me to be a certified installer for their product. Boy, as usual, that alpha dog really put me in my place!
Another example. I was trying a new method of forming footings for a spec house I was building. It's really simple, and is basically burlap sack material hanging from 2x4s. The concrete truck driver (who, granted, had been doing the job for a long time) got out of the truck, looked at my footing forms and said out loud, "fuckin' moron." He didn't even look at me and climbed back in his truck. About half way through the pour, he jumped out of the truck, "Shit! I don't see how the hell that can be workin'. I never seen nothin' like it!" Of course, no actual apology for being an asshole, real men don't apologize apparently. I could have rubbed his nose in it, but, it was enough for me to think, "Who's the "fuckin' moron" fat ass alpha truck driver?
I could go on and on, obviously I'm tired of alpha wannabe assholes.