I love this stuff, has really changed my relationship to food as an energy source. The first two days after this 5mg step-up has been pretty nausea-inducing, but I have a sense of humor about it because I know it is fading quickly. A few days of nausea is my only side. I also felt a bit like that for the first few days on 2.5mg, but my system acclimated pretty quickly. My understanding is it takes up to four weeks for the med to fully saturate and 'teach' the GIP and GLP1 receptors. After a few weeks on 2.5mg I thought I was ready to skip 5mg and go straight to 10mg, but my doc advised against it. I'm glad I listened!
Some slight constipation too, but for me that is remedied by lots of water and keeping magnesium in my PM supplement stack (I took last week off supps and definitely noticed a quick shift to rabbit-poop-style bowl movements!)
How long were you on semaglutide and what dose did you get to? Because the GIP agonist will be new for you, it might require some acclimation time... or not. You'll have a good sense for that after a few days.
Good luck! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you.