Uro Signs Off on Labs - Very Upset

So I got fed up and just called Defy. I am a new patient and will get blood drawn again tommrow for them and a physical as well to get the ball going. Im so fed up with NY docs, I hope he didnt write anything bad on my medical record.
So I got fed up and just called Defy. I am a new patient and will get blood drawn again tommrow for them and a physical as well to get the ball going. Im so fed up with NY docs, I hope he didnt write anything bad on my medical record.

As Re-Ride noted, federal law entitles you to a copy of your medical records, all of them. I would make that request right away.
I would talk to someone other than the secretary

Agreed. He might not have looked closely or his secretary just said that. Not a perfect Dr. or office but I would follow-up. I know a few Dr. and they often don't know what is going on with staff.
You made a comment indicating you were concerned about what might have been entered in your chart. I was reminding you that you could determine what was or was not recorded.

Yeah your right I did say that, sorry man im just stressed. To be honest I feel better that im going to be with Defy and that ither doc can just stay as is. He website looks amazing but he did not help me. I cant wait for a month follow up with him screw him
... His website looks amazing but he did not help me. I cant wait for a month follow up with him screw him

Amazing website? How many more times would he need refer to testosterone as dangerous, Addictive and a Dependency problem in "Services" under his heading "Test Hormone Replacement" before you come to the understanding that he does not offer TRT?

Easy to understand not having the energy to file a complaint of deceptive and misleading advertising with Dept Consumer Affairs. If not for the refund you are due perhaps you will consider the well being of others who follow in your footsteps.

Dr. Roberts may not be the only one failing to be forthright. You say that you were on 200 mg T cyp per week but stopped because you "ran out". I suspect that you went to see him not for TRT but for some alternate therapy and to be "weened off T" just like it say on his site.

Regardless, you have a doc who asked you to lie as a condition of receiving medicine. It happened or you imagined it happened. All anyone knows for sure is that his web site appears to be baiting people seeking TRT. Most here would not be encouraged in the least to engage him after visiting that site.
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I went in to continue my trt not for anything else! I was fed up with telemedicine, but Defy seems very diffrent in how they run things and thats why I decided to go there.
I went in to continue my trt not for anything else! I was fed up with telemedicine, but Defy seems very diffrent in how they run things and thats why I decided to go there.

Thanks for your reply dteran61. What is confusing to me is why you would engage Dr. Larry Roberts for TRT given what he says about "Testosterone Hormone Replacement" under "Services" on his web site. Did you simply read the heading and not the description?
Thanks for your reply dteran61. What is confusing to me is why you would engage Dr. Larry Roberts for TRT given what he says about "Testosterone Hormone Replacement" under "Services" on his web site. Did you simply read the heading and not the description?

To be honest I saw TRT and thought the best of it. Its my fault. I am happy though because im going to start with Defy.
O.K. No, its not your fault. You were deceived through deceptive advertising. Good luck with Defy. You are in good hands.

Here is the N.Y.S. on-line complaint form for false and misleading advertising:

Feel free to use my comments in the form. Regardless what occurred at your first appointment his site is misleading.

My final question is: When you went to see Dr. Roberts did you tell him straight up that you wished to continue permanent testosterone replacement therapy? If so what was his response? This is important. At this point he should have disclosed to you that he either would or would not prescribe follow and treat permanent TRT . If he said he would then he should have also disclosed what lab results would be required as a condition.
O.K. No, its not your fault. You were deceived through deceptive advertising. Good luck with Defy. You are in good hands.

Here is the N.Y.S. on-line complaint form for false and misleading advertising:

Feel free to use my comments in the form. Regardless what occurred at your first appointment his site is misleading.

My final question is: When you went to see Dr. Roberts did you tell him straight up that you wished to continue permanent testosterone replacement therapy? If so what was his response? This is important. At this point he should have disclosed to you that he either would or would not prescribe follow and treat permanent TRT . If he said he would then he should have also disclosed what lab results would be required as a condition.

I went in with my scripts in hand and told him look im on this I ran out of my meds and im most likely crashed my system. He said ok get bloods and we go from there. I told him I stoppped mid december. I didnt think my labs were going to be that bad to be honest. It is what it is. Youve been great help man! I really hope Defy get me good. I know TRT is for life but I want to be healthy for my two boys.
someone like defy would absolutely help you, my problem is the cost is absurd spending like 200 a month on T therapy. me personally i spend about $20/month test+hcg+labs.

If you can find a knowledgeable doctor and it’s all covered by insurance, more power to you. Unfortunately, finding a doctor knowledgeable in TRT who also accepts insurance is a challenge for many. Defy is a great option, and while the cost may be higher, it’s still cheaper than most “men’s clinics” and the medical care is top notch.

$200/month also is a little high. Upfront costs are a little expensive with labs, consult, etc., but once you’re up and running I’d say it averages more like $100/month over the course of a year.
"We'll get labs and go from there"

Classic evasive response. Readers of this thread and the many like it here are well advised to inquire prior to or at their first visit what specific treatment the doctor will offer if results come back out of range low.

What is his definition of low? An acceptable response is:

"Your total testosterone results need to come back below xxx ng/dL with x number of sequential tests within x number of weeks" "If it does then I will offer you your choice of transdermal or injection."

Their requirement may include ranges for free T, bioavailable ect. Whatever the doc's requirements and protocol is those should be disclosed prior to or at the first visit. Does he have a treatment serum goal for you? A fixed number like 400 600 900 ng/dl?

Why wait until your sixth month to find out that this doctor believes 300 ng/dL is the goal for every patient?

These questions appear in the stickies here. Write them down and hand them to the doctor at the beginning of your visit or better yet attach them to the intake form with a request that they be answered prior to your appointment. It's easier by far than asking questions during the exam. This alerts the MD that you've done your homework. Most will appreciate that. His approach should be one of team effort. If he is not assessing how you are responding physically and cognitively, beyond mere lab results, then you are unlikely to realize the benefit from TRT which you expect and deserve.

Not any different then taking your auto with a leaking radiator to a mechanic. He insists on performing a $75 "diagnostic" first. Afterwards you are told what you already know. O.K. when will the repair be completed? "I don't work on radiators!" he replies. You relied on his integrity. Now you know that the next service writer needs to be willing to write the service order with your participation, specifically stating what they will do after the diagnostic and how much it will cost.

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