Weight loss plateaus

I always tell people that have a hard time losing weight to get their glucose tolerance test done to see how their bodies are metabolizing simple carbs and if they have insulin resistance even in the presence of normal blood sugar and lipids. If GTT is abnormal, exercise, low simple carb diets, metformin, and potentially some supplements can help.http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/glucose-tolerance-test/MY00145

Our metabolism tends to slow down as we lose weight, so it is common to hit a plateau. The challenge is to get to your desired weight after that even it is slowly but surely. But if your GTT shows impaired glucose tolerance, weight loss can be more difficult.
Rob, I have that same issue. I am type II diabetic and take metformin and loosing weight is a bitch. When I started cycling I was 280lbs, now at 260 i seem to have gotten stuck at this weight for almost a year. I am loosing body fat and replacing it with muscle so the scale only shows no change. I don't even get on a scale unless I am at the docs. Go by how you feel and your clothes fit. The Scale is not your friend unless it can measure you real body fat percentage.

I look at my calfs and quads which have no body fat on them and go WTF belly fat go away...LOL

Nelson, I have been trying to reduce my metformin intake I went from 2000mg a day to 500mg a day and blood sugars are always good and so it my A1C test. The A1C is always in the normal range. Do you think increasing my metformin back up will help with weight loss?
Good question.

Metformin was shown to decrease visceral (deep belly) fat in people with HIV lipodystrophy (people would lose fat under the skin and gain in deep in the belly). But doses were up in the 3000-5000 mg per day range. Two side effects: decrease in appetite and GI distress (loose stools).

It is also a very interesting anti-aging drug that reduces cancer risk, liver fat, and may have other benefits. Unlike most antidiabetes drugs, it does not screw up lipids and it does not result in fat and water gain.

A bit hyped up in this article but it is accurate information: http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2010...Everyone-Should-Ask-their-Doctor-About_01.htm
New blood work said my A1c was 6.1 range was 4.8 - 5.6 Should I talk to my Dr about starting metformin ?
It said >6.4 Diabetes
I'm in good shape 6'1" 185 32 inch waist
I'm 50 years old..... bench is around 275 , can run 5 miles in 45 min.
Have you been diagnosed as Type II diabetic?
You can also go to http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/symptoms/ and read up on the symptoms.
We are close to the same age and what I can say is to read up on how to reverse Type II diabetes. It can be controlled with diet and exercise. I have gone from 2000mg to 500mg in about a year with diet and exercise. if you can control it that way it better than taking metformin. The MedCram channel on YouTube has great information and a full set of videos on diabetes and medications.

6.1 puts you in pre-diabetic so you still have a chance to reverse it. When i was finally diagnosed I had a blood sugar of over 400 and after an insulin shot it didnt even drop. So take the time now to do what you need to do not to go on Metformin.

also a good book is Dr Neal Barnard's book on reversing diabetes.
blacore, I disagree somewhat w/ socalsurfer. I would discuss metformin with your physician. Metformin is one of those rare medications that has very few negative sides and so many positives. Many cutting edge Endos are suggesting it's use for pre-diabetics. Many people can control it with diet and exercise but not all. Whatever you do don't become complacent, continue to exercise and avoid simple sugars like the plague.
Balcore and Robs, no drug is 100% safe that is why I say to try not to take it. Read up on Metformin here http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a696005.html

I have not had any issues taking metformin and it will not lower your blood sugar no matter how much you take. It doesnt work that way. The Simple Science Answers on youtube has a video has one that talks about all of the diabetic meds and really goes over metformin and how it works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXSKZYGTlHA

Latic acidosis is the biggest risk.
Socalsurfer: I haven't been diagnosed, I've been trying to do everything possible to get my BS down but it's never below 100 , When I wake up in the morning it will be 120-135, I do avoid sugar as much as possible. I've read Dr Neal Barnard's book along with Wheat Belly, I have started to see adds on TV about Statin side effects that cause people to become diabetic, I was on statin's for a while until the side effects forced me to stop taking them. ( My cholesterol was crazy high ) At one point my cholesterol was 360. I was 25 years old, in perfect shape, I had a 9% body fat at that time. I'm still in great shape for 50 years old, I will run 800 to 1000 miles this year. I'm trying to figure out if the higher BS could cause ED problems... If I'm not taking helper med's it's a no GO! Tri-Mix, Cialis, Viagra, Levitra. they all work.... Tri-mix is a life saver!!!! But I still think something is wrong not being able to get a good hard erection without helper meds?
Another great book is: Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution,... his story is amazing.
Track Your Plaque: The only heart disease prevention program that shows how to use the new heart scans to detect, track and control coronary plaque. (You can get a scan for 100 dollars that will tell you if you have any plaque, plus how much plaque!)
It can save your life!!!!! I had mine done last year, it showed 0 plaque ?? after years of High cholesterol.
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blacore, To high a blood sugar can cause ED issues, but there are a number of things that can.
Normal 8 hour fasting BS should be 70-100, if you are in the 120-135 you are pre-diabetic if not diabetic. You should have the glucose tolerence test done to see how you body is handling BS. Fatty foods also play a role in BS issues. I do my best to follow 80/10/10 I know sounds crazy but it works. 80% carbs/10% protein/10% fat. bur this is all whole raw foods (vegan). Fruit is not bad for you as some will say as long as you eat the whole thing fiber and all. Fruit juice is just the sugar from the fruit and will spike BS. I have 5-10 banana every morning blended with water and have tested BS before, during and after and it never goes above 140. The fat you have in your blood messes with how your body processes BS. I eat steel cut oaks and brown rice. the old saying cut out the white foods.
SoCalSurfer, how did you come up with those macros? Absolutely correct about fruits and fat although we all react differently. Certain fruits drive up my blood sugar while others lower it. Blueberries and omega-3s are imperative for diabetics. Building muscle is also vital for lowering levels. Kind of at a loss with those macros as w/ the long endurance exercise and limited protein you would have to experience at least a modicum of lean tissue loss. I would however, be the first to recognize that there is no cookie cutter approach.....perhaps Nelson could weigh in as he has a wealth of experience with a wasting disease that's very similar in many respects to diabetes
According to the American Diabetes Association, when it comes to type 2, an A1c of 5.7 to 6.4 is prediabetes and an A1c of 6.5 and above is diabetes. However, to me it doesn't matter whether a person is diagnosed pre or full-blown, the result is we all have to lower our carb intake and eat that way the rest of our lives if we are going to control our blood sugar.

My A1c Was 6.1 last test.

I just started a LCHF diet and have been on it for about a week, I can say that I've felt the best I've felt in years!!!

It can be overwhelming at first. Especially since we've all grown up being taught that grains and fruits are good and fats are bad. Eating this way sure hasn't stopped whole populations from becoming obese and developing diabetes (for those whose compromised glucose metabolism is becomes more broken by such a high carb diet).

You don't have to dive into this all at once. Eliminate the obvious starchy foods and begin testing. When you find a food, or meal, that doesn't spike your BG, then this is something you can eat again with confidence. If you find something spikes your BG over 140 then you can either reduce the portion next time, or if that doesn't work, eliminate it.

I've kept my BG under 140 and mostly under 115 for the last 7 days..... Probably the first time in my life really.

I ran 5 miles today in 45 min. and felt awesome!!

Great info on it : http://www.diabetesforum.com
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It sounds like atkins diet to me. Yes, you lose lots of weight but be careful. You can lose a lot of water weight, get tired easily, and get bad breath due to ketones. But if I had to lose weight fast, that would be the diet I would use. I would introduce berries and vitamin supplements, though.

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