Veggies doing more harm than good?

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My doctor told me to cut back on red meat so I started eating a lot more fruits and vegetables and cut back on the amount of meat I was eating.
All of the nutritional sciences is rubbish, there’s no control groups and all the studies looking at red meat consumption causing heart disease are questionnaires and surveys, this is not science!!

Doctors will even go back and recalculate old data and then claim a new study came out showing that red meat consumption causes heart disease, truly insane!

The Seventh Day Adventist Church has a lot of power and influence in this country in the last 100 years. They have changed nutritional thought for the last 10 decades.

The sugar companies in 1977 paid the USDA to say red meat consumption causes heart disease to take the heat off sugar!

So your doctor wants you to eat fruit or should I say sugar and reduce or eliminate red meat, which has no carbs or sugar, what a joke!!

If you look at all the studies saying red meat consumption leads to heart disease, the doctors running the show have ties to Kellogg Food Corporation.

Don’t drink the wrong Kool-Aid!

If red meat was so bad for humans, we would’ve been extinct long ago! Heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes didn’t even exist 100 years ago and humans have been eating, mostly red meat up until the last 100 years.

You can thank the Seventh Day Adventist Church founded by Dr. Kellogg and Mr. Graham, which started out as a cult that believed red meat caused lustful thoughts and veggies tamed these evil urges because we can’t have humans procreating now can we?

When animals stop mating, they are sick!!

Even if your doctor knew better, he can’t tell you to increase red meat consumption because he will risk losing his medical license as there are organizations watching him, making sure he’s towing the line that the various nutritional organizations are saying even though there’s no real hard science saying one way or the other.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
It's been a while since your post, but I'd like to add some information. I get where you're coming from with veggies sometimes seeming like they could be more harm than good
Ya it’s just botany 101. Whether veggies have plant defense chemicals/ plant toxins/ anti nutrients in them to defend themselves from predation, and ultimately becoming extinct, is not debatable, it’s just facts, and again botany 101. Any botanist will confirm this. What is debatable, is how much these plant toxins/ plant defense chemicals/ anti nutrients are interacting negatively with humans, once consumed. There’s a lot of variables at play here tho. How was the veggie prepared, and whether that preparation decreases the levels of plant toxins/ plant defense chemicals/ anti nutrients. How robust is the persons overall health, and how resilient are they going to be to these plant toxins/ plant defense chemicals/ anti nutrients, once consumed. And what levels of plant toxins/ plant defense chemicals/ anti nutrients, did the vegetable have in it to begin with

The biggest reason that it’s hard for people to grasp these concepts is the same reason that it’s very difficult for people to understand how truly detrimental processed foods are for the human body. Reason being that people rarely ever feel immediate negative effects from consuming vegetables, or consuming processed foods. If a person doesn’t get an immediate response from something, good or bad, it’s very difficult for them to understand whether something is actually having any effect on them, again, good or bad. Humans nowadays require immediate effects, good or bad, most of the time, in order to have that thing cause them to adjust the way they’re doing things. It’s just how humans are, for whatever reason. Well most humans, I should say. People like me, and I’m sure many others, don’t need to experience immediate effects from something like a food, for example, to understand whether it’s improving or hurting our overall health
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All of the nutritional sciences is rubbish, there’s no control groups and all the studies looking at red meat consumption causing heart disease are questionnaires and surveys, as in not science!!

The Seventh Day Adventist Church has a lot of power and influence in this country in the last 100 years. They have changed nutritional thought for the last 10 decades.

The sugar companies in 1977 paid the USDA to say red meat consumption causes heart disease to take the heat off sugar!

So your doctor wants you to eat fruit or should I say sugar and reduce or eliminate red meat, which has no carbs or sugar, what a joke!!

If you look at all the studies saying red meat consumption leads to heart disease, the doctors running the show have ties to Kellogg Food Corporation.

Don’t drink the wrong Kool-Aid!

If red meat was so bad for humans, we would’ve been extinct long ago! Heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes didn’t even exist 100 years ago and humans have been eating, mostly red meat up until the last 100 years.

You can thank the Seventh Day Adventist Church founded by Dr. Kellogg and Mr. Graham, which started out as a cult that believed red meat caused lustful thoughts and veggies tamed these evil urges because we can’t have humans procreating now can we?

When animals stop mating, they are sick!
I concur 100% with all of this. Well said
My BP ranges from morning (after showering and getting ready) 115/70 to ~150s/80 when I’m actually in a doctors office. At home later in the day I can relax and get it down to 120’s over 70. My doctor is fine with it. I workout hard 3 times a week with tire flips, sleds, carries among other heavy weight training and ride bikes 30-60 minutes a few times a week.
There’s also this:
If I’m understanding it correctly, the number isn’t so important as doing all the things that influence the numbers...
Update here: ever since getting my e2 up to mid20’s to 30’s, my blood pressure is always about 120/80. No white coat syndrome anymore. Whereas e2 at 17 was a problem.
Update here: ever since getting my e2 up to mid20’s to 30’s, my blood pressure is always about 120/80. No white coat syndrome anymore. Whereas e2 at 17 was a problem.
That's super interesting to me. My E2 is always sub 20 and I have white coat syndrome as well. Once in a while my home measurement systolic gets to 140. I have never tried tying BP to E2 though.

What did you do to get your E2 higher?
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That's super interesting to me. My E2 is always sub 20 and I have white coat syndrome as well. Once in a while my home measurement systolic gets to 140. I have never tried tying BP to E2 though.

What did you do to get your E2 higher?
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