Water Retention and Rapid Weight Gain Caused by Testosterone

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Hi All,
Just wondering what are all the lab tests recommended to detect water retention?
Would Renin-aldosterone Ratio be one of them? and how about ADH?
The reason I ask is I had the same problem when starting TRT and I had to stop it because of too much weight gain too fast. I am going to a nephrologist this time before going back to my Endo and want to ask the nephrologist to run some tests to figure out the water retention and fast weight gain issues before starting TRT again. thanks
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Never heard of a "test" for water retention...discussion on this forum centers on two things, the Testosterone ester, and then possibly Estrogen being too high. None of the things you mentioned get discussed here...
Hi All,
Just wondering what are all the lab tests recommended to detect water retention?
Would Renin-aldosterone Ratio be one of them? and how about ADH?
The reason I ask is I had the same problem when starting TRT and I had to stop it because of too much weight gain too fast. I am going to a nephrologist this time before going back to my Endo and want to ask the nephrologist to run some tests to figure out the water retention and fast weight gain issues before starting TRT again. thanks

I created this panel

Water Retention Panel: Renin Activity and Aldosterone

The Role of Aldosterone, ACTH, and Renin in Water Retention and High Blood Pressure
Never heard of a "test" for water retention...discussion on this forum centers on two things, the Testosterone ester, and then possibly Estrogen being too high. None of the things you mentioned get discussed here...

We have discussed this several times, especially when high estradiol is the alleged culprit.

The role of aldosterone, acth, and renin in water retention and high blood pressure


Water Retention Caused by Testosterone May Have Nothing to Do with Estradiol - ExcelMale

Effect of Administration of Nandrolone Decanoate upon Aldosterone Concentration and Serum Na+/K+ Lev
Has anyone used Lasix/furosemide (generic) for water retention? Doc gave me 12.5 mg of HTZ but that’s not doing the trick. If so what dose? I read that Spironolactone (which my wife takes) could raise progestrone so I want to stop that. I’ve been on it for 3 days and it took off some water, but it has downsides for men. Thanks.
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Yes, I have been using Lasix for years at a dosage of about 10 - 20 mg per day to deal with water retention from testosterone. it only slightly helps. I've been struggling with water retention for the past 10 years or so. Bloods don't show anything of value. I diet very well. I train 6 days a week and do an hour of cardio every day. Im vascular and look great everywhere except my abdomen. looks like I've never trained a day in my life. It's all water. I noticed the water retention is dosage depended as well. And if I add any other compound it amplifies the effects. This causes me so much stress and anxiety. Nothing I do stops the water form accumulating. Been trying to solve this problem for years and still have no answers. Looking for help here on this forum. This is my very first post. Let me know if you have any ideas or recommendations.
Welcome, @nakedjoe99 !

What TRT dose are you using? What compounds are you using that amplify water retention? Any alcohol or high salt consumption? How old are you? How are your triglycerides and glucose?
Thanks for the welcome!
OK, so:
TRT: 200mg/wk
Have not used any other compounds since about September of 2019. Currently also takind sermorelin, ipamorelin, cjc-1295 with dac, IGF-1lr3
No alcohol and no high salt consumption
37 years old
Fasting blood glucose: 98
The peptides most certainly could add to the retention, but they are a more resent addition to my protocol within the past 2 months or so. I actually started them in a quest to see if they would help. This water retention issues has existed for years. The only thing that seems to help is a reduction in my testosterone dosage. I was using 500mg + for years then went to 125mg/wk to clean out. After a couple of months, the water retention subsided greatly. However, at that low dosage my test serum level was 305 and I felt very weak, lethargic, etc. so I increased my dosage to 200mg/week and within about 24 hours the water retention returned full blast! Literally overnight!
The peptides most certainly could add to the retention, but they are a more resent addition to my protocol within the past 2 months or so. I actually started them in a quest to see if they would help. This water retention issues has existed for years. The only thing that seems to help is a reduction in my testosterone dosage. I was using 500mg + for years then went to 125mg/wk to clean out. After a couple of months, the water retention subsided greatly. However, at that low dosage my test serum level was 305 and I felt very weak, lethargic, etc. so I increased my dosage to 200mg/week and within about 24 hours the water retention returned full blast! Literally overnight!
You must be a low shbg guy? You can lower your weekly dose of testosterone, with more frequent injections.
Hey, Vince thanks for responding. I've actually not gotten SHBG tested. Why do you suggest this? I split my 200mg/wk dosage into two 100mg doses.

You're suggesting changing my 2x week protocol to ED or EOD will have an impact on my water retention? I searched the link you sent me but didn't find any connection with injection frequency and water retention. I know the broad picture here is to emphasize overall less side effects from the compound at smaller more frequent injections. Perhaps my body doesn't like dealing with larger volumes at once? I might actually give this a shot.. no pun intended.. to see what happens 28.5mg/day would yield 200mg/week. Back filling insulin pins is a pain, but if this works, I owe you the equivalent of what seems to be a lifetime worth of struggle! We'll see what happens. Again, I haven't gotten my SHBG checked ever so I don't know what it is, but we'll see what happens. Thank you!
I would try daily injections if I were you. You can inject a lower dose and keep higher numbers. Also it should lower your estrogen and lower your water retention. Most guys do good with 16 mg of testosterone daily, no need to go higher, some members with low shbg, need lower than 16 mg.
I don't know if you use an insulin syringe, but that's what I use for daily injections. A 29 g 1/2" Easy Touch syringes for both HCG and testosterone.
I sure hope so. Ill give it a try. I just injected this morning so ill start this new ED protocol Sunday. I use the same syringe type. Do you rotate your injection spot? What ester are you using? Has this protocol worked for anyone else you know of for water retention?
You're suggesting changing my 2x week protocol to ED or EOD will have an impact on my water retention? I searched the link you sent me but didn't find any connection with injection frequency and water retention. I know the broad picture here is to emphasize overall less side effects from the compound at smaller more frequent injections. Perhaps my body doesn't like dealing with larger volumes at once? I might actually give this a shot.. no pun intended.. to see what happens 28.5mg/day would yield 200mg/week. Back filling insulin pins is a pain, but if this works, I owe you the equivalent of what seems to be a lifetime worth of struggle! We'll see what happens. Again, I haven't gotten my SHBG checked ever so I don't know what it is, but we'll see what happens. Thank you!

I tried the insulin syringe method. It works for some, not me. I buy syringes with a 25 gauge 5/8 (3/4”) needle in bulk from WestEndMedicalSupplies.com . I also buy 18 Gauge drawing needles.

Pop on the 18 and draw, pop on the 5/8, and right into the should/arm. painless and fast.
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