Whacky blood work, any ideas what happened?


Active Member
I have been on TRT for years with a break to make a baby. I can guess my numbers based on the dose and they have been really consistent. My standard dose has been 80mg cyp E3.5D w/250ish HCG (this part has varied) and sometimes .125-.25mg adex.

I resumed TRT end of summer on (80mg + 300iu pregnyl + .25 adex) E3.5 days and had my bloodwork done 8 weeks in. Perfectly predictable for me. Without the adex I get a similar number and my E2 is 35-40. I have had tons of bloods.

TT = 1000
E2 = 20

I decided after this 8 weeks to cycle (I know, wrong forum!) which I detailed in the Primo for E2 control thread. I used 200 test and 150 primo + 500 HCG e3.5D. I did that for 10 weeks with great results. I wanted to try a lower test dose for my next bloods and my uro was getting itchy with me at 1000 TT so I dropped to 70mg E3.5D + 500 HCG and then had bloods drawn 8 weeks later and my TT came back >1500 and E2 55! I have no idea how this happened unless using HCG 500iu E3.5 for so long really really really really boosted my natural production? I expected to see a number in 700-800 range on 140 mg per week. Is there ANY way that I still had a build up of test from the 10 week cycle before (it had been 8 weeks since my last test/primo shot). I'm really at a loss. I knew something was off bc I started to get acne as soon as I switched from the test primo cycle to the lower TRT dose (myE2 went to 55 from 26 using the primo as an AI).

Any ideas?

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