Has anyone took the time to actually listen to the full video above with Dr. Paul Saladino? The guy is extremely intelligent, and is like a robot when it comes to knowledge on diet and how the body works. He actually used to be a vegan for quite some time. So he’s not biased one way or the other. It’s just hard to argue that humans are supposed to eat vegetables after listening to him to talk.
Also, with all the research I’ve been doing in regards to the carnivore diet, it’s just hard to ignore the results people are having. It just seems like for the majority of people, even when they feel like vegetables are having no adverse effects, they all feel much better when removing them from their diet. Mood improves, depression and anxiety lift, all chronic inflammation disappears, and therefore all chronic conditions either clear up or improve drastically, weight drops, they have more energy. I personally have no biases in regards to what the proper diet is. I’m just trying to find what’s optimal, and what’s going to allow me to stay as healthy as possible, and live as long as I can. I just can’t believe the results people are having on carnivore. It’s the closest thing I’ve seen to a miracle cure for basically every ailment that plagues humans, whether it be mental or physical. Just really interesting stuff when ur open to it and not married to one way of thinking, in regards to diet.