Shepard Growlski
New Member
Hi all,
I've been on HCG (solely HCG, not T or anything else) to increase my testosterone levels for secondary hypogomadism. 500 units 3x a week. It's been about 5 weeks. After 3 weeks my bloodwork showed a drastic increase in testosterone (I was at 19 ng/dl, now I'm at 600), but still not much increase in libido. I get a lot of random erections, but feel like I'm still not getting turned on. It's not that I don't imagine/think about things, but don't think erections are really coming as a result.
Given how low my T level was before, will this just take a little while for everything to get back to normal? I also heard that maybe I should look into estradiol.
Below are my lab results if they help. Thanks!
I've been on HCG (solely HCG, not T or anything else) to increase my testosterone levels for secondary hypogomadism. 500 units 3x a week. It's been about 5 weeks. After 3 weeks my bloodwork showed a drastic increase in testosterone (I was at 19 ng/dl, now I'm at 600), but still not much increase in libido. I get a lot of random erections, but feel like I'm still not getting turned on. It's not that I don't imagine/think about things, but don't think erections are really coming as a result.
Given how low my T level was before, will this just take a little while for everything to get back to normal? I also heard that maybe I should look into estradiol.
Below are my lab results if they help. Thanks!