Ups and Downs in Beginning Months?


New Member
Hey Guys,
Just finished up six weeks and so far a lot of my issues have improved. HR is still a bit over what it was but hangs out around 75 which is fine to me. BP is back to normal. Pinning no longer causes lingering soreness. All of that is good.

On the negative side I'm not feeling the extra energy and sex drive like I had around weeks 2-5. I'm feeling close to the way I did before starting.

Maybe it is the loss of my natural test causing issues and it will take some time to adjust to that happening?

Curious if any of you experienced something similar.
When are you scheduled for a follow-up consultation with your doctor? What labs do you have? Six weeks is an excellent benchmark, but your body is still adjusting to your protocol and changes are going to continue for a while. And remember, exogenous testosterone is not a magical potion. There will be days or weeks where you don't feel at the top of your game in terms of libido or energy. That is normal and might be attributed to many things that have nothing to do with TRT. But if you're moving in the right direction, and it sounds as if you are, that is good news.
That's true man. I am paranoid about feeling the way I did in the past but it's very possible I'm just coming down with something as well.

My blood draw is on 10/20 and my discussion is on 10/25. I have a suspicion my test is going to be too high but we will see.
Bishop, I am the same way .... in week 5 with High BP and back to the wiered state. How long did it take for the BP to be normal.? I just had my blood work done. somehow I feel like my estrogen has spiked, even though I was at 10 when I started.
My BP came down to mostly normal around week 3. My estrogen was 8 before I started. I wouldn't worry too much about yours being spiked. I doubt that is causing your issues.
The strange thing is that I had pains in my joints / muscles, the only thing they could find was low T (under 200). I was told by the doc that since my estrogen , T and IGF-1 is low I have all those issues, so if all these values increase I ll have better muscles and bones. My pains remain the same but BP went up. My family has BP history and mine use to spike once in a while due to work related stress but then used to come down. I have no clue what is going on.... I just did my blood work and I will be so disappointed if all the values that I mentioned came up but I still end up having pains and high BP. Will my body now never make LH and Ts in case if I quit in next few weeks?
You haven't been taking it very long. I imagine your normal system will restart when you quit. If it doesn't there is a sticky thread on how to get it started again.

As far as all your pains go. How active have you been in the past? If you are not very active in my experience this can cause all sorts of issues. So can diet and excess stress.

If this doesn't work for you I would start looking into anti inflammation diet and a good exercise program.
You'll go the better of a year before you get ironed out, mostly, the first few months are rather bumpy. Frequent bloods, small changes to dosing and frequency, more bloods, more small changes, it requires patience and perseverance. If you second guess it, fret and worry, or worse have some preexisting anxiety, none of those are helpful. Neither is frequent threads about I feel this, I feel that, does this happen, does that happen....none of that contributes to your well being.
Hey Vince,
I know you're right. Unfortunately I do have GAD and I'm also very OCD so when I feel like something isn't quite right I can't let it go.

When I post something it's to see if it's normal with some of you guys. If others have had similar experiences it's much easier for me to just relax.

I'll try not to post so much asking about things.
7 months in, enormous progress so far but I can't really say I'm 100% dialed in yet. Your hormonal profile needs time to find the right balance. Consider it like a journey. You'll learn so much about you and how your body works during the whole process. And for those wondering if it's worth it, if you're asking that question probably you didn't touch rock bottom. I know that for me TRT was the only choice possible. Totally worth it.
That's great to hear! I don't think I was at rock bottom yet. I was in the 200-300s. However, my mood was so bad that it was damaging my relationships and probably my health.

It's amazing how much more mellow and relaxed I am on TRT.
I'll try not to post so much asking about things.

You can post what you want, when you want. But remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint (useful cliche). My doctor has told me that her patients average none months before achieving the balance they choose. In my case, it was five months before I was where I wanted to be.

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