Weight gain on trt

My A1c and blood sugar measurements have always been great. My cholesterol is always pretty high but my triglycerides are in the 60-80 range. Trying a lower t level could certainly be an option.
I’ve been on trt 11 years and all in all I’m doing pretty well. The one thing I’ve always had issues with while on trt is the inability to lose weight and just being more flabby than when I was natural. I’m sure a good deal of its water weight because the higher my dose the worse it is. Before trt I was always very lean and easily able to lose weight. I'm just wondering if long term suppression of upstream hormones plays a part in this and if anyone else has noticed this.
That is how its marketed, but very few of us get increased libido or notice much in the way of getting leaner unless we are very strict with diet.
I'm 75+ I started going to LowT about 2 years ago. They started me at 140mg Cypionate and went as high as 180. My Test went fro 250 to as high as 1300 but @ 1300 I had to drop back to 140 from 180. Because LowT cost medicare people $250@ month I started going o a urologist where I only pay $20 ever 3 months and it takes 3monts supply home However he only gave out 100 mg per wk That Ok because I have 3 bottles of 10CC Cypionate that I picked up at the Gym. So I can adjust my level to the amount I fell like. I guess the point is that my Junk (Penis) has been hard for every day since I started. At 1250 I could recover and be ready to go again in 2-3 hrs. But I have some other problems I've lost a lot of sensitivity it take over an hr to climax and maybe not then. I can get hard in a flash but if I last too long I have to have ED pills or it gets limp for a while and I have to start over. Needless to say, my wife doesn't care for my Test or my pills. She could give a shit if we have sex. I'm a gym rat and have beat the grim reaper 3 times (liver cancer, Colon Cancer & Lung mass + stage 4 cirrhosis plus Dibeaties & COPD. Anyone got a suggestion for the sensitive issue.
I was thinking the same thing. I gained 15lbs on cypionate, but no HCG.

I’m sure part of its was water weight, but TRT also significantly increased my appetite.
oh man me too! and not in a good way i was eating everything i could get my hands on, i had to put a quick stop to that shit.
I had a fair bit of edema during the first few weeks of TRT but it tapered off to nothing after ~ 4th week and hasn't returned thankfully. At first I was a bit alarmed by it but everything I read indicated that it should go away after a few weeks. What hasn't yet though is I'm ~6-8 lbs heavier than before I started. Diet and exercise are unchanged and it's not muscle because my pants are tighter than they used to be. So has to be intracellular water - coming up on 3 months next week since I started and hoping to shed that because I can definitely feel it when I ride and not eager to buy new pants. I've upped my potasium intake to counter the sodium retention but honestly not been consistent with it.
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I agree 100%.

That said, I wish TRT gave me some libido, some energy and some ability to if not gain any muscle, at least recover from exercise better. We are different and genetics play a huge role as you stated so I have to deal with the hand I was dealt. If I was younger and not shut down so hard I would try a restart. I had low T before so I know I would go back to that low level if I could restart, but TRT feels exactly like Low T to me. I do have a consult soon so perhaps I could feel something - anything at all would be nice - from adding low dose Deca or Stanozolol to my protocol as others here have done. Fingers crossed.

How did you feel in during the first several weeks on TRT? Did it increase your libido then?
I'm 75+ I started going to LowT about 2 years ago. They started me at 140mg Cypionate and went as high as 180. My Test went fro 250 to as high as 1300 but @ 1300 I had to drop back to 140 from 180. Because LowT cost medicare people $250@ month I started going o a urologist where I only pay $20 ever 3 months and it takes 3monts supply home However he only gave out 100 mg per wk That Ok because I have 3 bottles of 10CC Cypionate that I picked up at the Gym. So I can adjust my level to the amount I fell like. I guess the point is that my Junk (Penis) has been hard for every day since I started. At 1250 I could recover and be ready to go again in 2-3 hrs. But I have some other problems I've lost a lot of sensitivity it take over an hr to climax and maybe not then. I can get hard in a flash but if I last too long I have to have ED pills or it gets limp for a while and I have to start over. Needless to say, my wife doesn't care for my Test or my pills. She could give a shit if we have sex. I'm a gym rat and have beat the grim reaper 3 times (liver cancer, Colon Cancer & Lung mass + stage 4 cirrhosis plus Dibeaties & COPD. Anyone got a suggestion for the sensitive issue.

Have you tried HCG? That often really helps sensitivity issues
My E2 has never been above 30 mainly because I’m a high shbg guy. Honestly other than energy trt has done nothing else positive. I’ve been on injections for the last 9.5 years and basically to the point of feeling asexual. I haven’t had a healthy libido in 7-8 years. My first 1.5 years on trt were on Androgel and that was the best I’ve did on trt but stopped due to a lapse in insurance coverage.
This was a post earlier concerning libido. Not sure if its applicable.
bbex2014 said:
I totally agree with everything you have here. Hopefully some guys on cream only protocols can share their dht labs on here. If anyone here is doing a cream only protocol through Defy, I can pretty much guarantee they are testing dht levels. What are you doing Jason, 1 click of 200 mg/gm cream scrotally daily added to your injections?
Yes, we test for DHT when a patient is on a T cream. DHT is involved in a lot of things not the least of which is libido, so I highly recommend checking it at least 1-2 times a year no matter what type of treatment one is on. It's good to get a baseline if nothing else and then see how that trends over time because you are getting older every day and no protocol always stays the same.

I use a 5% (50mg cream) with 2 clicks AM, 1 click PM daily. I am a bad example in looking at results because I unknowingly took a 5-ar inhibitor (Accutane) in my late teens. No matter how much T I take (I've tried up to 40mg daily), my DHT never goes above 41. The cream pushes my DHT up to 80-85-ish, drastically improving libido. I have also been trying out the new T nasal gel that Empower makes which is prescribed as a temporary booster and that works very well.

If you are interested in other ways of increasing DHT, there was a small study with rugby players showing that 10g of creatine supplemented daily increased their DHT by 56%. I tried it myself and it does work, but that is a lot of creatine and it made me feel bloated.

If you are a Defy patient and interested in maybe "going around" low DHT-related issues, you can ask about other androgens. It doesn't work for everyone and the doses have to be reasonable in relation to your T, but I've been on low doses of Nandrolone and either Oxandrolone or Stanozolol and my libido is far higher than it ever has been and I'm losing bodyfat like crazy too.

There really are a lot of different options in working with DHT in various ways.
This was a post earlier concerning libido. Not sure if its applicable.

Yes, we test for DHT when a patient is on a T cream. DHT is involved in a lot of things not the least of which is libido, so I highly recommend checking it at least 1-2 times a year no matter what type of treatment one is on. It's good to get a baseline if nothing else and then see how that trends over time because you are getting older every day and no protocol always stays the same.

I use a 5% (50mg cream) with 2 clicks AM, 1 click PM daily. I am a bad example in looking at results because I unknowingly took a 5-ar inhibitor (Accutane) in my late teens. No matter how much T I take (I've tried up to 40mg daily), my DHT never goes above 41. The cream pushes my DHT up to 80-85-ish, drastically improving libido. I have also been trying out the new T nasal gel that Empower makes which is prescribed as a temporary booster and that works very well.

If you are interested in other ways of increasing DHT, there was a small study with rugby players showing that 10g of creatine supplemented daily increased their DHT by 56%. I tried it myself and it does work, but that is a lot of creatine and it made me feel bloated.

If you are a Defy patient and interested in maybe "going around" low DHT-related issues, you can ask about other androgens. It doesn't work for everyone and the doses have to be reasonable in relation to your T, but I've been on low doses of Nandrolone and either Oxandrolone or Stanozolol and my libido is far higher than it ever has been and I'm losing bodyfat like crazy too.

There really are a lot of different options in working with DHT in various ways.

What was ur complete protocol when u would include Oxandrolone?
This was a post earlier concerning libido. Not sure if its applicable.

Yes, we test for DHT when a patient is on a T cream. DHT is involved in a lot of things not the least of which is libido, so I highly recommend checking it at least 1-2 times a year no matter what type of treatment one is on. It's good to get a baseline if nothing else and then see how that trends over time because you are getting older every day and no protocol always stays the same.

I use a 5% (50mg cream) with 2 clicks AM, 1 click PM daily. I am a bad example in looking at results because I unknowingly took a 5-ar inhibitor (Accutane) in my late teens. No matter how much T I take (I've tried up to 40mg daily), my DHT never goes above 41. The cream pushes my DHT up to 80-85-ish, drastically improving libido. I have also been trying out the new T nasal gel that Empower makes which is prescribed as a temporary booster and that works very well.

If you are interested in other ways of increasing DHT, there was a small study with rugby players showing that 10g of creatine supplemented daily increased their DHT by 56%. I tried it myself and it does work, but that is a lot of creatine and it made me feel bloated.

If you are a Defy patient and interested in maybe "going around" low DHT-related issues, you can ask about other androgens. It doesn't work for everyone and the doses have to be reasonable in relation to your T, but I've been on low doses of Nandrolone and either Oxandrolone or Stanozolol and my libido is far higher than it ever has been and I'm losing bodyfat like crazy too.

There really are a lot of different options in working with DHT in various ways.

Jason, are you still around?
I took accutane for 2 years in my late teens- early twenties.
Are you applying the cream to your scrotum? How much oxandrolone are you taking?
My E2 has never been above 30 mainly because I’m a high shbg guy. Honestly other than energy trt has done nothing else positive. I’ve been on injections for the last 9.5 years and basically to the point of feeling asexual. I haven’t had a healthy libido in 7-8 years. My first 1.5 years on trt were on Androgel and that was the best I’ve did on trt but stopped due to a lapse in insurance coverage.

How much test cyp are you using?
Have you considered using a compounded cream? It's less expensive than Androgel.
60mg is as high as I can tolerate which puts my 7 day trough at 650-700ng. I’ve tried compounded cream for a couple months in the past and didn’t like it.
60mg is as high as I can tolerate which puts my 7 day trough at 650-700ng. I’ve tried compounded cream for a couple months in the past and didn’t like it.

So you only use 60mg once a week? I'm surprised you can achieve those numbers with such a low dose. 60mg/week would lower baseline testosterone levels in a lot of guys.

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