What does low shbg actually mean ?

also, can I ask why you dropped scrotal cream if it was working so well for you? Thanks

Sure - in a word, convenience. Cream is kind of a PITA for me.

You're welcome to PM me if you have more questions about it. Don't want to derail this thread.
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When you say it regulates androgen action on tissues does that mean it’s what makes your body actually USE the testosterone ? Instead of it just free flowing around
I'd like to know the same, if anyone can answer.
I know I've read (possibly a theory) that low shbg reduces androgen action without reducing estrogen action...meaning a skewed higher estrogen to testosterone ratio.
I've also read (possible theory) that shbg transports the androgens, and if it's low it can't get the test to where it needs to be.

I too, have low shbg, most likely due to trt. It hovers around 16-17, and if I take a break from trt for a month, it creeps back up to 23-25. I just did an enclomiphene trial for 5 months for fertility reasons (25mg/day of enclomiphene), and after 18 weeks my shbg was 30. Now I'm on 100mg per week of (50mg every 3.5 days), and my shbg is back to 16, and I don't feel it. I did have a brief honeymoon period going back to trt from enclomiphene, but it only lasted a week.

The funny thing is, 8 years ago, before I knew any better, my trt clinic had me on 200mg per week in one shot, and I felt better. Of course it's a large dose, and my shbg was low then also, but maybe the larger dose just somehow overcame other problems? As somebody else pointed out, there's plenty of steroid abusers who crush their shbg levels, yet feel great.

So is the T just not getting to where it needs to? Is the low shbg causing high free E2, and skewing the free E2/Free T ratio? Is it something else that makes low shbg problematic?
Low shbg cause high free dht more than free e, we concluded in another thread
If this is true, then someone with low shbg would show symptoms of Low E2 (since dht opposes E2), rather than high free E2 as many others have suggested?

Since the Test only dose (without ai) doesn't work for me, the only way to truly know for myself would be to try my typical TRT dose with:

A. A decent dosage of AI with my TRT...in the case that low shbg causes high free E2
B. A decent dose of exogenous E2 with my TRT...in case low shbg causes low free E2
C. A dht blocker...as you suggest high free E2 could be the problem

I've tried no ai, and I've tried small amounts of ai. I haven't tried exogenous E2, and definitely would not try a dht blocker.

I'm starting to believe the only way to know what works for me is trial and error.
If this is true, then someone with low shbg would show symptoms of Low E2 (since dht opposes E2), rather than high free E2 as many others have suggested?

Since the Test only dose (without ai) doesn't work for me, the only way to truly know for myself would be to try my typical TRT dose with:

A. A decent dosage of AI with my TRT...in the case that low shbg causes high free E2
B. A decent dose of exogenous E2 with my TRT...in case low shbg causes low free E2
C. A dht blocker...as you suggest high free E2 could be the problem

I've tried no ai, and I've tried small amounts of ai. I haven't tried exogenous E2, and definitely would not try a dht blocker.

I'm starting to believe the only way to know what works for me is trial and error.

That seems to be the case, many times, yes.
But ofcourse, Im sure many will have high e2 symptoms instead, this shit is just so individual.

How about u try exo e2?
If I take dht, for example - proviron or masteron - i feel shit. I have low shbg, hence probably already high-ish DHT.
If I take dht, for example - proviron or masteron - i feel shit. I have low shbg, hence probably already high-ish DHT.
Interesting! Have you found anything that works for you?

I think options for me to try could include exogenous E2, as you suggested. Or increasing my TRT dose, or adding low dose nandrolone.
Well My shit is all over the place. For example, npp only gives me great libido and erection, despite supposenly not giving alot of e2 (but nor dht, btw).

Using T, i have to use 10mg ed to have an OK libido, atleast it works but its far from optimal. 5 years on TRT and ive yet to figure out a t protocol that actually works Good. Low shbg is true fucking bullshit let me tell you that.

Currently experimenting with hcg, i notice ive gotten back that primal arousal feeling of Being horny, which was gone for a Long ass time, My only problem now is My horrible ED i get from it. Oh the irony.

Why cant i just be like the ones who take like 200mg once a week, done, everything works fine, so i can go on with My life lmfao
Why cant i just be like the ones who take like 200mg once a week, done, everything works fine, so i can go on with My life lmfao

Haha, so true! Low shbg seems to make things very complicated.
Before I knew any better, when I started TRT 8 years ago, I was prescribed 200mg once per week, with hcg, and anastrozole as needed. I definitely felt better than I do now, but had high rbc/hematocrit. Now I'm trying to do the wise/healthy, low dose approach, and it's not working. Maybe, as others have suggested, what we think we know about low shbg could be way off.
Haha, so true! Low shbg seems to make things very complicated.
Before I knew any better, when I started TRT 8 years ago, I was prescribed 200mg once per week, with hcg, and anastrozole as needed. I definitely felt better than I do now, but had high rbc/hematocrit. Now I'm trying to do the wise/healthy, low dose approach, and it's not working. Maybe, as others have suggested, what we think we know about low shbg could be way off.

How was your sexdrive and erection on 200mg once a week?
Both were way better than they are now. I was also taking anastrozole sporadically, as I could never remember to take it on a schedule.
Now I'm taking 100mg per week (50mg Mon/50mg Thur), 250iu HCG 2X/week, and I'm trying both approaches of taking minimal ai and no ai.
Both were way better than they are now. I was also taking anastrozole sporadically, as I could never remember to take it on a schedule.
Now I'm taking 100mg per week (50mg Mon/50mg Thur), 250iu HCG 2X/week, and I'm trying both approaches of taking minimal ai and no ai.

Some people argue big shots once a week (or even less frequent) is better for guys with low shbg, actually. As the spike in e2 from one big shot, will increase shbg (according to them), which is of benefit.
I’m getting my thyroid checked next week for various reasons (sore joints, weight gain, brain fog) all of which could be E2 symptoms (high, low.. who knows) I’m wondering if any of the low SHBG guys had any improvement after getting their thyroid levels right?
I’m getting my thyroid checked next week for various reasons (sore joints, weight gain, brain fog) all of which could be E2 symptoms (high, low.. who knows) I’m wondering if any of the low SHBG guys had any improvement after getting their thyroid levels right?
I too had some recent weight gain, brain fog, terrible libido, etc, so I had my thyroid labs done. All the numbers looked good, and close to optimal, except for my reverse T3, which was slightly higher than the top range. This could be due to stress, inflammation, or poor thyroid function. My trt clinic put me on 25mcg/day of T3 for a month, with no change. Then upped it to 50mcg/day for a few weeks, also with no symptom relief. I slowly titrated back down and am now on 1 grain of NatureThroid, and still don't feel any different. The entire time I didn't notice any change in symptoms (fat loss, libido, ed), except I may have had a bit more energy, or maybe it was just a placebo effect, because it was barely noticeable.

To make a long story short, thyroid levels had nothing to do with my problems. I was hoping it was the missing piece, but I'm back to searching for answers. Hopefully you find some answers, and keep us posted!
I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t find the missing piece with your thyroid. Im
Curious if you ever really tried the less frequent injections like you mention above? It very much goes against the flow of the advice most people give to try our best to mimic nature, but I’ve been thinking I might try it. My theory didn’t involve SHBG until reading this thread. It was more that we see dozens of these Low T clinics popping up and they generally do weekly shots, some of them every over week. If this protocol wasn’t working for a good number of guys to improve their symptoms, these places wouldn’t have customers. I never wanted to drive to the clinic weekly so I got my PCP to prescribe the injections for me to do at home and I started tinkering.
Yeah, I mentioned above somewhere that my clinic first prescribed 200mg in one weekly dose, and I definitely seemed better on it. However, my hematocrit and hemoglobin were always high. That huge dose may have overcome any other issues...who knows?
Now that I'm older, and supposedly wiser, I'm trying to find a protocol that is healthy and that I can sustain longterm.
Keep us posted on your progress!
I too had some recent weight gain, brain fog, terrible libido, etc, so I had my thyroid labs done. All the numbers looked good, and close to optimal, except for my reverse T3, which was slightly higher than the top range. This could be due to stress, inflammation, or poor thyroid function. My trt clinic put me on 25mcg/day of T3 for a month, with no change. Then upped it to 50mcg/day for a few weeks, also with no symptom relief. I slowly titrated back down and am now on 1 grain of NatureThroid, and still don't feel any different. The entire time I didn't notice any change in symptoms (fat loss, libido, ed), except I may have had a bit more energy, or maybe it was just a placebo effect, because it was barely noticeable.

To make a long story short, thyroid levels had nothing to do with my problems. I was hoping it was the missing piece, but I'm back to searching for answers. Hopefully you find some answers, and keep us posted!
Give a try to iodine high dose. Lugol solution 50 mg a day. Also check your ferritin too
So I don’t want the medical technical Mumbo jumbo about it’s a carrier protein and all but what I want to know is if someone has low shbg what do they feel like . Should they feel tired , not optimized , workouts suck ,low sex drive, recovery ect . Does having normal levels make you feel better ?
As a low SHBG guy on TRT for many years, I can tell you exactly what it feels like. It feels like the Low T you had before you began treatment. Low libido, no muscle gain or weight loss, recovery from workouts suck, no energy boost, etc. I stay on a minimal TRT program just so I can have normal T levels in the hopes that are healthier for me, but I really don't get any benefits that I can feel from it. Oh, and wait for the guys with normal SHBG to jump on board to tell you that low SHBG is no problem, or is even beneficial.
Give a try to iodine high dose. Lugol solution 50 mg a day. ...
@TRicker— Better idea: stick to sane doses, like the recommended daily intake. Quoting myself:

I'd read this article before considering multi-milligram-dosed iodine supplementation. It discusses the purported benefits and cites many papers. The bottom line: don't do it. Also note that health organizations have set a tolerable daily upper limit to about a milligram a day.
Another extensive article on why high doses of iodine are not a good idea: Why I Discourage High Dose Iodine | Leading Authority in Naturopathic Endocrinology

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