I am new to trt. Started 8weeks ago, but now I had to change dr. In doing so I went and had my blood work done for the new dr. I am currently taking IM 100mg e3.5d. I made the mistake of going to lab just 2 days after last injection. I now no better, but my peak TT was 1920 and free was 350 (this also led to slightly high dht and e2). I started at 450 and free of 35. Is this a normal jump, seems realy high to me...even for a peak. Am going in in a week or 2 to get tested on day I take next injection, but giving blood test first.
Testosterone levels will peak 24-48 hrs post injection and I would say peak is closer to 24 hrs.
You basically had bloods done 48 hrs after injection and your TT is sky high as well as your FT and seeing as you are injecting 100mg every 3.5 days (every 84 hrs) even when you get retested at trough (just before your next injection) you may still even be at 1500+.
Even though there is always a peak/trough regardless of injection frequency.....the more frequent one injects the less variation between peak/trough resulting in more stable testosterone levels.
The variation between peak/trough will be much greater for one who injects once weekly as oppose to injecting twice weekly (every 3.5 days).
If one were injecting daily or EOD peak/trough levels would be greatly reduced compared to to injecting once weekly or every 3.5 days.
Ofcourse ones SHBG plays a big factor to the above as it will dictate ones injection frequency.
What is your SHBG (including reference range) and what is the reference range for your FT.
Although TT is good to know and one may be startled by high levels.....FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive benefits.
In cases where one has high SHBG.....higher TT levels sometimes well into the supra-physiological range are needed in order to obtain a healthy FT level.
Most men need FT in the 2-3% range of TT to experience relief/improvements of low t symptoms.