I have kept a crude TRT journal over the last several years, adding notes every week or so. On occasion, I will review the journal to spot any patterns or conclusions that I can draw with a reasonably high degree of certainty. This is how I often find myself repeating the same mistakes over again LOL.
While many of my results have been non-sensical or confounding, one pattern has developed over time - I almost always report feeling good after a protocol change - e.g., the form of testosterone, dose, frequency, and/or injection method. It doesn't matter whether the dose increased or decreased. Same result. Comments like: "Wonderful day! So motivated and appreciated everyone and everything." This usually goes on for 2-3 days and then inevitably I report an emotional flatness, feeling unmotivated, etc.
Many others on this forum have reported feeling a similar temporary boost following a protocol change. The question is what causes this marvelous yet fleeting feeling? Is it the placebo effect? Or is it a dopamine spike?
I tend to think its the latter and have concluded that most of my issues are driven more by a dopamine deficiency than low T. This is especially true when it comes to libido.
Upon reflection, I realize that I've been chasing dopamine most of my adult life. My family often kids me about being a hobby junkie. The pattern is the same every time. I find a new hobby, research the hell out it, go balls-to-the-wall obsession, surf the high and then lose interest. Thankfully I don't usually waste new gear because I will "rediscover" the hobby at some point and the cycle begins anew. Its a bit maddening, but at least you learn to laugh at yourself as you grow older.
How to harness power of protocol changes?
Is there a way to regularly use protocol changes to manipulate dopamine without sabotaging TRT? The dopamine spike would be temporary since the body will self-regulate, but I would take it!
For example, one could rotate from daily injections to EOD every other week. Or for daily injectors (like me), one could change his dose each day using a ladder approach: 7mg => 8mg => 9mg => 10mg and then back down to 7mg.