190mg was just what I was up to after they had been slowly bumping it up while trying to get my numbers up. The thing that was odd was that my trough was the same and had even come in slightly higher than my peak a couple times. They had it tested at 2 different labs as well and ran a quality check on the testosterone to ensure it was properly dosed. The doctor said he's heard if this happening but had never actually seen it. The theory was the testosterone could be cascading elsewhere.
I just switched to enanthate with my new doc, thinking with slightly shorter carbon chain it's a little faster acting with a shorter half life so we should get more testosterone delivered to my system in a shorter time. We also upped to 200mg every 5 days (because of the shorter half life). I'll go back in a few weeks and get tested for peak and trough again. I was just hoping to find someone who's heard of this happening before and a probable cause. If something is causing it that can be fixed i'd like to take care of it so I don't have to run really high doses. Plus after 14 years doing this, being a pin cushion gets a little old. I'd like to inject as infrequently as I can to feel good.
The difference in half-life between enanthate and cypionate is negligible, sure enanthate may be slightly faster acting but regardless of the minor differences in the esters between the two there are many other factors which effect the rate at which the testosterone is released from the oily depot at the injection site.
Volume of injection/ injection depth/site of injection/lymphatic flow/concentration of BOH (benzyl alcohol) are other possible factors which can effect absorption rates of the esterified hormone.
As far as testosterone esters 100 mg of enanthate= 72 mg active testosterone and 100 mg cypionate= 70 mg active testosterone.
Now when looking at propionate there is definitely a big difference in the active amount of hormone as 100 mg propionate= 83 mg active testosterone compared to either enanthate/cypionate.
You state you are injecting 190 mg/week..........................Systemlord makes an important point you need to know your SHBG first and foremost as it will dicate your injection frequency/protocol and of course you need to post lab work showing total t, free t, estradiol (sensitive assay), dht, prolactin, dhea, thyroid panel, cbc (complete blood count) among other health markers to develop a better understanding of how your hormones/body chemistry are being effected by your protocol ( testosterone dose/injection frequency).
Hard to believe you would just inject once weekly without knowing your shbg as if your level was low than injecting once weekly would result in poor results/effectiveness.